Author Topic: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay  (Read 12766 times)

Offline dark 5FVD

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2012, 01:10:06 PM »
go's to the door and mumbels
"my god i'm getting registered this may get a litle bit difficult if somebody else tracks me
Turns to Rena
"thanks by the way for the daggers."
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 07:52:23 PM by NekoBlindshoT » »

Offline TyranBrûlée

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #51 on: April 18, 2012, 01:13:23 PM »
Rena nods briskly, not turning away from the monitors.
A few moments later, she speaks up.
"Hey, when you get out there, there's a small cavern about a mile away from here."
She points to the screen.
"Make that your first base, camp there tonight."

Offline dark 5FVD

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2012, 01:15:05 PM »
turns around and sais
"thakns i'll try to get there as soon as posible."

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #53 on: April 18, 2012, 06:03:49 PM »
As the young man fumbles into the room in a distressed manner, Jack gives a cold look and stands up, retrieving the knife from the table and sheathing it in the cover on his waist.

Jack: I haven't the time for your pleasantries, nor do we have time for any hugging and merry making. I'm going to get to the point and so are you, I want to know what you plan to do out there, how you plan to overcome the competition, and we will go from there.

As Albert exited the room, leaving Walter on his own to wait for his dispatch he let out a deep sigh as usual and started to think to himself.

Walter: Even in this situation, people are able to keep a happy face and I the only one who can't? Maria....I need you now more than ever....

Walter started to rub his eyes and reject the tears, slamming the table beside him in a fit of rage.

Offline Light

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #54 on: April 18, 2012, 06:38:04 PM »
Light composes himself and explains his battle plan. "Well basically, I was thinking of using guerilla tactics. I can change the color of my armor to match my surroundings and snipe the enemy using my gun." Light waves his hand across his armor and turns it sand-brown. "Of course, if you think you have a better plan, I'm willing to hear it. You are my supervisor, after all."

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2012, 07:51:38 PM »
Jack shrugs and pulls out a hand pull from a pouch he keeps behind him, underneath his trenchcoat.

Jack: I know that you can manipulate metal.....however I see this as an advantage when wielding conventional weapons, such as the gun you mentioned. Assuming that your effective range of your ability is greater or equal to your line of sight then I can safely say that you can manipulate a bullet even after its already left the barrel? If this is true then you would be extremely effective with a weapon such as a sub machine gun or a sniper, this would allow you to manipulate the trajectory of bullets to make sure they hit the target even if you missed initially. This should be your focus. However we cannot assume that your ability will work all of the time, there will be complications just like in every battle, but you can use your ability to indirectly affect your opponents, such as causing a metallic object to hit another object which in turn affects the opponent. This is simply speculation, but do not worry....I have much experience in battle, I have tasted from that cup myself.
I shall be closely watching your movements...

Offline TyranBrûlée

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #56 on: April 18, 2012, 09:11:44 PM »
Just then, the loud buzz howls throughout the entire facility, concurrently unlocking all four doors.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand they're off!
Watch, folks, as they run off into the apparent vast unknown and maul each other like animals! hell, you must love this!"

Rena shoves BlindshoT out the door and into the desert, then closes the door and turns her mic on. "They can't see you, yet. Get to the cave or find another place of shelter. Go!"

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2012, 09:16:03 PM »
As the intercom reveals that the time is up, Jack opens the door for Light and leans on the side, waiting for him.
Jack: Looks like our time is up, you have your headset and I will be watching you and leading your through off you go...

Offline dark 5FVD

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #58 on: April 19, 2012, 06:47:08 AM »
BlindshoT starts sprinting to the shelter that is one mile further.
"First things first. Shelter first unless i spot somebody."
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 06:40:22 AM by NekoBlindshoT » »

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #59 on: April 19, 2012, 07:35:59 AM »
Nero: It's time. Wish me luck.

* Nero opens the door. A shadow is cast before the door. He coats himself with in his own darkness. As the shadow is consumed by light, he disappears.

Nero: Now, I should go someplace to hide.... maybe somewhere dark.

* Nero dashes to the nearest place where shade is abundant.

Offline Light

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2012, 06:34:12 AM »
"My Lord's blessings are with you. There is no need for luck." Metatron turns her back as the door closes.

"Alright, let's win this." Light dashes through the door and out into the open desert. And while I'm at it, searching for some clues about my memories won't hurt.

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #61 on: April 20, 2012, 06:39:22 AM »
Walter slowly walks out the door and into the open wastes, the faint wind blowing against his hair as he stares at the baron land. The door closing behind him.
Walter:.....well I guess this is it huh....
Walter then begins to run straight forward, hoping to find a mine or rocky structure of some kind


Jack closes the door behind Light as he moves out and sits down on the chair in the room, putting the headset on and adjusting the mic.

Jack: Can you hear me? This is your supervisor, I shall be using the headset provided to keep in contact.

Offline BloodcatNS

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #62 on: April 20, 2012, 07:33:57 AM »
* Nero sits on his shelter built on his own shadow and cleverly hidden in a sand hill.

Nero: We're only four in numbers... no doubt that they'll have to prolong their entertainment in anyway... but then again... they'll want to see some action.... now, what will it be? What will the Baetyl Royale do?

Offline dark 5FVD

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #63 on: April 20, 2012, 03:38:49 PM »
BlindshoT reaches his hideout pointed out by his suprevisor.
"so now that i'm here i'll train."

Offline BloodcatNS

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #64 on: April 20, 2012, 03:47:16 PM »
Nero: First, I should take care of my survival... Meta, it would be nice if you helped now.
I should go search for non-toxic cacti... and food... Snakes are edible... lizards are as well... it should be easy to get some fire to cook in a heat like this... but the problem is firewood...
I should just go with whatever wood I find.

* Nero goes out of his shelter.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 02:55:43 AM by General Bloodcat » »

Offline Light

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #65 on: April 21, 2012, 08:46:26 AM »
Metatron sighs. You are to do whatever you wish. I will relay orders only when they come.

Light stops near some large rocks. "Yeah, I can hear you. I'm thinking of finding a place where there might be some metal lying around. A mine or some ruins, maybe?"

Albert talks into his communicator. "Walter, can you hear me? There should be a mine northeast of your starting point. There are also some large rocks on the way there. Don't forget to chip some off and keep them with you, so you can mimic them whenever you need to."

Offline BloodcatNS

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #66 on: April 21, 2012, 09:03:54 AM »
* Nero skewers the snake slithering near a cacti.

Nero: The leather should be a good waterskin.... not to mention, the meat is edible... And there's a cactus nearby too...

* Nero drags the whole cactus using his shadow and carries the dead snake.

Nero: I doubt she can hear me but... Meta, is there any place with shade? Tropical forest? Cave? Anything?

Offline Mr.PowPow

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #67 on: April 21, 2012, 09:23:39 AM »
Jack watches Lights movements through a surveillance camera and speaks into the headset

Jack: There is indeed a mine directly north of your position, keep following your current route and you should reach it. However keep your eyes peeled for the other contestants, we don't need complications this early.

Jack pulls out his knife and starts slowly scratching it on the desk, carving lines into it.

Jack: Once you have reached the mine, try to mine some of the metal out. It should prove useful in combat.

Walter pushes the mic closer into his ear and listens

Walter: Loud and clear, I'll make my way there now....

Walter begins to take the northeast route, running as fast as he could

Walter: (to self) Tchh....the heat here is unbearable......

He then comes across the rocks that were previously mentioned, a select few of dark brown rocks that were stuck deep into the ground resided in front of Walter. He then took off his glove and touched the rock, his hand slowly forming into a solid brown fist, then soon after his hand reshaped into a blunt hammer type of object which he then used to slam the rock, the rock the broke in half and became easy to pull out.

Walter: Rock sample has been acquired, its relatively durable, it should do until I acquire some metallic substance.

Walter then grabbed one half of the rock and put it in his satchel, proceeding to then continue northeast to the mine.

Walter: On my way to the mine, I'll keep you updated

Offline TyranBrûlée

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Re: [Baetyl Royale RP] Official Roleplay
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2012, 06:38:35 AM »
Rena reluctantly leaves the room, leaving the mic/earpiece in her ear. She walks out the door and explores the hall. "May as well try to find some allies..."


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