Creative > Roleplay

[RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)

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Tatsuya Amano:
Tatsuya: ...! Dude, can't you see this situation?!

*Lucifer throws another ball of fire towards me
Tatsuya: Hm, dreams are the only place where I can use my powers freely...
*I point my hand towards the ball

Tatsuya: The one and only place--
*I create a barrier of Electricity which stops the ball of fire and it dissapears

Lucifer: Damn you!!
*He starts flying towards me with his hand flaming up

*I make my barrier dissapear
Tatsuya: hm... if I yell my attacks out loud, they'll become stronger right? ...or..I say an unbelievably long speach while I'm doing the attack, which'll make me win the battle instantly! Like what I'm doing right now. I'm talking way too long and that guy is still going towards me

Lucifer: I. AM. LUCIFER!!
*I point 2 of my hands to Lucifer and he get's hit by a giant beam of electricity which makes him dissapear

*I shake my hands
Tatsuya: Damn, this dream is way too realistic... and in another way it isn't

*Tatsuya already forgot about the guy who called him

Loran felt ignored. The two figures seemed to be pretty occupied with each other. He stepped back inside. Yet, he couldn't shake off that nasty feeling he was being watched.

He poked his head outside, hoping to confirm his feeling. The two men were the only two outside. Or was that a mere thought? He secretly crossed his fingers behind his back, hoping that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. Since if it did, it might become dangerous. He thought of that one time a mind trick nearly costs him his life since a thought a killer was following him. His fantasy got then the best of him.

"I believe," a voice began, a smug voice. A voice that mocks everything. "... you just found someone as 'real' as you," Erick said.

He sat behind the dark corners of the room, picking at his fingers. His unnaturally dark, blood-red eyes stared deeply at Loran. "Congratulations. And you didn't even help him. What a human being you are."

Loran jumped. That voice he heard, it sounded familiar. Did he truly hear a voice or was it his mind going crazy again. At the moment Loran turned around and saw the dark, blood-red eyes, Loran started to feel uncomfortable.

"How did you find this place?" he asked with the nicest voice he could make. Yet, you could easily hear that he was scared, frustrated and anything but relaxed.

"You tell me. You were the one who ran." He stepped out of the darkness. His eyes blue, not red. He still stared at Loran, cautious of his actions. Their last encounter was not very pleasant.


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