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Woh dat minimum wage

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So I've seen this image circulating Tumblr for a while.

I feel this will soon turn into a debate because of how controversial it is, but it is news, so I put it here.

Personally, I'd rather have had them keep minimum wage lower, because based on my limited knowledge of economics, this will only come back and bite the American economy in the ass.

So before I go any further into my banter, what are your opinions on this? 

I only make 9.29/hr :(

It balances out all those places in the US that keep raising the prices without raising the wages, yet expecting that people will still be able to pay for the same things.

I'm pretty sure (a.k.a. certain) prices will only get higher when other places start to follow in Seattle's tracks.
See: Inflation.

Kiss x Miz:
I make minimum wage in Belgium.

Little over $15/h

Shit's a lot more expensive sadly.


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