Gaming > Retro Games

What is retro?

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Shame on me not making a topic of this.

PS2, DS, PSP, etc are retro? It doesn't feel "old". It just feels outdated. It doesn't have the same feel as playing Super Mario Bros. from the NES era. That's in my perspective, of course.


--- Quote from: BloodcatNS on June 18, 2013, 03:29:22 PM ---PS2, DS, PSP, etc are retro? It doesn't feel "old". It just feels outdated. It doesn't have the same feel as playing Super Mario Bros. from the NES era. That's in my perspective, of course.

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But I wouldn't call it exactly modern either. It's in that period that it's becoming retro.

Kiss x Miz:
Anything old enough to give you a nostalgiaboner


--- Quote from: Sir Sukebe on June 18, 2013, 09:05:31 PM ---Anything old enough to give you a nostalgiaboner

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Or anything that your mainstreamboner doesn't make erect.


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