Author Topic: The Traveler's Tales logbook  (Read 12043 times)

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The Traveler's Tales logbook
« on: September 16, 2012, 04:07:27 AM »
This thread will keep you updated on introduced characters and their profile information. This thread is subject to updating.

Main Characters:

Koel Burnham

Class: Earth Raver- With sword in hand, this warrior cleaves his enemies in two with his brute strength coupled with his heavy custom sword. Slow moving but hard hitting.
Weapon: Petram Breaker- Koel's custom blade, made using various metals and forged by someone dear to him. This blade is only as good as the person wielding it.
Equipment: Rusted armor- Armor that has seen its fair share of battles, each notch in the metal tells a different story. Even due to its history, its still combat worthy.
Magic: Power over the element of Earth
Quote: "My sword may be bought, but not my pride....."
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Body Build: Well built, though not exactly buff.
Other Info: Ever since his parents death Koel has been wandering the world, not knowing what he is searching for. His travels take him to many places but he always finds himself in the midst of conflict. As of late he has selling his sword to those who have the money to hire him, a sell-sword, a mercenary, call him what you will.

Natalia Horologue

Class: Dual Archery - Is able to wield dual bow and arrow weapons and is very nimble with extended range, however is very fragile.
Weapon: Signature Pair of Klass Full Auto Crossbows - Nemmy's default crossbows that she has used ever since her journey has started.
Equipment: Lotor Cloak - A cloak made from dragon scales and is able to give Nemmy a turnaround in terms of attack and defense, but only for a limited time.
Magic: Wind - The power of the winged beasts is within Nemmy, giving her basic wind powers.
Quote: I'm not one to toy with, so I suggest you back off or my arrows and your body will meet the wall.
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Body Build: Slim

Other Info: Nammy has been part of a hidden organization all of her life which consists of conspiracies spread around the world. Nammy's job is to rid her enemies from retrieving any plans her boss has cooked up. Other than that, she is a rebel that doesn't play by any rules, even if they were given towards her. She does as she pleases, how she does it, and has no time for lingering around with anyone else as she works alone.

Askardi Ludo

Class: Aspargie Elite Guard - They weild a handmade cutlass and a secondary bow and arrow to keep intuders away from the castle.
Weapon: - The Cleaver - A standard cutlass razor sharp, light with a smooth cut. Good for mediumish damage
               - Aspargie's Virtue - The bow of the elite Aspargie guard, its light and flexes well. Long range but not exactly powerful
Equipment: The guards are equiped with light armor, sacrificing durability for movability, light- medium protection from physical blows
Magic: White/ Fire magic. Aspargie elite guards have a thorough understanding of the two but rarely use it due to easy exaustion of magic.
Gender: Male
Quote: "By honor I am bound to nothing but the cause."
Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral
Body Build: Lean and strong, has great endurance
Other Info: The Aspargie's castle has been overrun and everyone killed. Askari was the only survival. Having no purpose or cause, he has become a hired man in the service of who ever pays him the most. He now looks to destroy those who destroyed his castle and people.

Melodia Enfys

Class: Thief -- This class can quickly sneak around silently and unseen. Their gentle hands are able to quickly snatch things from another person without being noticed. Their agility allows them to get to places most people can't. However, their strength is very low and they're better off outside of battle.
Weapon: A partially broken dagger with the initials Y.E. crudely carved into part of the blade.
Equipment: The normal stuff, some randomly-picked herbs, and some kind of small, thin rope.
Magic: Wind
Quote: "You told me to lead the way, and now we're lost. Told ya I have no sense of direction!"
Alignment: Neutral Good
Body Build:The body of a sprinter. Somewhat short and thin. Pale like someone who hasn't had a lot of sun.
Any other relevant information: Travels with a tiny sprite-like dragon she calls Nom (Like the o in 'oh'. Not like in 'omnomnom').

Class: Astrapi Traveling Thief - "Astrapi" being his ethnicity, "Traveler" being his profession and "Thief" being the thing he does to live.
Weapon: Seven metal knives with seven long steel wires that are attached to each knives and are as light as a feather and almost as hard as corundum. The wires are then attached to Vagus's belt.
Equipment: Black traveler's cloak - a light cloak designed for long travels. It was with Vagus ever since he set foot on the ground as a traveler.
Magic: Electricity - Vagus' kin revered lighting as a weapon of their god and thunder as the god's voice in battle. Thus, his affinity to it.
Quote: "Things are never of my concern until and unless they are." - What Vagus says about the stuff in general. Contrary to his seemingly apathetic nature, he really does care about what's happening around him
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral - He sucks up to people to help him.
Body Build: Slim but muscled.
Other Info: "Vagus" came from a reclusive kingdom that deems traveling as a curse, as they think doing so will make their god angry and punish the clan until they eliminate the traveler. Vagus was against this and thus left his group as an act of rebellion to their tradition. There was another reason for Vagus' leave. Something he himself doesn't know of.

Rosalind Leviera

Class: Lancer, Able to Use any Form of Pole Arm with Great Agility, However is Exeedingly Weak against any Sword Wielding or Fast Enemies that Can Close the Distance of the Spear
Weapon: A Spear With a Wide, almost Blade Like Edge, Designed for Both Stabs and Slashing from the Distance with the Length of the Pole, the Spear is 2.3 Meters Long from one end to other
Magic: White/water, Her Magic, However is Limited and Needs a Source of Water like River to Use it in effective Way
Equipment: a China Dress, made of Cheap Cloth and not Actual Silk as one would Expect, Giving almost No Protection, but is easy to Move in, allowing Movement with no Restriction from the Clothing itself
Quote: I Have Nothing to Lose and as Long as I am Free and Bound by a Nothing I can Some Say Find the Greatest Tresures and Largest Riches.
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Body Build: Slim
Aditional Info: Seems to Have Used Transformation Magic to Make her Look Like a Cross of a Fox and a Ordinary Human Girl, But she seems to be unable to Transform back into a Complite Human and Says its Not Because She wants that she is like this, but does not Seem to Mind her Current Form too much. Loves to Explore and Treasure.


Class: Unknown
Weapon: Unknown
Equipment: Unknown
Magic: Universal power over Magic
Quote: "Pathetic....."
Gender: Male
Alignment: Unknown
Body build: His cloak masks most of his bodily features, though it is generally assumed his is slim and lacks any obvious muscles.
Other Info: Darka is a mysterious warrior with a emotionless and cold disposition. He is generally well known in the region of Natharia and in some parts of Tamathy, though he is mostly known for his "unique" ability to conjure elements through the use of Magic, which was viewed as a phenomenon as it was impossible through normal means.
Even though he is the antagonist of the story, not much is really known about this man. His motives and current goal remains a mystery but it has become clear that his destructive power is unrivaled, being able to level mountains with a swish of his hand.
His age is also unknown as he has no official birth records, though he is believed to be young.

Side Characters:

Walter Watts

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Walter has a rather scruffy appearance, even in uniform. His scruffy and unkempt hair is usually hidden beneath his metal "bowl" helmet which he tends to wear at all times, the uniform that he also always dons is the standard TMU uniform which comprises of tight blue pants and a tight blue shirt (which gives off the appearance of a jump-suit) with armor plating in various areas, mostly near the vital organs. He has brown eyes that accompany his hair color, along with his smile that always seems to stick.

Personality: Walter is a generally upbeat and comedic young lad who never misses an opportunity to make light of a situation. Although his comedic nature can be viewed as obnoxious at times, it is implied that he is a kind and caring soul who only wishes to be around others. This is evidenced when he joins the TMU despite being unable to wield a weapon effectively and his unwillingness to engage in combat, in an attempt to remain with his village friends. This behavior comes across as cowardliness at first but that is quickly dispersed when he stands up to Darka in his final moments, shooting him through the heart with his crossbow.
Walter is also seen to be a bit of a womanizer, though he generally fails at grasping female least in a positive way. Walter mentioned that he grew up without a father, living alone with only his mother might explain this behavior.

Where is he/she now?: Walter's location is currently unknown, he is presumed dead after not being found in the aftermath of the "White flash".

TMU General

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: The TMU General's (Real name unknown) most obvious feature was his bald head, though whether the hair was cut off voluntarily or had fallen out due to stress or illness was never mentioned. He wore a similar attire to that of the standard TMU uniform, except there was less armor plating and the uniform was made from a more finer fabric. Though what set him apart from most others in the TMU was that he certainly looked like he was a general, he had a scar running down his right eye and his body build showed evidence of physical body strength.

Personality: The General did not have much of a distinctive personality, he obviously knew his place within the TMU and in turn looked down upon the recruits and ordered them around like any general would. However he did show distress at the deaths of his men, whether this was a product of actual sadness due to their death or distress because it made the upcoming journey harder is a topic of debate.
Most of his negative personality traits were overshadowed by Darka's presence, so even though he was quite a rough and hardened general, it didn't stand out much. Especially when he bowed down to Darka's will and accepted his disobedience to his own agenda, though upon reaching the grasslands he finally revealed that he suspected Darka all along, this shows that he isn't the type to stand up to those who he knows is of a higher stature to him, whether it be through power of status.

Where is he/she now? The General's whereabouts is currently unknown, as with Walter he was presumed dead along with the rest of the TMU.

Samuel Watts

Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: Samuel (more often called Sam) is of a slim but rather weak and frail build, even though he frequently carries a blade with him, he is definitely incapable of using it. His most defining features is his odd clothing which comprises of various colored fabrics and armored plating, however the armor he wears does not all match and thus it can be assumed it was stolen. He also has scruffy light brown hair which rests underneath his multi-colored loose fitting hat and his brown eyes almost mirror his hair color.

Personality: Sam is a generally idiotic individual who tends to be the first to crack a joke in an attempt to make sure he never becomes on the receiving end of one. He seems to acknowledge his flaws on rare occasions, however its more frequent that he defends himself by using twisted logic or wishful thinking, but it is worth noting that not all of Sam's ideas are as idiotic as himself.
He is also noted for being less than bashful around women, especially Rosalind, in which he occasionally tries to charm her using his ruffian wit, though it usually comes to no avail.
Despite his tenacious attitude, vast stupidity and obvious cowardliness, he does at times show a side of him that offers concern for others well being.

Where is he/she now?: He accompanies Rose and by an extension, the main group.

« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 02:27:14 AM by The Pow » »

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Re: The Traveler's Tales logbook
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2012, 05:39:31 AM »
Should I make a profile for Nom now, considering he's gone and been turned human to some extent?

Offline Mr.PowPow

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Re: The Traveler's Tales logbook
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2012, 05:50:18 AM »
Should I make a profile for Nom now, considering he's gone and been turned human to some extent?
Sure yeah, that'd be helpful.

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Re: The Traveler's Tales logbook
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2012, 06:31:14 PM »
Should I make a profile for Nom now, considering he's gone and been turned human to some extent?
Sure yeah, that'd be helpful.
And I just post it where all the other profiles were posted before?

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Re: The Traveler's Tales logbook
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2012, 08:36:55 PM »
Should I make a profile for Nom now, considering he's gone and been turned human to some extent?
Sure yeah, that'd be helpful.
And I just post it where all the other profiles were posted before?
yeah, or you can just save time and post it here.

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Re: The Traveler\'s Tales logbook
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2012, 06:00:05 PM »
Jarvis Lasarott

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jarvis dons a multitude of multi-colored fabrics, he has a mostly youthful complexion but due to prolonged Magic Corruption his eyes have turned a deep red and his hair has lost most of its color, turning to a smokey gray color. He is for the most part physically fit as he works in the stage room of Tamathy Castle, preforming comedy acts and dancing to foreign and cultural music.

Personality: It is hard to understand Jarvis's true personality as it is mostly shrouded in mystery due to his Magic Corruption, normally those who gain this illness do not last long and are killed in the wild or killed by townsfolk as an act of mercy, however due to the changing of the times and Tamathy's public becoming more civilized, he was kept alive and was given a role in society, however this only made his condition worse and over time he lost more and more of his past self.
He is usually eccentric and a comical character, and has a strong belief that the world he lives in is nothing more than a written script, a roleplay of sorts and he frequently makes this known to those around him, much to their dismay. He also has a strong obsession with being in the spotlight, going to great lengths to obtain this place. This is mostly a product of his illness.

Where is he/she now?: Jarvis was apparently lost during the escape from Tamathy, his current location is unknown.

Summoner Sylvia

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Sylvia was a very youthful and cute girl, she wore a less than standard summoner attire as normal summoners wear long flowing robes and their hair is normally tied back. Normally summoners don't wear such revealing clothing so it can be assumed that whoever taught her how to summon was definitely not of summoner of tradition. She had long blonde hair which was parted into two side, accompanied by a black ribbon on each side. Her appearance for the most part was unaffected by the Magic Corruption she suffered, as her eyes and hair had retained their natural colors, so it can be assumed she had contracted the illness only recently before meeting the group.

Personality: Not much is known about her true personality, although she retained some of her old memories and sensibilities, she was quite consumed by her goal to stop the carts that were headed to the Muram Grasslands. Her concept of death was greatly misguided and she almost took an innocent approach to disposing of the group, finding that killing them was as easy as asking them to simply die. It was only until she was defeated by the group (and Darka) that she began to show fragments of her true self, displaying an understanding of her condition and even showing emotions such as fear and remorse.

Where is he/she now?: Sylvia was killed by Darka shortly after her defeat
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 06:18:15 PM by Pow » »

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Re: The Traveler's Tales logbook
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2012, 02:03:11 AM »
Didn't we find a picture for askardi? :o

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Re: The Traveler's Tales logbook
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2012, 02:07:57 AM »
Didn't we find a picture for askardi? :o
I don't recall one being decided. If you can link me to the image I'll be happy to edit the post

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Re: The Traveler's Tales logbook
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2012, 02:38:52 AM »
Ok :)


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