Author Topic: Messing around in RPG Maker VX Ace  (Read 10056 times)

Offline CarolineJohnson

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Messing around in RPG Maker VX Ace
« on: June 02, 2014, 06:58:36 PM »
I got RPG Maker VX Ace from the Humble Weekly Bundle and I'm starting to mess around in it, so here's a thread for all that stuff.

Currently working on: ???

If anyone wants someone to be in one of my little test games, PM me with this info:

Code: [Select]
[b]Name:[/b] The name you want displayed for the character in the game.
[b]Age:[/b] How old you want the character in the game to be portrayed.
[b]Gender:[/b] Girl or boy? Doesn't matter much except that if you pick a girl the sprite will have boobs, and there's also gender-specific hairstyle/beard choices.
[b]Appearance:[/b] What you want the character in the game to look like. Images preferred.
[b]RPG Maker-created Portrait?[/b] Yes/No. Determines whether the message portrait is the image you provide or one I make in RPG Maker
[b]Extra bits:[/b] Do you want wings/tails/elf ears/animal ears that cannot be seen in the provided appearance image? Do you not want wings/tails/elf ears/animal ears that ARE seen in the provided appearance image?
[b]Clothing:[/b] What kind of clothing should they wear? I have few modern day outfits, and most of those are Japanese school uniforms, while the rest are stereotypical clothes you'd see in any old fantasy RPG, so keep that in mind.
[b]Party or NPC?[/b] Determines whether the character will be part of the party or an NPC.
[b]Personality:[/b] Write at least three sentences here, as I need a basic idea of a tone to portray the character in if they play a big part in the game.
[b]Class:[/b] You can list an actual RPG class or what kind of weapons you want the character to wield.
[b]Origin Town Preference:[/b] Describe the kind of place you want this character to be found in. "No Preference", "Start in Party", and "Narrator" are acceptable answers.
[b]Comes with:[/b] Describe what the character comes with in terms of items. Transportation (i.e. ship or airship) is acceptable as long as it's only one.

Note: skip that whole thing in the code if it's an existing character (i.e. Link, Guile, Commander Shepard) except for the name.

ALSO NOTE: I can't do furries unless the furry bits are limited to ears or tails. The sprite maker doesn't have any other furry-type options. But if you can provide a spritesheet with a transparency color in it (I'll upload a spritesheet so you guys can know what sprites are needed) and a portrait, I'll add them in.

I can provide previews of every single thing in the portrait/sprite creator if anyone wants them, but there are only a handful of colors to choose from for each so if anyone wanted something that was a different color than what RPG Maker VX Ace lets you choose it would get a little delay as I have to go in GIMP and do a recolor.

If anyone has any ideas of what I should do for a test game, PM me the details! Currently, I have these ideas milling around:
  • Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! RPG -- Li'l Mac and friends must defeat the world leaders to get to the rulers of the world, Mr. Sandman and Mike Tyson, so that they may defeat them and end their reign of terror.
  • Sailing RPG -- A kid stows away on a ship so that they can learn about sailing and learn to become a master sailor.
If your ideas need a certain workshop addon, and you know which one specifically, please link me to it along with the details of your idea so that I can get that in the application.

If anyone just wants their own little RPG Maker VX Ace portrait or an animated sprite for non-game stuff, by the way, I can do that. Hopefully that's allowed by RPG Maker.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 07:30:21 PM by CarolineJohnson » »

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Re: Messing around in RPG Maker VX Ace
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2014, 12:55:35 PM »
Repost serve. I'll in this fill when I'm job from my home
« Last Edit: June 06, 2014, 01:25:41 PM by Miz- » »

Offline Swagmaster

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Re: Messing around in RPG Maker VX Ace
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2014, 05:21:15 PM »
Name: Austin
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short brown hair, blue eyes, glasses, goatee (if you can) Idc about the clothes
RPG Maker-created Portrait? Yes/No. Determines whether the message portrait is the image you provide or one I make in RPG Maker
Extra bits: No
Clothing: Make him look American
Party or NPC? Party
Personality: Sweet guy who dislikes fighting, but has a skill for it. He only fights when necessary. He is very trusting and makes friends easily. He's always about family first
Class: Dual-Pistols
Origin Town Preference: IDC make something up
Comes with: Nothing

I'm actually excited to see how this turns out :D


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