Gaming > Nintendo

Nintendo Wii U


I honestly hadn't heard about this till just now. A handheld Wii, correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that seem a tad.....I dunno....pointless? I mean its quite easy to exercise on the go anyway, running or walking lol
I think the Wii and Wii fit are sufficient enough~

Well, it has potential.

The Wii U isn't a hand-held Wii...It's a totally new console. It even still uses wiimotes!
That new controller's actually isn't the console, it's just a controller with a touch screen on it.
Sure, you can play games on it, but the actual console has to be in range of its communication range.

Still can't wait for it though!

Seems sort of retarded. I'm not gonna get it if it only has nintendo franchise games. I'm tired of those. Let me see some other [popular] franchises, and (maybe) I'll consider it

Kiss x Miz:
It looks pretty obsolete imo.


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