Contests & Events > Fun Friday Five

Fun Friday Five:: The First Yo

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Kiss x Miz:
1. You must be gangsta
2. Take the coke, leave the crowbar and sandwich, open the door and get out... You vandals! The doors weren't locked.
3. Well... eh... wot?
4. Choke the dog with the snake while putting the cucumber up his arse and take him to the vet. Throw the pie away cuz I don't like the flavour.
5. The fifth question wasn't very good.

1. Whoever wrote the intro would have to be the BAMF of BAMFs. Hot daymn it's swank.
2. I don't wish to escape the car. As a klepto, I'll just steal it. I'll use the crowbar to open the bottom and hotwire the car and drive off into the sunset, drinking from the coke bottle and eating the peanut butter sammich.
3. THE GRAMMAR. I'll include spell check. A smart spell check! An automated one that fixes it for you and tells you to review the fixed words. Yeah.. I'll make the program myself... yeaaaahh........
4. I sensually caress the pie, eat the cucumber in a suggestive manner and hope that the dog gets freaked out by it. And fuck it, why not freak the snake out too.

2. Why would you need to escape? enjoy your sandwich and coke peacefully and use the crowbar to smack anyone who disrupts your peace
3. I'll ban everyone for following the rules while banning people for breaking the rules
4. No rabbid dog is taking my food. I'll kick it till it backs off. it can eat the snake. NOBODY TOUCHES THE FOOD.
5. Remember that one time- oh wait, that was a dream ..... I want more pie =P

1. dems yos its alright
2. well I'll take my time to nom and drink then smash the **** out of the window and make my escape
3. small communities don't really need mods imo
4. throw the cucumber and peacan pie to the dog and keep the snake
5. kinda like it yo

"first ever FunFriiiiiiiiiiiiidayFive folks"

1. Ew, alliteration.
2. I'd lick off the peanut butter, use the crowbar to make two holes in the two loaves of bread I now have. And then I'd open up coke, purposely choke on the bottlecap and rot away in car and be regarded as the greatest dadaist artist ever.
3. Nothing, I go mad with power.
4. Grab the snake and use it as a makeshift whip against the dog to tame and teach it tricks using the pie and cucumber as treats and flee after I teach it to stay.


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