Author Topic: Choose your adventure!  (Read 63215 times)

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #50 on: April 16, 2012, 10:58:14 PM »
B.) "what are you talking about?" (no answer, instead another quick jab to the face)

Jimmy just kept getting struck again and again. Finally, he attacks back, throwing Tom off of him. He then........

A) Attacks Tom (knocking him out)
B) Demands an answer
C) Waits
D) They get attacked by a creature

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2012, 09:35:10 PM »
B) Demands an answer

Theme for this scene

or here

"I demand you answer me says Jimmy. I want to know why the ---- Im here, who the heck are you and what all this is about."
He punches Tom once, twice, three times, "Tell me"
Tom throws Jimmy off of him. And yells, "You wouldnt understand child! You wouldn't understand! This world is held as a prison to all of us here. We're all locked up in this dreamland hell and we cant get out. The orginization doesn't want us to. They hold us here because we know what the orginization will do to the real world. That man from the church who boby traped it, the one who tried to blow you up? That was an orgization man, trying to kill you. Why you? Because you're the only one who can leave this place! You dont have to be here, but you do. You're the only one who can save us and darn it, I want to see my family and friends again so Im begging you, you have to help us, all of us. We dont want to stay in this dream prison forever."
Jimmy realises hes way over his head and just nods his head at this desperate man. "sure"
"sure.... sure.... SURE?!?!" Tom is clearly frustrated. "Cant you see that you are our only hope Jimmy.... please.... dont leave us here..... please.... "
At that moment in a chaotic red flame, a man appears out of the air as if it were no mere feat.
"Jimmy!" The man said. "Dont listen to this man! He tells lies. He's a danger to us all. See through his desperate rants and see him for what he truely is an insane, senile, desperate man. He wishes to see the orginization fall for selfesh reason, not for what we do. Come with us Jimmy, join the Orginization."
The man outstreches his hand and in another briliant burst of flame, a sword, a dark sword with a black blade and a red hilt materilizes there.
"Take this sword," said the man. "And kill Tom, join us Jimmy."
~The time to chose Jimmys future is at hand will he~
A.) Take the sword and kill Tom, joining the orginization
B.) Take the sword and do a full turn slash and strike the man, joining the resistance (Toms side)
-Choose wisely, the story changes dramatically here-

The man looks like this

And Tom looks like this


Choose wisely now  ;)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 09:55:28 PM by NekoBot » »

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2012, 05:27:58 AM »
B.) Take the sword and do a full turn slash and strike the man, joining the resistance (Toms side)

Jimmy took the sword and swung it around and hit the man. "You'll regret this Jimmy! You made the wrong decision!" He then died

Jimmy: Tom, are you okay?

Tom then...

A) Attacks  Jimmy
B) Thanks him
C) Turns out to be the bad guy
D) You can choose

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #53 on: April 18, 2012, 12:53:01 PM »
A) Attacks  Jimmy

Tom attacks Jimmy in a violent hug. "Thank you Jimmy. You've given the resistance hope for a future outside this prison. But theres much you dont understand. Come, it's time you meet our leaders and our main village."
A.) Tom takes him to the village first (Its further in the woods, a bit north)
B.) Tom takes him to the elders first (They're in a cave west of the woods west of the village)

Two figure in the far distance watch as Tom and Jimmy walk away
"He did not join us sir...."
"but he will in time.... I have seen this to be true."


They turn away walking into the shadws, dissapearing
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 06:02:24 PM by NekoBot » »

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2012, 07:12:41 AM »
tom takes him to the village first

it contined 5 buildings made of straw and wood. a bathhouse two living dens an outhouse and a school of sorts.
"come, let me show you the elders"

A.) pure free choice this time

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #55 on: April 23, 2012, 09:39:51 PM »
A.) pure free choice this time

[eh, I feel I might have ruined this thread  :'( ]
"Dont do anything stupid" says Tom
Tom takes Jimmy to the Elders. They travel through the forest and into a cave. There were 5 of them.
All 5 were hooked up to a machiene, presumably to keep them alive or at least stable. The machiene ran tubes through their noses and mouth. Their skin was old and crinkled with age but their eyes held a deathly glare. They looked rediculus and yet old and wise..... dangerous too.
"Is this the boy we seek?" Asked one of the Elders
"Aye, I think it is." Says another
"Why are you here Tom?" Asked the leftmost Elder.
"I have brought the boy of our dreams. The savior of our prayers... I present you.... Jimmy."
Tom grips Jimmys arm and thrust him forwaard. Jimmy pinwheeled for a second before regaining his balance.
Jimmy scratches his head nervously before saying, "hehe, hi."

Direct the conversation
A.) Elders quiz him to see if hes the one, then tell him their cause
B.) Elders are suspicious and so deny him audience for now
C.) Elders trust him and they speak peacefully with purpose

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #56 on: April 29, 2012, 06:58:14 PM »
A.) Elders quiz him to see if hes the one, then tell him their cause

"What is your name, boy?"
Jimmy replies "Jimmy"
Why are you in this world?"
"I don't know, sir"

The Elders think about it for a second then...

A) Tell them what he has to do
B) Jimmy gets sent back to the real world, it was a dream from the coma
C) Deny him an answer
D) Free choice

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #57 on: May 16, 2012, 06:49:11 PM »
B) Jimmy gets sent back to the real world, it was a dream from the coma

Jimmy is sent back into the real world. He is not contious of his surroundings.
Doctor: Its been weeks now....
Mother: I just want him back....
A.) Story switches to a new character for now
B.) Story stays with current character

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #58 on: May 17, 2012, 02:09:24 AM »
B.) Story stays with current character (yay, you're back!)

Jimmy woke up. His mom exclaimed
She gave him a hug so hard that Jimmy almost fainted.
Jimmy then

A) Falls asleep (just normal sleep)
B) Goes back into coma world
C) Gets up, then staggers back into the bed
D) Gets up just fine

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Re: Choose your adventure!
« Reply #59 on: May 17, 2012, 03:28:52 AM »
C) Gets up, then staggers back into the bed

(yup, sorry bout that.)

Jimmy staggered to his bed exausted. "I.... I need... a moment..."

"Whats wrong Jimmy?" His mother says.


A.) Explains
B.) lies
C.) Ignores the question

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