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Arpegi Main Rules.
To keep this place nice & fun for everyone... There is some rules. Not following these rules can result in a warning... Various warnings can result in a time - out or a ban. A time - out is a ban for a few days.
(click to show/hide)[*] Respect the admins, mods & members like you would expect respect for yourself.
[*] Respect the opinions & wishes of the moderator in his or her section.
[*] Don't forget the content of the stickies. Like said in the rule above... The stickies in a section mostly add rules for that given section.
[*] Respect for other member their opinion's & tastes. There is a fine line between trolling and personal attacks.
(click to show/hide)[*] Having two accounts will result in a ban for both.
[*] Advertising products to buy aren't allowed unless admin approval.
[*] When the first post is directly an ad to a product of some sorts... A ban will be directly acquired.
[*] Optional but advised... An introduction topic. :3
(click to show/hide)[*] Please use only English
[*] No post hunting. This means, mindless posting to increase that post count / rank.
[*] No spamming.
[*] No roms, warez, cracks, "get money for free", ... stuff. We aren't a pirate site! Mentions can end up deleted. Mentions are for example how to fix a certain copy protection.
[*] No flamewars. If a flame war occurs... BOTH will get a warning. No matter who is right or wrong.
[*] Don't get thread's off-topic.
[*] External links to legal content are fine as long as they aren't offensive and stuff like that.
[*] Yes, there is PG-13...for now. No nude images and things like that... Some words I can "let it slide"... But OVERUSE will get a warning. Please use spoilers.
[*] Nested quotes until 5 ones. More aren't allowed.
[*] Don't use 1337 speak.
[*] Keep the swearing to a minimum please.
[*] Posts that break the rules... Please... Use the "Report to Moderator" button.
(click to show/hide)[*] Bumping is allowed... but ... not a post only to bump. I am talking about reviving a dead forum game here. But don't try to keep a forum game alive with bumping.
[*] Threads about the same topic can end up merged or the 2nd locked.
[*] Threads to advertise are strictly forbidden.
[*] Please post the threads in the correct location.
[*] Yes, there is PG-13...for now. No nude images and things like that... Some words I can "let it slide"... But OVERUSE will get a warning.
^ Updated
[*] Major upgrade to the list... Added new rules, organized them and so on.
[*] Minor update, no new rules.
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