Author Topic: Member Spotlight #13 - msg  (Read 107574 times)

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #150 on: June 11, 2012, 07:49:21 PM »
Kids are the worst! God I hate kids, its so much hard work. You're just trying to type a reply and its " dad dad dad dad dad dad" "WHAT?" "made you look made you stare, made you cut the barbers hair....."
I sometimes think im a shit dad because I dont deal with attention well, but I wouldn't be without her, not for anything.

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #151 on: June 11, 2012, 07:57:41 PM »
I dare say I found that slightly amusing xD
Especially since having a family is my life goal :p
So I guess by that you wouldn't ever have any more kids?
I remember you saying you had the potential to be or was a teacher, would you ever consider going back to such a profession?
What is your favorite pass time? Something you always look forward to after a hard days work.

(I do hope just me asking questions isn't becoming tiresome)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 07:58:42 PM by Mr.PewPew » »

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #152 on: June 11, 2012, 08:10:18 PM »
I dare say I found that slightly amusing xD
Especially since having a family is my life goal :p
So I guess by that you wouldn't ever have any more kids?
I remember you saying you had the potential to be or was a teacher, would you ever consider going back to such a profession?
What is your favorite pass time? Something you always look forward to after a hard days work.

(I do hope just me asking questions isn't becoming tiresome)
Not tiresome at all, I'm a social creature, especially when beer is involed ;)

My mrs wants a child, she's not my daughters mother but we have been together for 6 years and she doesn't have any. I hate the idea but I know full well it's going to happen, we have to get married first though because she's a devoted catholic and I hear they do things properly, kids in wedlock and all that.

Teaching isn't really for me, I f***ing hated doing presentations and stuff, I was going to be a PE teacher and I think I would have dealt with it, but it's certainly not a dream job of mine. My dad pays double teachers wages to his drivers, the only good thing about been a teacher is the feeling of helping klids I feel, there's no actual real benefit in doing it, nobody respects teachers anymore.

Favourite pass time? If its midweek games, definitely. If it's a weekend, socializing. I can "socialize" from friday to wednesday if the beer tokens don't run out :D
It's not about the beer, it's having a laugh with good friends that think in a similar way to yourself.

Oh and:

« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 08:13:25 PM by msg » »

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #153 on: June 11, 2012, 08:22:10 PM »
Thank you for the pictures, for some reason it feels like such a nice place filled with a natural sort of beauty, if only there was no conflict within it.
You said you have traveled around Europe, would you mind listing some (or all if there isn't that many) of the places you went to, maybe throw in some evaluations of the places/things you saw?
How do you think you have grown over the past decade? In terms of moral, emotional and maybe physical if you wanna throw that in xD
Do you value people around you to a large extent, by that I mean are you the type of person who would literally take a bullet for a loved one? Not just the type of person who says that he would but values his own life too much.
If you could change absolutely anything about your life, what would you change?
If you could go back in time and say one thing to your past self, what would it be?

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #154 on: June 11, 2012, 08:22:16 PM »

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #155 on: June 11, 2012, 08:25:30 PM »
And here's my mate ramrod:
That is very inspirational and I have deep respect for him, even without particularly knowing him. To go through such hardship but continue nonetheless is nothing short of amazing.
Is he one of the men you fought alongside?

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #156 on: June 11, 2012, 08:38:04 PM »
Thank you for the pictures, for some reason it feels like such a nice place filled with a natural sort of beauty, if only there was no conflict within it.
You said you have traveled around Europe, would you mind listing some (or all if there isn't that many) of the places you went to, maybe throw in some evaluations of the places/things you saw?
How do you think you have grown over the past decade? In terms of moral, emotional and maybe physical if you wanna throw that in xD
Do you value people around you to a large extent, by that I mean are you the type of person who would literally take a bullet for a loved one? Not just the type of person who says that he would but values his own life too much.
If you could change absolutely anything about your life, what would you change?
If you could go back in time and say one thing to your past self, what would it be?
Yup, every country except Portugal I think, I even went to the old Yugoslavia. I love Belgium! It's just so laid back, no traffic, lovely people, honestly I would move there today if I could. Poland - rough as arseholes but really nice people if you speak to them. Russia - don't even go there unless you can speak Russian, you'll end up dead and buried in a forest and never be found, my step mother is Russian, from Moscow.

Grown? Not height wise, that's for sure! :P Morally, everything I am, I was an arsehole a decade ago. Emotionally I'm more withdrawn I think, nothing bothers me anymore, I think that comes with experience, like because I crashed a car and nearly killed my bro, it's kinda hard to get excited when someone else crashes. Physically, I'm 2 stone leighter than I was at 18, my dad was a bodybuilder and I started following at 15. I lost a lot of weight to start fighting because 70kg blokes were a foot taller than me and it's impossible to reach them.

My friends and GF are everything to me, I'm as unselfish as a person can be. I have more money than most of my friends so I buy the beers, for all of us. They did it for me too when things weren't going my way. We have a proper friendship built over decades and I know any of us would do anything we could for a mate. Maybe not take a bullet, but you know, the best we can. If someone had a gun they'd all push me to the bloody front because of my training.

I wouldn't change a thing. I value experience good and bad. I've made a lot of mistakes but I won't ever make those mistakes again and I'm just so confident about it, and life in general because I know how to do it now.

Uh.....don't do drugs maybe. The old me would have told me to fuck off and punched me in the face though, so there ya go. Just to point out, I never did hard drugs like heroin or anything, just recreational drugs such as ecstacy, speed, mcat etc and a bit of coke, which is NOT crack for those who don't know.

And here's my mate ramrod:
That is very inspirational and I have deep respect for him, even without particularly knowing him. To go through such hardship but continue nonetheless is nothing short of amazing.
Is he one of the men you fought alongside?
He's more my bros mate than mine tbh, but he's stayed at my house. The last time I actually saw him was just before it happened, we were all in cottingham on the piss and when the taxi came back to mine there was 1 too many, so I volunteered to run the 4 mile home. And I beat the taxi ;)

I'm on the computer now so I can do a bit more. I'm sure anybody in Britain remembers this?
Well the kid that died is my best mates best mate from the Royal Marines, we been out on the piss together, he only lived a couple mile away across the bridge. And the bloke that tied the others to the helicopter is one of my very best mates that I've known since school.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 10:14:29 PM by msg » »

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #157 on: June 11, 2012, 09:39:25 PM »
How are you so amazing at predictin scores?
How do to think Ukraine V Swedeb will end

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #158 on: June 11, 2012, 09:47:16 PM »
How are you so amazing at predictin scores?
How do to think Ukraine V Swedeb will end
Just years and years of experience of watching and playing.

Probably a draw, Sweden always underachieve, or should I say, Ibra is so overrated people think they have a chance.

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #159 on: June 12, 2012, 02:05:19 AM »
Los Angeles or New Jersey?

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #160 on: June 12, 2012, 08:50:20 AM »
Los Angeles or New Jersey?
I've never been to america but New Jersey is near New York isn't it? I'd rather go visit New York and see the sights, but I'd rather live in LA because of the weather.

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #161 on: June 12, 2012, 05:13:40 PM »
Views on my sig?
Spiders that can use the force?

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #162 on: June 12, 2012, 06:19:24 PM »
views on skyrim?
When will the next MS start?
Who will get the next MS?

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Re: Member Spotlight #13 - msg
« Reply #163 on: June 12, 2012, 06:21:20 PM »
Views on my sig?
Spiders that can use the force?
Your sig is awesome.
All spiders need killing, i hate them all, even cool sith spiders

views on skyrim?
When will the next MS start?
Who will get the next MS?
Skyrim is cool
I dunno, tomorrow i think
Ill decide when i have to
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 06:24:19 PM by msg » »


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