Gaming > Sony

PSP Games that don't require joystick?

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Cupcake Fury:
I was wondering what good games there are for PSP that do not require a working joystick.
My joystick is just completely fucked up and Im assuming that the only way to fix it is to get a new joystick or something else like that, which is why I need/ want games without use/ requirement of joystick.

I think most of the fighting games on the PSP don't require the use of the joystick. There are also a few RPGs that don't require it either.

Uh... none of the games in the Disgaea series or the Final Fantasy series (except Dissidia) require a working joystick to play, iirc.

Sorry I can't be more specific. It's been awhile since I touched my PSP. :/

Cupcake Fury:

--- Quote from: Light on July 06, 2012, 03:59:33 AM ---I think most of the fighting games on the PSP don't require the use of the joystick. There are also a few RPGs that don't require it either.

Uh... none of the games in the Disgaea series or the Final Fantasy series (except Dissidia) require a working joystick to play, iirc.

Sorry I can't be more specific. It's been awhile since I touched my PSP. :/

--- End quote ---
Tried almost all FFs but anything to do with menus and that's a no. Disgaea is one yes, n so is patapon.

Really? Don't you use the arrow keys to navigate the menus?

Also, try NIS' one-shot games like Phantom Brave or ZHS. And the Prinny spin-off series.

phantom brave
     the initial story is eeeeeeaaaaasy but the real challenge is in another marona brah

patapon patapon 2 patapon 3
  if you like online gaming patapon 3 is the way to go

I gpt a list of puzzle games but odunno of youd like that

I beleive rat hst and clank pr ever secret agent clank brah


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