Author Topic: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay  (Read 205966 times)

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2012, 03:24:53 AM »
"No, I lived at my grandma's house on her big property," The girl replied. "She said magic was fake stuff people on the island did." She was silent for a few moments before turning to call her little dragon friend with a wordless call that sounded like a human's failed attempt at making dragon noises. The little dragon flew up to her and landed on her shoulder, where she quietly greeted him with a smile.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #76 on: May 01, 2012, 03:44:02 AM »
Koel: I guess there are even places where even magic isn't known....hmmmm
He then noticed the girl make strange noises and then a small dragon like creature appear and land on her shoulder. Koel looked strangely at the dragon, but quickly returned to a indifferent expression, seemingly unphased by the girls constant surprises now. Expecting this sort of thing to happen.
Koel: Dragon huh? Normally dragons or members of that type of beast family are quite aggressive. How'd you get it to become so docile?

The General then stepped out of the cart and began to address all of the remaining soldiers
TMU General: Listen men, we don't have time to bury our round up the bodies and burn them. I know its hard, but its all we can do for them right now.
The men fell silent at the same time, looking to eachother with uncertainty and uneasiness. But eventually they dispersed across the area, picking up the mangled bodies and whatever is left of them. Some of the soldiers dropping the bodies they were holding and falling to the ground themselves and vomiting, unable to take the stress of handling the corpses of people they once knew in their past everyday life.
Darka looked at everything from inside the confines of the cart, only bothering to turn his head to see. But nothing else.
Darka:.......I don't think I will ever understand you.....

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2012, 03:45:33 AM »
Nemmy: .......*she watches on, then pulls her hood over, hiding her expression*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #78 on: May 01, 2012, 03:50:32 AM »
Walter looks to Nemmy and waves in front of her now covered face, seemingly unaware of personal space
Walter: Hey Nemmy, anybody home?
He continues waving and smiling as he did, his scruffy hair still protruding from his rusted helmet.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #79 on: May 01, 2012, 03:54:03 AM »
Nemmy: .....What am I gonna do with you.....*she walks off, then goes back into the cart*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #80 on: May 01, 2012, 03:58:00 AM »
Askardi waits in stoney silence..... He is worried about his horse that he sent away dtring battle.

To an untrained eye he would seem like a deep blackred deamon... sitting atop a black mound. His eyes flash red for a moment, then Askardi colaspes into the blood soaked ground. His chest is in horrible shape from the beating it took.

Unable to heal himself Askardi blacks out.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #81 on: May 01, 2012, 04:07:23 AM »
As Nemmy walked off Walter quickly followed her, holding his crossbow in his left hand. As they reached the cart he sat down and pulled the box from underneath him and placed the crossbow back inside, then kicking it back into its former place.
Walter: Too bad I didn't get to use it.....I just kinda froze back there
he then quickly perks up and smiles at Nemmy
Walter: But I see that you also use a crossbow in combat eh, maybe it is fate that we met!
He then leans closer to Nemmy and rests his chin in his right hand, while his elbow rests on his knee. Seductively winking at her.
Walter:.....we wouldn't wanna upset fate now would we?


As Askardi falls to the ground due to his wounds, a few soldiers stop what they were doing and rush to his aid. They remove their gloves and rest their bare hands on Askardi's various wounds. Then suddenly a gentle white light emanates from each of the soldiers hands and soon later when then light fade and blink out, Askardi's wounds had disappeared.
Soldier #1: He took quite a beating, but he should be fine now right?
Soldier #2: Yeah, he's just resting now. He should wake up soon. Lets take him inside the remaining non-private cart.
Soldier #3: Lets do this!
The soldiers each took a part of Askardi and lifted him up, slowly waddling their way towards the cart. As they made their way inside they passed Nemmy and Walter. They then placed Askardi laying on his back on the bench that Nemmy was on.
One of the soldiers addressed Nemmy
Soldier #1: Hey girl, keep your eye on that guy. He should wake up soon anyway.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #82 on: May 01, 2012, 04:10:51 AM »
Nemmy: Maybe.....but if you used dual crossbows, then I'd take somewhat of an interest in you....*she then turns around, takes her hood off, revealing her now fluffy hair, then seductively and teasingly speaks* Walter....~~~ *she winks*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #83 on: May 01, 2012, 04:18:18 AM »
Walter flinches nervously at Nemmy's reply, smiling and nervously laughing at the same time

Walter: Haha...heh...normally I just get rejected, not too sure where to go from here....

He then scratches the inside of his helmet with an awkward look on his face

Walter: By the way, I don't think I ever did your name, I need one to put to that beautiful face of yours~

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #84 on: May 01, 2012, 04:29:45 AM »
Askardi fights nightmares in his head. Mentally living the massacre of his people. Askardi was in the Eastern coridor when they came... deamons, shadows, its all a muddled nightmarish hell. He smells fires and hears screams. Then it stops..... Then begins again, louder and more feirce then before... And so Askardis mind begins the endless cycle.


Still unconsious, a deep vivid look of displeasure is visable on his face.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #85 on: May 01, 2012, 04:39:32 AM »
Nemmy: My name is....Netalia....but call me....Nemmy....*she smirks deviously, then conceals her face again* And if you play your cards right, I may consider something....but chances are.....slim. *she looks over the cart, over to the soldier that carried Askardi* Okay, sir. *she nods*
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 12:51:53 PM by NekoSmash » »

Offline CarolineJohnson

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #86 on: May 01, 2012, 07:32:28 AM »
Koel: I guess there are even places where even magic isn't known....hmmmm
He then noticed the girl make strange noises and then a small dragon like creature appear and land on her shoulder. Koel looked strangely at the dragon, but quickly returned to a indifferent expression, seemingly unphased by the girls constant surprises now. Expecting this sort of thing to happen.
Koel: Dragon huh? Normally dragons or members of that type of beast family are quite aggressive. How'd you get it to become so docile?

"I took his egg from a man visiting the house," The girl replied. "The man said he was gonna hatch the egg and farm the creature within for scales to use in medicine." She closed her eyes a little. "He came to the house to ask my grandma for that stuff she used to tie around an animal's mouth to keep it from biting. He didn't know I took the egg before he left. Nom hatched the same day. Grandma never knew about him..." She gave the little dragon a hug, and it seemed to return the affection.

((Sorry about the late reply. My sister decided to download some demo on the PS3 and it cut out my internet))

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #87 on: May 01, 2012, 01:24:00 PM »
Walter looked to Askardi who was lying down on the bench, still unconscious, but with a painful look in his eyes.
Walter: Looks like your friend there is having a bit of a did you all meet anyway? You battled together quite well.
He then chuckled, scratching his head again through his helmet
Walter: I hope that guy with the sword isn't ruining my chances, haha~

Koel looks at Melodia with a soft smile as she hugged her dragon friend. Then soon after giving a sorrowful sigh.
Koel: Its nice that you have someone like that......a companion to be by your side......
After a brief silence Koel turned around to a huge pile of debris and suddenly a his face lit up again
Koel: Oh man, I almost forgot about my blade. I'm sure it fell around somewhere in the debris.
He then ran towards the wooden planks of wood all randomly laying ontop of eachother, some broken and some simply out of place. Though its shape still somewhat resembled the cart it used to be.
He began to rummage through the wooden debris, throwing them behind him to keep them out the way.
Koel: It has to be here somewhere!

The soldiers around the area began to throw the bodies of their comrades into one big pile at the side of the road. The pile didn't stand very tall from the ground, but enough to show that a good few dozen men had fallen in the last battle, some bodies had body parts missing. A few of the soldiers plunged their comrades swords into the ground next to the pile, as a mark of respect. This went on until numerous swords dotted around the pile of bodies, creating a small memorial of sorts.
Soldier #1: I can't believe this this is what being a mercenary is like?
the soldier next to him had an unsure face on him, looking somewhat worried and scared.
Soldier #2: If this is what awaits us.....I don't think I can cope, whether it be my own death or my friends.....this is too much
A much more serious looking soldier approached the two, his face covered in dirt and wounds.
Soldier #3: No, you can't stop now. That would only be proving that they died in vain, don't let that be true.....I lost a lot of friends today. Friends that I have known since fact, I remember playing around these parts as a child, the soft cool air blowing against my cheeks as I played hide and seek with them. But for this place to become a memory of, its not sadness, we shouldn't let it be sadness.
The other two soldier looked at him silently, then looking back at the memorial. Decorated with swords and bodies.
Soldier #1: I guess you are right.....we left the village for a reason, right?
Soldier #2: Yeah, to leave our mark on the world!
Soldier #3: This is their mark, lets make sure everyone sees it.

(Background Music:

The three of the soldiers did what was asked of them, they returned to the debris of one of the carts and each picked out a piece of wood.  Using stone and flint in their satchels they set the wood aflame, each of them gazed at the fire they held in their hands, then soon after they tossed the make-shift torches into the pile of corpses, their friends being engulfed in a tower of fire. Smoke rose to the sky as all the other remaining soldiers in the area stopped for a moment, then saluted to the sky. Showing their respect to the dead.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #88 on: May 01, 2012, 03:05:38 PM »
Burdengsh walks about the bloody grounds. It comes up behind Melodia and nudges her inquisitivly. It licks here face, almost to say, wheres my master.

*Askardi's nightmare continues, this time a face. Void of expression is staring at him. It was black and every wrinkle could be seen. Its stare was intense. Empty void black eyes staring.... staring, a void sucking up all emotion. It grew closer to him, slowly closer and closer. Terrified Askardi ran his blade into the things chest. Instead of a pained expression, the terrible thing smiled horribly and grabs the sword that punctured its heart. It pulls it out slowly, laughing all the way. It whispered in a voice like crushed shattered glass, "Your people dont de...."
The nightmare too much, Askardi wakes from his dream with a strong viciously voiced NO!! Only to interupt something between the two comrades he had fought so hard with. He sits up elbow on knee, face in hand, clearly upset.*
"Im... sorry..."
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 03:16:09 PM by NekoBot » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #89 on: May 01, 2012, 08:06:08 PM »
In the midst of Askardi's outburst Walter suddenly jumped out of his seat, sporting a scared look on his face as one of his hands was placed firmly on his helmet, to keep it from bouncy off of his head.
Walter: Whoa there, hold your horses!
The initial shock was over, then Walter rested himself back down onto his seat and laid his head back and deeply huffed.
Walter: You gave me a bad case of the willies are you feeling eh? You looked like you having a bit of a nightmare.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #90 on: May 01, 2012, 08:13:56 PM »
"Its okay.... just a ghost of the mind...."
Askardi  griminces and takes his head out of his hand, looking at Walter.
"It's hard to be the only one of ones kind, no?"
Askardi looks to the back of the cart, "I would tell you if I knew you.... But somehow I don't think you could understand..."

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #91 on: May 01, 2012, 08:22:36 PM »
Walter chuckles to himself, putting his hand inside his helmet as usual and scratching his head as he looked at Askardi
Walter: One of a kind? Eh I wouldn't really know how that feels, I'm just a farm bumpkin from that village of Rauhl, where they recruited everybody. I'm just another soldier out of many....well...not so much "many" anymore haha...hah...
his attempt to laugh only made him feel a little sick to his stomach, but he quickly returned to his normal composure. Looking back to Askardi.
Walter: Well we're gonna be together for a little while longer, so I don't see the harm in sharing stories. So come on, out with it ya big lug ya!

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #92 on: May 01, 2012, 08:32:00 PM »
The girl looked at Burdengsh. "Why, hello there!" She said. "Are you lost?" A grin came over her face, just before Nom began hissing at Burdengsh. "Hey, Nom, don't do that!" She muttered to the little dragon. "This is a friend." She booped Nom on the nose.

((Writers bock!))

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #93 on: May 01, 2012, 08:40:11 PM »
Koel eventually finds a glisten in amongst the rubble, he plows through the rubble with his bare hands, throwing the debris far behind him to eventually find the blade resting in the pile. He grabbed the sword by the blade and gently lifted it from out of the debris. The throwing it into the air and catching it by the handle.
Koel: This feels better,'re with me again.
He then turns back to Melodia who now appears to be with a horse, Koel peered at the horse for a moment and thought deeply.
Koel: I've seen that horse before....wait....isn't that the one that the weird foreign guy was riding? Hmmm, I guess it must have come back for him.
He then slowly walks towards Melodia, sheathing his sword in a little make-shift holster underneath his left arm. Eventually arriving to the group.
Koel: Hmmmm, seems like everyone is together and alright. We should probably get into one of the carts soon though, I think the soldiers are almost done saying goodbye to their friends.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #94 on: May 01, 2012, 08:45:06 PM »
Askardi looks at Walter for a long time. Contemplated. Weighing the outcome.
"Perhaps.... A long time ago.... In the Great North there ruled a race known as the Aspargi, we were a legendary race of people who sought justice. Many came to us to resolve their problems.... We weren't exactly..." Askardi eyes glow red for a blink of an eye, easily missed if not paying attention. "nevermind, you dont need to know that bit... My people grew tired of the constant beggings of resolve and so moved to the Greater North, effectively the end of the world. The trek was dangerous as it was riddled with many obsticles, such as mountains, shrood bitter cold, and a poisnous sulfur air. We knew that it would be impossible for others to bother us as we lived out our lives. At the center of the Greater North, there is a land that is suitable to live on. This is where we built our castle. The king at the time was very happy of our choice to live here... but then things turned sour. There was a great storm of sorts. A great rock fell from the sky and killed many of our people [OoC- This would be a fallen astroid] It was deemed as a bad Omen and so we left to go back to the GreaterNorth where it was safer. Apun our return the new king ordered a new decree to the elite guard. It consited of myself and two others...."
Askardi broke off here and smiled slightly at the memory. Then his expression grew much sour and moody.
"The people were concerned... As they should be. The Omen came true. That night... we were visited by.... deamons. I dont know what to call them but this."
Askardi has a pained expression on his face now
"They came without warning, almost materilizing out of thin air so to say. No one saw it coming. A great battle was fought but all were murdered. The only servivors were the Elite guard and the King.... We had been issued a warning and a order to protect the King, we were just doing our duties when they came in...."
Fear now present on Askardi's face.....
"I cannot describe every detail or of everything that transpired in that event... I cannot.... I think... I think that is enough for now..."
Askardi is shaking and visably very pained at the retailing of the memory... He trys to calm himself by putting his hands to either side of his face and shaking his head. In great sorrow he said,
"You cannot imagine the terror those men were.... I cannot retail what happened in the throneroom... not yet..."

*Burdengsh neighs impatiently, inwardly curious of the dragon it stares at it with its great brown black eyes*
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 08:47:17 PM by NekoBot » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #95 on: May 01, 2012, 08:52:00 PM »
Walter falls silent for a moment, his eyes rather wide and his mouth wired shut. Not knowing what to say.
Walter: Wow...I didn't know you had been through so much.....its a shame that your allies died, but just like ours today, I'm sure they didn't die in vain. Not now that they have you to live on for them, right?
Walter tries to smile regardless of the situation, kicking his legs back close to Nemmy. His left foot rubbing against her intentionally.
Walter: You should get a gal, make the love and live happy. That's what I intent to do, well, after becoming famous of course.

TMU General: Alright men, everyone pack up and follow my personal cart. The other one is reserved for the warriors that slayed the beast. They deserve some rest. As for you all, break is over!

The general then sat down and rubbed his bald head with a napkin, seemingly so stressed he sweated profusely.

Darka looked at him in his state and a small crack of a smile could be seen, but disappeared as fast as it appeared.

Darka: too much for you old man? Maybe you should leave this to me

Suddenly a spark of anger lit up in the general's eyes, this time not being restricted by Darka's presence.

TMU General: Hey, I don't care how famous or powerful you are.....this is my operation. You're not taking it over!

Darka simply looked away to the side, staying in the same position as always with his arms folded and with one leg resting on the other. His sword leaning against the side of the cart, for all to see. I care anyway....

Soon after the remaining soldiers began to follow the main personal cart as it began to continue down the road. Their movements sluggish, seemingly still unable to forget about what had happened.
The other remaining cart was still inactive due to Koel and Melodia's absence. The cart driver looked at them both and shouted to them, sounding rather agitated.

Cart Driver: C'mon, move it guys!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 09:02:38 PM by Mr.PowPow » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #96 on: May 01, 2012, 09:00:26 PM »
"But sir.... who would I or even rather, why should I? You'll understand if I tell you the full story..... The next time you ask I'll tell you what happened then... I just need time to rest. Your comrades did not die in vain... no, but at least they are remembered. If one has a grave you tend to remember them for a time."
Askardi lays down, now calmed a bit. "If it wasn't for Burdengsh I would never have gotten here. We have a strong connection you know. But shes quite the animal! Haha!." *He turns his head looking at walter.* "Its strange how we met, my horse could have killed me then, the way I was, running in the fashion I was. Ha! Sometimes I wonder if it is I who is the steed and her the rider."

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #97 on: May 01, 2012, 09:19:04 PM »
Melodia looked around. "Hmmm," she muttered to the horse. "You must belong to someone. Did the ogre's attack let you away?" She giggled a little when she noticed Nom fly off to investigate the horse. The little dragon landed on its back and, interested with how that was, hopped around a little like a wild animal on a trampoline before becoming seemingly satisfied with its investigation and curling up to sleep a little. Melodia looked back to Koel. "Why should we get on a cart?" She asked. "I just got off one just before the ogre attack."

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #98 on: May 01, 2012, 09:28:29 PM »
Koel shrugged and turned around, beginning to walk in the direction of the cart. Talking aloud for Melodia to hear as he walked away.
Koel: Well I have to keep an eye on this little charade they've got going on, come along if you want. If not, then I guess this is where we part ways.
He then jumped into the cart, to find Nemmy, Walter and Askardi sitting inside. He sat down next to Walter and took off his sword holster and rested it beside him.
Koel: Well....this should be fun...
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 09:29:43 PM by Mr.PowPow » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #99 on: May 01, 2012, 09:37:51 PM »
Askardi adresses everyone in the cart, "I would like to introduce myself to you as Askardi of the Aspargian pride, I think I should have your names as well..."


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