Chat > Hobbies and entertainment


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On cold days (which is very rare in Texas). Usually I would make myself an EPIC breakfast, play video games for a few hours, then go back to sleep (on days without school)

On good days (still rare in Texas). I would play for a couple of hours, play basketball a bit, go to the gym, and of course EAT. (on days without school)

On hot days (majority of Texas). Swim. Video Games. Eat Sleep. True Story

On Scorching Days (more common than cold and good days) I would: Eat. Sleep. Too hot to swim. Too hot too think about Too hot for the gym, sports, etc.

On days with school: School, eat, study, sleep.

So, what do ya'll do for fun?

Caster no Mae:
Walk My Dog, play >Erogen, play games, read Lovecraft books, write pornografic stories

dark 5FVD:
go to school, listen to music, look for new designs for my tattoo's.

Since I'm study in a private instution, my schedule would be : Internet, eat, videogames, internet, eat, videogames, gym, eat, sleep (rinse and repeat).

On the days prior to exams, yes I do study.

Sir Shota:
Draw, play video games and study random stuff.


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