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Topic: Character Bios (Read 18117 times)
Sir Shota
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I Love My Darling~~<3
Character Bios
April 05, 2012, 07:41:12 PM »
This is where the character bios are. Remember to keep your bios in one post.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: If you wish to add any music cues, you may do it if you can!
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Sumasshu Stetumya
"I've got little time for antics."
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Species: Demon/Nekomata Hybrid
Past life: Sumasshu, formerly known as Smash, has been the assistant of the leader of the hellish dimension known as the Otherverse. Guided by his leader and mentor, Vantiem, formerly known as Valtiel, Smash has been trained to become a very useful and tactics wise warrior who has made a handful of friends, allies, and enemies as well. He is one of the oldest in his family, as his other siblings are supportive in his so called “fitting in” with the outside world.
Current goal: After Lilith’s corruption of Suma’s closest friend, Toffee, Suma has been planning to re-convert Toffee back to his former self by aiding the fight against Lilith. He currently has the broken handle of Toffee’s legendary Chaoseater blade. He must now make the decision of either taking Toffee’s life to take Lilith’s life, or sparing toffee’s life so he does not feel guilty about himself...
Lives in: The main area of the Otherverse, near the Otherverse Church
Fights with: Dual blades and his great Knife
Relations: He is currently in a close relationship with Melfice’s sister, Illudia
Family: (I wish not to disclose this information, as Suma has a rather extensive family)
Random information: He can be catty at times, as well as having an embarrassing yet catchy ringtone. He can be loyal, but he can be kind of mischievous as well.
Author of this character is: ~KawaiiKoNeko~
Suma's Theme
Trope: Dare To Be Badass
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Lord Vantiem
Hooded Appearance:
"Leave me to attend to my business in solitude."
Unhooded Appearance:
"The End is close."
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Demon
Past life: Vantiem was known as Valtiel in his past life. He was ripe and bitter with power with Suma at his side. However....one day he went mad. He had threatened to destroy some more with the summoning of the God of Paradise. Suma had stopped his reign of terror and Valtiel soon came to his senses. Realizing what he had almost done, he had decided to change for the better, renaming himself Vantiem. He is currently one of 3 lords with Hope of the Middleverse and Kinag of the Oververse.
Current goal: To maintain control of the Otherverse and make sure his demon followers are in line. He also wants to make sure that his assistant, Suma is ready and willing to take over after passing.
Lives in: The Otherverse. He mostly dwells in the Otherverse Church where all of his work is performed.
Fights with: Demonic Scythe
Relations: He has once had a love named Verepesand had a daughter named Priscilla. No one knows what has happened to Verepes...
Family: Priscilla is the only family he has, as she is his daughter.
Random information: Even if he is a stern individual, he has fun one way or another....or if he likes it or not...
Author of this character is: ~KawaiiKoNeko
Vantiem's Theme
Trope: The Stoic
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Lord Hope
"I will be happy to listen~"
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Hybrid
Past life: All of her life, Hope has wanted to be a destined ruler of a kingdom such as the Middleverse. Living in her castle where her dad was ruler was worthwhile. She has gotten to study the various habits of the Hybrids and has also prepared for the day to take over the Middleverse. However....her brother Restion had gone crazy and attempted to take over the realm, whether the Hybrids liked it or not. After a fierce battle with her brother, Hope had slain Restion for one last time.....or has she?
Current goal: To ensure that the 3 verses are accounted for and wishes for the best out of everyone. She is also helping out towards the defeat of Lilith.
Lives in: The Middleverse. Mostly dwells in her castle.
Fights with: Hybrid Blade
Relations: Even though she is a symbolism of all that is right....she has never known what it feels like to love someone....
Family: Restion is her brother and her father was a powerful archangel, who has passed away when Hope was a teen.
Random information: Hope is fun and caring. Her emotions are very important and it is wise not to get her mad. At all.
Author of this character is: ~KawaiiKoNeko~
Hope's Theme
Trope: Kicking Ass In All Her Finery
Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 01:38:26 PM by Neko
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #1 on:
April 05, 2012, 07:45:58 PM »
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Jonez Denuro
Jonez Denuro
Demeroic Hybrid.
Jonez is a warrior who has seen a lot in his life. His parents are killed by the Master and he lost his best friend to evil. Together with new found friends he found a way to kill his enemy, the Master.
His girlfriend was killed and the culprit has never been found. This is the moment Jonez regrets in his life. When then Jonez returned to Alex, his mentor who trained him and learned him valuable lessons, betrayed him and threw him off a cliff that almost killed Jonez.
He has learned a lot on his travels and he tried to forget how past “cared” for him. He became a powerful warrior who received a demonic arm because it was cut by Toffee. This demonic arm may prove powerful enough to defeat his new enemies. This demonic arm has been given by Vantiem.
His moral his fused with his aura creating a powerful dragon who protects him when he is wounded. The dragon’s name is Loth.
Jonez went through a lot of trouble. First he was a hero but when he got his demonic arm… Jonez had trouble to control it. So that’s why Jonez got from Vantiem his demonic powers… making him a Demoroic man (Hero + Demon).
But when his he got in some trouble as human… Jonez asked to become a hybrid.
Jonez was once almost killed by Melfice, a former friend, but thanks to quick thinking of Jonez… he just survived. He was able to swap souls with a clone, Suma and himself. So, Suma kept his body alive.
Melfice is angry at Jonez because of a misunderstanding. Jonez got misinformed by somebody and wanted to shoot Melfice. But, Illudia saw Jonez shooting and jumped in front of Melfice to save him. So, Jonez shot Melfice’s sister thanks to a misunderstanding.
When Jonez’s fears become too big… his fears become a demons inside of him & then try to kill him from the inside. His team knows how to cure Jonez but those attacks are very demanding.
When Jonez started to live in the verses, Jonez became Vantiem’s second assistant and is been seen as the co-founder of the new upgraded Team Verepes. This team… is his “family”.
Jonez’s soul exists out of three parts. A dark part where his demon powers rule. A colourful and warm part where his heroic / angel powers rule and that fine line in between … where his hybrid powers rule.
When Jonez became a hybrid, Toffee gave him a special gauntlet that could give him more access to his demon powers and would stop the infection Toffee gave to him … the infection was from Lilith and if that wouldn’t be stopped… Lilith would be able to control him.
Jonez is a nice guy who wants to protect his allies with heroic powers. Jonez doesn’t try to overpower his enemy but tries to exploit its weak point. He is known to care for his crew and friends.
Getting Jonez mad is not easy to do. He always tries to stay calm… but when the problems come in one after the other in a short time frame… Jonez can’t stop getting mad.
Jonez is very flexible and always able to forgive. But that forgiving has its limits.
Current goal:
To aid the team for killing their enemies.
Lives in:
In his Otherverse house. His mainland house is now aboded.
Sword, whip, magic (Hybrid/Heroic & Demonic), demonic arm.
Zana (Wife)
Gamblore (Father), Rin (Mother), Ipos (Son), Ariel (daughter), ?? (Sister), Family of Suma.
Random information:
Jonez’s biggest fears are fighting alone, betrayal & dying.
Jonez sometimes can’t control his powers and how angrier he is, how more powers he uses… And this can also result in an overcharge.
Loth can be heard by people who have telepathy & those who are part of Team Verepes.
Jonez is getting close to become a Legendary Hero.
Jonez's theme
Trope - IdealHero
Loth's theme
Trope - Magical Guardian
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Zana Broye
Past life:
Zana was always fascinated by angels. Her first contact with something that has to do with angels was around the age of 6. Then she helped her mother sealing away a dangerous demon inside a forest.
She went to school too, of course. There she fell in love with Jonez, who she thought was at that moment… “The unreachable boyfriend”. She followed him one day and for the full story to how they fell in love… look for the upcoming prologue 10.
She was heartbroken when Jonez left with Melfice on a journey. But she was so happy when he returned after the “shot” of Jonez.
Zana had a difficult childhood but that made her strong. Not in terms of bullying but more as in having setback after setback. Unlucky let us say…
But she was researching something behind Jonez’ back that … cost her life. She was killed right before she could join Jonez at the prom where she wanted to ask him to marry her.
Then she got a seal on her arm. A demon made her wanting to become a dark angel out of free will.
Queen Hope save her from her misery and exorcized the demon out of the seal and made her an angel again. Now she is set to help Jonez & his friends in his quest and marry him.
Before Zana & Jonez could marry… Zana became pregnant. She gave birth 2 days before her wedding.
Not long after that… Jonez & Zana married. All be it with, again some setbacks but they succeeded with the wedding.
When Zana asked Hope to find out her killer… Hope couldn’t answer because a powerful dark force blocked the information.
Zana is a playful girl and always worries about her friends and family. She doesn’t show that she is worried or she doesn’t get “annoyingly worried” but she is always honest.
Zana is always ready to help. Ask her something and she could even delay cooking for you.
Zana is highly trustworthy. She can keep secrets like no other. She even doesn’t hint to other people. If she is asked to not share something…. She even doesn’t pass it to Jonez.
If Zana starts to cry… She has trouble to cheer up. For some reason… When she feels bad, her misery expands.
Zana has a unbelievable flexible personality. Like with Jonez, the only thing she demands of the people around her is to be nice & to be themselves. The rest comes naturally. But if she needs to adapt herself to much… She will probably not become good friends with you.
If Zana is too worried or somebody needs help… She Is usually the first to take action… She can panic and unleash her anger by cutting various tree’s down but …. If she can help , she helps until the problem is completely solved. This is a part of her personality that came from her relationship with Jonez.
Zana can sometimes not hold herself and tell her intentions right away… Even if it can prove in her disadvantage.
Zana isn’t quick to judge.
Current goal:
Aiding the team in every way she can and taking care of her children.
Lives in:
In Jonez’s Otherverse house.
Fights with:
Angel magic, battle claws, sword. Mostly the first two.
Jonez (husband)
Marian (mother), Blaire (father – Passed away), Ipos (son), Ariel (daughter), Suma’s family.
Random information:
Zana doesn’t know who killed her.
Zana is very bad in ground combat.
Zana has no brothers or sisters.
Zana is a fan of coffee in the morning. Something she copied from Jonez.
Zana would commit suicide if she had to live without Jonez.
If Jonez thinks something is okay… even if it is against her angel nature… she follows him.
Zana loves to have fun with the other girls.
Zana hates to lie… how bad the lie may be.
Zana loves to tell stories but is amazingly jealous of Jonez’s ability to tell stories so lively.
Zana is a game girl … She collects games together with her husband.
Author of this character is: NekoJonez
Zana's theme
Trope - Action Girl
Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 10:12:18 PM by NekoJonez
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Caster no Mae
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #2 on:
May 30, 2012, 10:10:10 PM »
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Name: Melfice Ezahrl (has Discarded the Last name*
Gender: Male
Age: in his 20ies
Species: Human Like, Corruption and the "reincarnation" has made him into an Oddity
Past life: A Former Friend of Jonez and Thunder, was Living mostly happily despite her distate towards Humanity, after the Shooting that ended up almost Killing Illudia, His Sister and the most Important Thing in his Life, he Grew Incredible Hate towards Jonez as well as Lost basicly all Hope he ever Had for Humanity.
Later on his and Illudia's Travels, they Met Sumasshu Suma, Smash at the time, Illudia Fell in Love with him and Melfice seems him as his one of the few Remaining Friends, with the Great boost to the said friendship due Illudia.
after Spending some time with Smash and Co. He Went on with his travels and ends up as a Part of an Exploration Crew, planning to Map the Entire Antarctica. The Expedition ends in failure as the Leader and Most of the suplies fell down a Fissure on the Ground and the Death Rate Soaring high due endless blizzard
in the end he was the Last one to Live, by eating the allready dead members Flesh to feed himself
Saved a Lost Harpyan Child by feeding it the remains of the last crew member, and was later taken inside the Harpyan Village where he spended quite a lot of time and ended up falling in Love with Elizabet, but later was Forced out from the Village as he went to look a way to Find how to free Elizabet from a Dimensional "prison" she was send on a certain fatefull day and as a Result ended up working for Lilith in exchance for Power
(missess some stuff but me lazy)
Current goal: Ensure Harmony has a Peace filled Life as well as make sure Illudia stays safe. keep his remaining Sanity Check
Lives in: The Mainland, In a Humonguous Tree with Elizabet and Harmony
Fights with: His Trusted Old Sword, has another Sword made of Pure Corruption*
Relations: Illudia -Sister
Elizabet - Lover
Harmony - Child
Queen of Harpyans - Boss
Suma - Friend
Jonez -Rival, target of hate and anger
Random information: Corrupted, Ax Crazy blood Thirsty Madman with suprising amount of knowledge and Sanity Remaining.
seems to have ability to eat other Peoples Souls
Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 10:05:49 PM by Illudia
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #3 on:
June 06, 2012, 03:00:09 PM »
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Marian Broye
Around the age of 40.
Past life:
Marian was somehow able to do various Angel abilities as a human. She sealed various demons away in forest.
Marian got on her 21 a beautiful daughter called Zana. She saw her daughter quickly grew and after 9 years… Zana found her love.
Marian loved her teaching job and took great care of her husband. She is now teaching in the Middleverse high school. She took this job to cheer up Queen Hope after an attack on the Middleverse. To help restore the Middleverse.
Marian is more a healer then a fighter. But you shouldn’t mess with her because she always spied on Jonez & Zana when they were playing knight & warrior. She can fight but she is like Karen, trying to be more the supportive type. But that has changed since she became a part of Team Verepes.
Marian was always a lucky girl. She always got everything what she wanted without being getting too much attention.
As she became an angel, she quickly learned everything about the verses and became … who she is.
When James asked her to be adopted… well, she agreed. Since then Marian started to get known as the “adoption” mom. When a mass suicide wave was going through the Mainland… A girl arrived in the verses named Jenni. She is a friend of Stephany, Lara and Max… Who are the only humans who are allowed access in the verses without first looking for an angel, demon or hybrid. But since Jenni’s parents were missing… Marian directly adopted her and took care of her if she would be a second daughter.
One day she got asked by Naota to be more than a friend to her. Since Naota was tired of having a boyfriend after two failed ones… She wanted a woman’s touch. When Naota met Marian she actually also sort of fell in love with her. It didn’t take long for a relationship to start.
Marian is trying to become a Memory Master. She can mess with memories. She is teaching this skill to her daughter.
Describing Marian in a few words is difficult. She tries to care in the best way she can but she also accepts when it’s time to let go.
When Marian is mad… she doesn’t start yelling easily. Marian always looks for ways to solve an argument calm and easily.
If Marian is sad… She usually goes in hiding for a day before talking to her daughter and her husband to relieve some stress. Because she thinks that fresh memories always manipulate your feelings too much.
Marian tries to be modern and not that mom who is not fond of the new technology that the kids or young adults are playing with.
Marian is always honest, she hates it when she lies. A lie for somebody’s good… well, then she doesn’t care much but for the other types of lies…. She can get very mad.
Marian might be wanting to become a Memory Master but she refuses to abuse her skills for various things. She wants to use them only if there is a good reason or a need for it.
Marian can sometimes push her children a bit too much. As in, giving not so much time to change.
Marian can be easily worried. Also, big troubles … she likes to keep secret.
Marian always tries to get to know the people around her down to every last detail. So that way she knows where to go in a given situation.
Current goal: Being one of the “mothers of the team”.
Location of house:
Next to Jonez, together with Karen & Naota.
Fights with:
Angel magic, sword.
Zana (Daughter), James (son)
Blaire (Husband, passed away), Naota (girlfriend)
Random information:
• Marian is good with remembering dates.
• Marian can sometimes be a bit too emotional.
Marian's theme
Trope - Hot mom
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Rin Denuro
+/- 30 years old
Past life:
At school she was a very popular girl. Rin enjoys being at the centre of the attention when she can… But usually doesn’t aim for it.
Rin is Jonez his mother. She was always the caring type. Worried that something might happen to her son.
Driven by her love for her family… Rin was a very kind but yet stubborn lady. If she wants something, she goes for it.
She was killed at a fateful day she was killed by the Master. Gamblore tried to revive her but for some reason it didn’t work.
Jonez wanted to see her again but never found her in the verses. Her spirit or her hybrid self has never been found.
As she was revived together with Maryll, she now wants Gamblore back & Maryll dead.
When Jonez & Zana married… Loki had a plan to try & destroy Gamblore but that didn’t succeed thanks to Jonez interfering and exposing Rin. She showed big regret for destroying her son’s wedding.
Since the revival of her didn’t work thanks to malfunctioning in Gamblore’s magic… She isn’t that fond of magic… In fact, she can have a small hate towards people who are trying to revive others. “The dead better stay dead if you don’t succeed”… is the thought she has then.
Rin loves to sleep and that shows. When she can sleep five minutes longer, she will. Rin is not a woman with less energy than others… No, it’s just a habit of loving to sleep.
Rin is can be very strict but she is always keeping an eye on everyone and will interfere if needed… Even when it bad to interfere… She will… If it’s not going well, Rin will not stop till it’s fixed.
Rin tries to make everything as efficient as possible. She loves it when everything goes by itself. She can be sort of lazy but she works hard to create things so that she can be lazy.
Introvert is one word you can’t associate with her. Ask her to go shopping and she will tag along. Rin is a very energetic woman and doesn’t stop playing around after one shopping spree.
Rin can get angry very quickly if something she loves is attacked. Also, she doesn’t like big changes and always needs a lot of time to “let it sink in.”.
Rin isn’t a curious type but when she is worried about something she always digs to the bottom of the case. This is one of Rin’s not so perfect morals. Another example is when she almost attacked Zana once. But Zana has forgiven her for that deed since it was a misunderstanding.
Rin may look stupid from the outside but actually she knows a lot. She just tries not to be the “irritating wise guy”.
Rin loves going one step beyond to explore new limits… A piece of her personality that she gave directly to her son Jonez.
Current goal:
Lives in:
Fights with:
Katana (Has magic, but doesn’t use it)
Jonez (son), Gamblore (ex-husband)
Random information:
• Rin wants to care for Jonez… no matter his new life style.
• Rin's old job was assistant manager in a big company that produced wooden furniture.
Rin's theme
Trope - Action Mom
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Nanthy Mizota
Past life:
Nanthy is somebody who always could pull off certain miracles. For some reason, her personality made her always get the things she wanted without becoming a little brat who bragged day in day out.
Nanthy is best compared to your friendly classmate who always wants to do good or to do the best for everybody.
Nanthy went to school in the mainland and studied, against her will, science. But after some times she started to adore it and forged swords if it was like cooking water.
Nanthy was once kidnapped for this by a group of bandits … her “husband” saved her. She called him “husband” but he didn’t return the feelings after her daughter was born. He was always on a mission or missing.
Her daughter was killed by a vicious killer called Nicki, twice. After the first time, her daughter came back as an angel but after that … Nicki wanted revenge. Why Nicki wanted to do this… is unclear. The only ones who know this story are Lala, Muddy, Marian & Naota.
Since then Nanthy is afraid to pick up weapons. Especially her old blade.
Nanthy joined Team Verepes as a scientist. She was informed of the team by several stories and she wanted to join the team because they could possibly help her to get Sofiel back. It’s her life’s work.
On one day, Nanthy was shopping for clothes in the Mainland and there she met Hei. A boy that had no house at all…. Nanthy directly thought of Marian and adopted him. From that point on… Nanthy felt like a mother again and ready to keep on trying to get Sofiel back.
Nanthy is very flexible. She knows what she can and can’t.
Nanthy is always tries to get the best out of herself and everything.
Everything that is related to Sofiel or Hei gets from Nanthy priority.
Nanthy tries to be as friendly as she can but as she tries to hold back her undercaring behaviour… Nanthy’s biggest fear is shouting… She when she starts shouting she can’t hold back and starts crying.
Nanthy is understanding. She can forgive big mistakes. But Nicki, she will never forgive.
Nanthy isn’t that fond of having much attention… In fact, if she gets big honour’s or much attention… She goes into shy mode.
Current goal:
Reviving Sofiel.
Aiding the team as much as possible.
Lives in:
In a medium sized house close to the border with the Oververse. But she lives in the Middleverse.
Fights with:
Long rifle, sword, bow & arrow.
Hei (son), Sofiel (Daughter – Died. )
Her husband worked for an secret organisation & is almost never home. Nanthy left him with her daughter… who is now dead.
Random information:
• Nanthy doesn’t like to talk with people who brag.
• Nanthy can’t stand lying. People who attack her friends or the ones she cares about… are her enemies.
• Nanthy can go overboard easily if she is sad.
• Nanthy doesn’t want to fight since she saw her daughter get killed, twice, right before her eyes.
• Nanthy her biggest hobby is cooking and supporting people with cleaning and other daily tasks.
• Nanthy may be 25 years old but her main stress reliever is writing in her notebook or diary.
• Nanthy's biggest hobby is maintaining her flower garden.
• Nanthy works for Vincent as a scientist.
Nanthy's theme.
Trope - Hot Scientist
Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 08:12:15 PM by NekoJonez
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Sir Shota
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #4 on:
June 12, 2012, 05:32:24 AM »
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Naota Rion The 4th
True Form:
"What gives you the fire in your mind?"
Main Current Form:
"Nice to meet ya~~!"
Gender: Female
Age: Speculated to be over 500
Species: Demon
Past life: Naota’s the type of woman who you would believe would be a common housewife, but she’s much more than that. Being the badass daughter of a mafia leader, she uses her personalities to her advantage in battle. Naota also has had a habit of changing her appearance, no one truly knowing her true form. She has also held up a stunning body even after having 9 children in her lifetime. She has had two husbands already, one divorced, the other disappeared, but Naota has held up her new title, “The Raging Bi”, for a reason. She has won many contests using her body and personality which was noticed tenfold. This has made her friends quite jealous as well.
Current goal: To try and maintain her housewife status, keep her perfect body, get a hold of her ways as a mother as well with her friend, Marian.
Lives in: The Otherverse
Fights with: Her trusty Zweihander, Violet and hidden pistols that she may or may not use any time of her lifetime.
Marian - Girlfriend and future wife
Alot of the younger members of the team she treats as her own sons and daughters.
Random information: She has the ability to change into any appearance she wants to at will, her true form unknown. She is the destined ruler of the Rion Dynasty, but she is rethinking this decision. She also has a certain love for smoothies as well.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Naota's Theme (True Form)
Naota's Theme (Current Form)
Trope: Really 700 Years Old
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Lord Kinag
Aged Out:
"This is a place of dignity."
Young Again:
"I shall never let the stern take me over."
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Angel Lord
Past life: Kinag, a man of introversion, yet a very wise and ample Lord, who has held up the Oververse well and is proud of the various heroes he has trained over the years, the most unexpected being Jonez. Unlike the other lords, he has showed his age lately and this has caused his introversion. But this did not change his reading habits however. With an extensive study, he has read anything he could get his hands on, giving him extended knowledge, but this does not mean he knows everything.
Current goal:
Lives in: Oververse
Fights with: The Blade of Shines
Relations: He has had a one and only love named Diamanda.
Family: his family is not talked of, but he treats Team Verepes as his family.
Random information: The only way to get back his youth is to keep Diamanda in his mind and heart at all times. The same goes for Diamanda. He is an avid reader and his preferred animal is the mythological Griffin. Like Vantiem, his aged personality gives him a very stoic feel.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Kinag's Theme (Aged)
Kinag's Theme (Young)
Trope (Aged): Cool Old Guy
Trope (Young): Upbringing Makes The Hero
Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 01:42:44 PM by Neko
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #5 on:
June 12, 2012, 12:48:41 PM »
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Karen Ikeda
Past life:
Karen was born on the backseat of her parents their car. They were just too late to enter the hospital.
Karen has a rough childhood. Being bullied and always left out with parties. Her brother was always at her side. Without her brother she wouldn’t become so cheerful & happy.
But when she went to high school, she was not popular but she had friends. She even wrote with friends online a story. A story about a high school and about a land full of adventures.
She studied something you wouldn’t expect from a girl, game design & programming. Her life was enjoyable until that fateful day. Then she drastically changed her studies.
When her house was set on fire, she & her brother died. Jonez tried to save them but her wounds where fatal. Her parents died also, but they didn’t arrive in the same verse as her. Then she started to look for her and found her brother.
After she became an angel she roamed the verses in search of Jonez & wanted to join team Verepes. With her brother, she is trying to find her parents back.
She fell in love with James after Marian adopted him. She is trying to protect him and teach him how to life a decent life since then. When Marian & Naota got their own house, Karen moved out Jonez & Zana’s house to live with Marian & Naota since Marian took James with her to her new house.
When Karen is slightly angry … she goes directly to shouting mode.
Karen is easily emotionally scared. When something bad happens all those old bad memories return and goes crying and freezes.
Karen always tries to help people the best she can. Especially when it are emotional problems.
When Karen is pissed on somebody, she isn’t scared to go too far to make it totally to that person.
Karen absolutely hates bullies. Since she was bullied in the past… She actually wants the death penalty for them.
Current goal:
Destroying her killer & love James + finding her parents.
Lives in:
In Marian & Naota’s Otherverse house.
Fights with:
Her magical is more supportive, she makes other people their attacks stronger. Long distance weapons.
James (boyfriend)
Kris (brother), Bram (father), Chloe (mother)
Random information:
• Karen is studying to become a shrink.
• Karen adores cheese pancakes.
Karen's Theme
White Magician Girl - Karen's Trope
Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 02:11:08 PM by NekoJonez
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #6 on:
June 16, 2012, 05:27:25 PM »
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"Hei" Mizota
Gender: Male
Age: 15-17 (Actual age unknown. All of the data within the facility of his supposed creation were destroyed, thus his age is only an estimation)
Species: Tank-bred human
Past life: Originally known as "AxA Code BLA SE07SU16". A tank-bred human made to be a perfect fighter of sorts. He was to be terminated after being found out that even with his flexible copy ability, his body cannot exceed normal human limits and must be trained as a normal human would. Vorona tried to intervene his supposed death, at the cost of her life.
During one of Melfice and Jonez fights, the magnitude of their conflict brought about the reactivation of the facility where Hei was stored and thus, his "birth". He wandered around inside the facility like a curious infant, quickly learning language, history, myths, the nature of his creation and his original raison d'etre.
After the said fight, Hei decided to wander into the forest, eventually stumbling upon a village where he met his adoptive mother, Nanthy.
Current goal: He's a bit conflicted here. He doesn't have any goals and yet he tries to find one.
Lives in: Nanthy's house
Fights with: Guns, knives, swords, gadgetry which Vorona makes for him, bow and arrow, anything he comes across. He has his own personal power, the "Imitor" (I changed the name. I hated the first one.) which turns his eyes blood-red and allows him to analyze and/or copy any type of attack or stances he sees. He can also copy magic with it, but using something very powerful can cause any part of his body to disintegrate, heat up or implode. The worst case scenario is having his whole body disintegrate after a spell.
His proficiency in many arsenals make him a rather unpredictable enemy in armed combat. His only weakness being magic, which he still needs training on, much to his dismay.
Personality: What he shows in public is a polite, well-mannered boy that deeply cares for his sister and is quite optimistic. Inside, however is a cynical person with a calculative mind and nearly callous emotions with a tendency to be very judgmental. Despite this, he deeply cares for his family and would harm come to them, would unleash unyielding fury. He has a tendency to activate his "Imitor" even outside battle, to either intimidate people or observe them with more focus.
He enjoys battles and prefers graceful yet swift attacks, preferring to overpower his enemies by attacking their weaknesses or tiring them out, rather than using brute force.
Relations: Has an inseparable platonic relationship with Vorona.
Family: Vorona (Guardian / former adoptive mother), Nanthy (current adoptive mother), Sofiel (adoptive sister), Alan (adoptive father)
Random information: Likes breasts. Doesn't let anyone know about this.
Status: Presumed deceased
Author of this character is: BloodcatNS
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Vorona Artemieva
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Species: Hybrid
Past life: A scientist of the "Chlora Pharmacy", a pharmaceutical company with unknown history of black market dealings. Her childhood and history prior to her first encounter with Hei still remains a mystery. Although her casual "interview" with Jonez may suggest that she is either tank-bred like Hei or simply had the skills that she never used on her own free will.
Back when she still worked in the Chlora Pharmacy, she became attached to an infant test subject and was determined to develop the child, which was still in a tank. Thanks to her efforts, this subject became the most developed experiment, having the "Imitor" eye. Unfortunately, this test subject was to be terminated for not being able to sustain any abilities which exceeded its limits, and thus it needed to be trained normally. Before the termination can happen, Vorona intervened, saving the subject's life at the cost of her own.
Later, she discovered after her death that this subject has grown, and has adopted "Hei" as its name. With the intention of taking him again as her son, Vorona decides to speak with Hei's mother about the matter, only to be turned down by Hei. After this failed attempt, she decides to raise Hei by being his guardian and training him as he wishes.
Current goal: Guard Hei with her life.
Lives in: Oververse
Fights with: Guns, knives or anything she comes across with. Like Hei, she has an "Imitor", stemming from Hei's own genes. And since hers is only a copy of what Hei has, Vorona's "Imitor" is less proficient in combat and has a more narrow applications, which she claims to be able to copy even souls. Despite this, she has more mastery over the Imitor than Hei has.
Personality: Sarcastic and witty, Vorona is the type of person to lash out at something she dislikes or deems idiotic. She can be harsh to Hei, which she justifies to be "tough love". Despite this, she cares a lot for Hei, but doesn't hesitate when fighting him. She shares many traits with him, the most noticable being their beliefs and philosophies. What sets them differently is that while Hei is polite outside and can be callous on the inside, Vorona tries to be callous on the outside while hiding the fact that she's emotional, much to Hei's amusement.
Relations: Has a platonic master-protege relationship with Hei.
Family: Hei (Former adoptive son)
Random information: Dislikes men and lesbians. She also dislikes being in a romantic relationship. Back in the Chlora, she was always the target of affection of men, who are often turned down by Vorona.
Status: Deceased
Author of this character is: BloodcatNS
So did I do a good job on this one?
Added current statuses for the characters.
Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 03:41:26 PM by BloodcatNS
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #7 on:
June 25, 2012, 11:06:31 PM »
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Name: Muddy/Muyuko M. Cresto.
Age: 17-ish
Sex: Male(Muddy); Female(Muyuko)
Weapons: Ice and water magic and Jonez's old sword.
Abilities: Can easily slide around the field by using ice magic and can also imbue Jonez's sword with ice or water magic. Can walk on water by using his magic.
Muddy can also produce magical "Transformation powders".
Backstory: Muddy is a young lün(pronounced loon), a being from the moon. It is common to lüns to be sent away
from their homes for about two years to complete their magic training and to study about different types of cultures from around the universe/dimensions. Muddy was sent to the mainland about a year ago and eventually got up into Jonez's adventures. He's currently at the moon resolving some issues and collecting more moon rocks for his powders.
Extra info: Can be very smart at times and can be very naïve at others. Kinda girly. Also has few screws loose. Not much of fighter.
He doesn't always take things seriously, sometimes joking and annoying other people. He's always tries to make everybody around him happy. Is afraid of telling the the team about his true origins.
-Jonez: A teacher/role-model of some kind.Also a great friend.
-Lala: His girlfriend.
-Nanthy: A great friend of his.
-Suma: Ally/Role-model/Friend
-Yddum: Opposite self
Muddy's theme - The bumbling hero with good heart
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Name: Yddum
Age: 17-ish
Sex: Female
Weapons: Dark and fire magic.
Abilities: Can fly.
Backstory: Just as the moon has a dark side, every lün has a dark counterpart that is always trying to manifest itself.
These dark entities only appear when a lün has suffered a grave injury or when a lün is in an extremely miserable state.
Traits: She wants everything she hates gone. She hates Muddy but can't do thing about because if he dies, she also dies,
so tries her best to at least make him miserable. She hates everything, but especially despises Lala, since she's most of where muddy gets his happiness.
-Everyone except Lala: Enemy.
-Lala: Mortal enemy
-Muddy: Opposite self.
Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 03:32:28 AM by Muddymaster
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #8 on:
June 27, 2012, 08:33:31 AM »
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Nini Ulena
"Hmph. I shouldn't deal with the likes of you."
Gender: Female
Age: 105
Species: Sorceress/Witch/Mage (However YOU want to see her)
Past life: In a hidden realm named the Milleni Realm, Nini was just a simple Mage that has has been dwelling in silence for many years until she received a message from a friend that has been captured and taken in captivity for unknown reasons. Since then she was tasked with the protection and upbringing of her friend's daughter, Lala. After a while, Lala stumbled into the verses, forcing Nini to follow. Since in Team Verepes, she secretly does not prefer being acknowledged in any way or certain motive, since her only directive was to just protect Lala. But after some time, she has grown comfortable to her life, and vows to simply continue her work on magical abilities.
Current goal: Protect Lala with her life.
Lives in: Otherverse.
Fights with: Black Magic. And a kick ass wand (It ain't a staff).
Lala - Sees her as a little sister
Muddy - Sees him as a brother and expects him to protect Lala as well
Suma - Often stalks him for research
Lyle - Brother
Random information: She keeps to herself and quite silent in many different situations. She doesn't need you to know whatever else she does either.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Nini's Theme
Trope - Lady of Black Magic
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Lala Stitera
"Love is the only way~~!"
Gender: Female
Age: 16-17
Species: Demon Neko
Past life: A happy and energetic girl that has always loved her mother since childhood. But since her mother's capture, she has looked up to her guardian, Nini, as an awesome big sister. One day, while playing around with Nini's portal systems, she stumbled upon the verses, where she was instantly enthralled by the atmosphere and the many residents that live there. Of course, she begged Nini if they could move there and her request was fulfilled. After some years, she met Muddy and she was instantly interested in him and soon was in a nice relationship with him and vows to be with him for as long as possible.
Current goal: To keep up her love with Muddy and nothing more.
Lives in: The Otherverse
Fights with: Similar powers to Muddy, but FIRE VERSION!
Muddy: Boyfriend
Nini: Sister
Random information: She doesn't really have any use in the team, and often denies that she might be a yandere towards Muddy. Though it is most likely true.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Lala's Theme
Trope - Cats Are Magic
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Queen Verepes
"Anarchy is the name of the game!"
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Demon
Past life: The beautiful and lustful queen of the Otherverse is also a very stern one when it comes to morals and responsibility as well as chaos among the demons. Her husband, Vantiem, is the only one to ever keep her in line as she doesn't take crap from anyone else. Ever since her teenage years (If you call 100-200 teenage years) Were good ones and she's developed a very stable and strong friendship with Queen Hope as well. Now, as one of the commanders of the Dark Knights and a renowned Aura Master, she vows to keep her place in line and plan out how it will work for Suma's wife, Illudia, when her title is passed down.
Current goal: To try and keep her sanity in place as things do not seem to chaotic after Jonez's appearance in the verses.
Lives in: The Otherverse (Duh.)
Fights with: Her claws. She hates weapons she can hold. But her claws still are really dangerous and it is recommended to not come in contact.
Vantiem - Husband
Priscilla - Daughter
Hope: Best Friend/Sister
Random information: She secretly wishes for permanent chaos reigning, but since there are different mixes of races, she cannot go on as planned.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Verepes' Theme
Trope - Order Versus Chaos
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Shinzu Stetumya
"I don't have to beat your face in, right?"
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Species: Demon Neko
Past life: Shinzu Stetumya...one of the more infamous Stetumya siblings. Letting her beauty fool you would be an even more dangerous mistake, as she likes to use her fists quite a lot. In past times, she was destined to be the Neko of Seduction. This was....quite shown in her years from 16-18, but at 19, she met Vincent, a stunning young scientist that somehow stole her heart and they were destined to be married very soon. The only downside/upside about this is that she is unable to have children, however they may see it.
Current goal: To become the strongest hand to hand combat expert in the universe.
Lives in: The Otherverse
Fights with: Her hands. In any brutal way possible using mixtures of every single hand to hand style she can get her claws on.
Vincent - Fiancee
Any of her closest friends are her siblings in her eyes~
Snowball - Pet
Random information: She seems to have a similar body set as her mother. She's also involved with different underground fight clubs, gaining some suspicious money on her hands, but Vincent doesn't seem to mind at all.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Shinzu's Theme
Trope - Good Old Fisticuffs
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Snowball Stetumya
"*soft purr*"
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Human Year (36 Cat Years)
Species: White Tiger
Past life: Settled in the Mountain Verse, Snowball had a tough life. Left out as she was a kitten, treated as if she was the young blood by all the other tigers in the community. After a recent snowstorm, she was left hanging on the edge one of the nearby mountains but out of some total luck Shinzu happened to be on a researching mission with Vincent and potentially rescued her. Seeing starvation and fear in her eyes, Shinzu decided to take in Snowball and teach her how to be a very tough tiger. It payed off after one year as Snowball grew and became just as dangerous as her mommy.
Current goal: As with Shinzu, she wants to be the toughest tiger in the universe.
Lives in: The Otherverse
Fights with: Claws
Shinzu: Adoptive Mother
Vincent: Adoptive Father
Random information: Her strength is actually on par with Shinzu's as her goals are the same. Snowball was also just a ditz moment when Shinzu was naming her, but Snowball was all the more happy. It also seems to be a certain plotting of her visiting the Mountain Verse again to shove her success in her relatives' faces.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Snowball's Theme
Trope - Panthera Awesome
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Minyo Stetumya
Dark Minyo:
"I excel highly over my counterpart~"
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Species: Demon Neko
Past life: From early childhood, Minyo was just as cheerful as her sister, and willing to become anything she's willing to be. But at age 5, she was struck with serious mood swings and had to receive an operation for separation of any extra entities. There was one though. Her name was so obviously named Dark Minyo. After the separation, D. Minyo gained ALL of Minyo's emotions, leaving Minyo to be an apathetic shell for the rest of her life. For the rest of her life, nothing ever happened to faze her or bother her as she works all day long to sabotage rival teams with her trusty laptop. It is not know if she may gain her emotion back anymore.
Current goal: To try and work hard to build up her tech skills.
Lives in: The Otherverse
Fights with: English Traditional Rapier
Alan: Sibling Rival
Nini: Personal Rival
Random information: She mostly stays in her house alone and eating off of Pocky practically every day. She prefers to work alone and gets a little jealous if someone is doing better than her, but of course, it is not shown. She also hates how people mention relationships around her, because believe me, she's not a fan of them.
Author of this character is: XxSumasshuxX
Minyo's/D. Minyo's Theme
Trope (Minyo) - Emotionless Girl
Trope (D. Minyo) - Psycho Prototype
Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 01:47:03 PM by Neko
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #9 on:
June 27, 2012, 01:52:46 PM »
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Kris Ikeda
Past life:
A year before Karen her birth, Kris was born. Kris was as child always writing stories and drawing at his desk. Many friends … that was his dream. But he was fine with his life, writing stories was his life.
But everything changed when he went to the first grade of high school. There he met new friends and his personality flourished. His 6th grade is something that he won’t soon forget. He and three other class mates were sick of all the chaos in class and they couldn’t pay attention, at all. The teachers didn’t help calming it down either. Kris took the wheel in his hands and made the situation turn on its head.
When Kris was saved by Jonez from the fire, he tried to pay his life for the one of his sister… which was fatal to him. But Karen soon followed his suit.
Kris wasn’t very found with the idea first of joining the team because he was a bit angry at Hope that he became a demon. He didn’t understand what he had done wrong in his life. But looking back… he did many good things, but only for the favour of himself & his friends…. And that is, according to him, the reason why he became a demon.
After he went to the demon meeting… Many girls asked his number. Nagura & Fromilia introduced him a day or so later to Poni. After the first date… They directly fell in love. Poni heard a lot about Kris and fell in love with him through all the stories.
Not so long after… Kris moved out of Jonez’s house to start living next door’s with Poni.
On the outside Kris looks like a emotionless man… Cold and mean towards the others. But once you get to know him… He is a very friendly and guy.
Kris’s self-control sort of doesn’t exists once he is mad.
How painful the situation might be… Kris almost never cries. If he cries about something… That means it made quite a lot of impact on him.
Kris always looks for an example inside the family. Somebody he aims to be while still staying true to his personality.
Current goal:
Being a part of team Verepes to aid his sister & the others. Also, to be the crazy husband Poni needs.
Lives in:
In his own Otherverse house, next to Jonez & Zana’s, together with Poni.
Fights with:
Magic / Sword
Poni (wife)
Karen (Sister), Chloe (mother), Bram (Father)
Random information:
Kris can’t stand if someone bullies his sister. Any bad word of his sister is enough to get him pissed.
Kris can be mean from time to time but he is always prepared to excuse himself.
If nobody stands up to control the chaos, Kris will.
Kris's Theme
Trope - Dumb Muscle
Caster no Mae
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #10 on:
July 12, 2012, 09:37:20 PM »
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Illudia Ezahrl
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Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Was a Half Human Half Demon Neko - Was Made Full one By Valtiem
Past Life: She was Old Friends with Jonez and Thunder, and also the Youngest of the 3.
She Protected Her Brother, Melfice from the Shot that Jonez madee in the past, Nearly Dying in the Process, there is a Nasty Scar to this Day on her Chest, Hidden by her Cleavage and Clothes Most of the Time, but the Said Injury has Let her to Have a Weak Heart.
Unlike Her Brother She is Actually a Lot More Forgiving and has Forgiven Jonez from that Fateful Day, but one should keep his Guard as she is still exeedingly Skilled Iaijutsu Master thanks to his Family Swordmanship.
She is not too Keen of other People as she Knows that Humans are Bastards
Later as she left with Her Brother They Came Across Suma, Smash at the Time and his family, and Illudia fell in Love with Suma not Soon Afterwards, Calling Him a Cute one all the time and was Later Left after Lot of Adventures to Smash's Care By Melfice who in turn Wanted to Travel More. . .
She is now Living with Smash in his House, Planning to do Her Best For Smash's Sake.
Personality: Like Glue to People She Loves, Acts Quite Coldly and Secretively to others she does not Know.
She is Ready to Do almost anything For Suma.
Current Goal:Become a Perfect Wife for Suma(atleast her Ideal of a Wife) and Give Birth to a Healty Baby.
Fights With: A Sword Called "Shinryuu No Ken" Meaning "Dragon Lords Sword". its a exeedingly Sharp Katana and One of her Family's Treasures.
Relationships: Suma - Husband
Naota - Treats her Like Mom
Marian - Mom nro.2, Like Naota
Jonez - Friend
Zana - Close Friend
and all the Rest of Stetumya Family
Melfice - Dear Brother
Elizabet - "Brother Likes her so She Gotta be a good Girl"
Random Information: She Lacks Courage and is a NEET
Loves a Certain TV Show Called "Kamen Rider"
Her Hobby is Training Her Iaijutsu and Bonzai
Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 10:05:01 PM by Illudia
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #11 on:
August 30, 2012, 10:30:07 PM »
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Name: Elizabet
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, Seems to be at Similar age to Melfice.... or is she?
Species: Harpyan
Past Life: a generic Harpyan lass that was to look after Melfice it seems, a Part of San Zen's Flock as a generic in line personel.
She fell in love with Melfice one way or other (I'd say more but I can't Find my notes at all)
she was Trapped into a some kind of Dimensional Rift some time before the "Start of the Adventure" and thus Sparking Melfice's Allying himself with Lilith with the goal to Free her.
She Now is Living with Melfice and with their Daughter Harmony, but someone of Higher Authority seems to have ordered to also keep watch of the any possible Harpyan in the Verse's side, mostly San Zen
Personality: Curious and mostly friendly, seems to be a bit of a trickster and a liar.
Current Goal: Feed and Raise Harmony. to execute her orders
Fights with: Her Talons
Melfice - Mate
Harmony - Daughter
Illudia - Mate's Family
Suma - that one cat that is mate of the said Family member above
San Zen - Boss
Agireda - indirect boss
Eine Kleine - same as Agireda
Aeria Gloris - Queen
Aditional Information: she is nothing too special in the end, after all, she is mostly generic Harpyan that has screen time.
Her Male interests are to the More "Macho" Like
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Name: Agireda
Gender Female
Age: Unknown
Personality and General Information: She is a Lesbian to the Core with a extreme Distate to anything Man related after Eine Kleine's ASS.
She is in Command of the Royal Guardians of the Queen that keep her Safe 24/7 and she is the "impenetrable Wings" of the Queen thanks to her Impossibly Sturdy body, in the war with Humans she is Rumored to have taken all Kinds of damage from Handguns to a Grenades with still being alive and kicking.
Her Hobbies include; Cloth Making, Chasing Eine Kleine, Taking baths with Girls, Chasing Breasts and Molesting Females
Fights With: Her Talons and with her Entire Body, as she can against normal foes simply take the blows and Counter them with precise timing
Eine Kleine - Interest in many ways, seems to also be a some form of teacher
Naota&Marian - Boobie Ladies = Instant Awesome
Aeria Gloris - Queen
San Zen - Co.Worker(?), a not too good of a Friend
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Name: Queen of Harpyans - Aeria Gloris the XXXIV
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, but she Seems Quite Mature
Species: Harpyan.
General Information: Her Whole Name is Aeria Gloris the XXXIV (34th) and She is the 34th Ruler to go by the Name of Heavenly Glory.
She Rules over all of the Harpyans with the Help of her 3 Guards and caretakers, Eine Kleine, Agireda and San Zen, Each Given a Specific role and a Command of their Own Flock. Despite that, she is almost all of her time with, or Close to Eine Kleine¨who is keeping an eye on her like a Hawk,
among all the Harpyans, she has the Most Effective Singing Ability that can be used with a Single words even to command one to, for example to kneel or to silence, But on the other hand, her Body is exeedingly frail.
Her Aura Radiates with Royal Lineage of Harpyan kin and also is a way for her to hide her frailty.
She Acts Coldy and Superior to other People and Expects them to be Humble and to kneel before her before they will talk a word, However she Acts with great interest towards Hope who she sees as a kind of an Equal as they both are Queens
Personality: Superior to "Lower Class" and only acts warmly to her people or those she sees as her Equal
Current Goal: to Lead her Kin to a greatness as well as to maintain good Relationships to Verses
Fights with: She Can't. but trying to attack her is an exelent way to get Eine Kleine and Agireda Specifically to kick your sorry ass to Next year
Other Information: Her Looks are truly charming, Emerald Like Eyes, the Prettiest feathers in the lands and a all so Seductive Smile and Voice
Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 11:18:46 PM by Illudia
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #12 on:
September 05, 2012, 05:15:26 PM »
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(Thanks Elfkana)
Sofiel Stetumya
Angel / Unknown
Past life:
Sofiel was a cheerful girl. When she got born, her original dad left her and Nanthy behind.
Sofiel grew up under her mom’s care and secretly helped a girl who was extremely bullied at school.
One day her mom and her met a cruel serial killing demon with the name of Nicki Iwata. Sofiel was murdered in front of her mother’s eyes.
She came to the verses as an angel but then the angel Lord Kinag allowed Sofiel to return to her mother once more.
But when Nicki found this out, she killed Sofiel once again on the same way. Since then the location of her soul is unknown.
Cheerful girl. She always tries to have the most fun possible.
She doesn’t mind doing chores. It’s to help out her family. And she tries to do them without being asked to do so. “Otherwise mommy will brag anyways and that’s less game time.”
Sofiel has a very strong sense of judgment. If something went wrong, she usually will admit everything even if it’s not beneficial for her.
Sofiel tries to help out where she can but is shy to admit when she isn’t able to help.
Current goal:
Lives in:
Fights with:
She is 12 years old. So, she is a happy single for now.
Nanthy Mizota (mother), Hei Mizota (Big brother)
Random information:
• Her mom is trying to revive her even if everybody says it’s impossible.
• Sofiel adores cats.
• Sofiel is a big game lover. She likes to learn computer things as long as it helps her gaming life.
• Sofiel was apparently able to read emotions from people’s faces even when they where hidden.
Sofiel's Theme
Sofiel's trope - Cheerful Child
Caster no Mae
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #13 on:
November 09, 2012, 10:38:00 PM »
Name: San Zen
Gender: MALE
Age: Unknown
Species: Harpyan
Personality&General info: the only Male Member of the 3 Guardins of the Queen and known as "the Eyes and Ears of the Queen". HE is always dressed to a Maido, but one must wonder is it considered crossdressing or not with Harpyan....
His Ability, or Stand as he calls it, is called Stretchy Bones, that he can not control at all if anything living is too close to him, saying that it hates other people. the Ability itself is a 3 way working; 1st ability to control his Skeleton to Body Horror Levels with no harm to his own body done by it. 2nd Ability manifests as a near extreme Bone Regeneration Ability. 3rd Ability works by striking his and his enemy's bone together, and thus the regenerative Power reacts to the enemy, thus "Healing" both him and his enemies bones together, however the true horror comes from its ability to with enough time to "Heal" the enemy's whole Skeleton to his, he can rip the skeleton out, while not killing his enemy, only leaving them slowly die as their lungs collapse or Brains leak out with their bones gone, giving a slow, painfull death. Alternatively he could also turns their entire body inside out with the same method...
He Lives now, in isolation of the most Harpyans with Shou, trying his very best to not let his ability to go wild as well as Guarding her from any other danger.
His Specialty is Scouting, Spying and information gathering
Current Goal: to keep Stretchy Bones in Check and Safeguard Shou
Fights with: his Bones and Skeleton
Elizabet: Underling
Eine Kleine - Co-Guard
Agireda: not too good of a friend
Aeria Gloris - Queen
Aditional Information: He speaks with Looooooooooooonggggggggggggggg woooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddssssssssssss aaaaaannnnnnddddddd haaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss feeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww ooooooffff hhhiiiiiiiiiissssssss oooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiiggggggiiiiinnnnnaaallll laaaannnnguuuuuuuaaaaaageeeeeeee miiiiixxxeeeeeeeeeeedddddd iiiiiiiiiin
Name: Alice
Species: Hybrid(?)
Age: around 10 or so
Past Life: she was Searching for Mr.rabbit untill she stumbled upon Hope who she would identify as Mother.
Personality: She is Innocent, slightly dumb at times, and knowledge hungry to the point of having most of her day rhythm consist of Learning and Learning.
General Information: She was attacked(?) by a Weird Creature of Slime, resulting one of her eye socket being crushed so she lost her eye and only thing remains under her eyepatch is pitch black void. on the Same incident she lost her nerve system in her legs, making her unable to even walk at all, instead forced to life in wheelchair.
She seems to have a Higher output to Magic than normal, making her magical advances quite a bit of destructive, and her main Elemental Affinity seems to be Allmighty.
Her Favorite things are: to go to School with Sofiel, Study with Mother and Big Sister Levity. Read Story Books, explore around the castle and the verse. as well as to go out with family and others
cannot fight...
Jonez - a Hero~
Zana - Hero's wife~
Nanthy - Sofiel's Mom~
Alan - Sofiel's Dad~
Pixton - Pixiv, Aunt~
Sofiel - Best Friend~
Kimberly - Pixiv's daughter Cousin~
Loth - mr. Dragon
Cocoa - Sofiel's GDA, a Friend~
Hope - "Mother"
Levity - "Big Sister"
Additional information: she has quite a fast mood, mostly when she is sad, she can forget it really fast.
Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 11:31:08 PM by Caster no Mae
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #14 on:
December 03, 2012, 03:23:12 PM »
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Blaire Broye
At least 1600 years old.
Past life:
When Blaire was born, he had an usual childhood. His father was a good friend with the Lord of the Oververse at that moment. By a stroke of luck, he met Kinag and from that moment on, they became the best of friends.
Blaire studied to become a Lord but he eventually gave Kinag the chance and got the job as Advisor and General.
Blaire’s personality somewhat flipped when his sister died. Till this day, he is still having a trauma from it.
Blaire met his wife in the Mainland. It was a rare opportunity and Blaire took it and ran with it.
Blaire has two daughters which mean a lot to him. Zana & Mika are the world to him. Even when Mika had her crime spree, Blaire still wanted to care about her as a daughter.
When the war broke out, Blaire was killed by a rough Angel. But his wife, which who he had two daughters, remembers his death in another way.
He has a problem with women. He falls too easy in love and actually has a sort of trance while looking to females.
Blaire is a man that takes has own mistakes not lightly. He hates himself when he starts to fail. Even if the failure is small and or little, he gets in a bad mood.
Blaire is a man that protects what he cares for. Like his step-son Jonez, he protects and defends everybody who he has respect for.
He is superfriendly. And pretty generous. He gives presents for no reasons. And then he doesn’t care if it’s overkill or not.
Current goal:
Lives in:
In the Oververse Palace.
Fights with:
Angel magic, bow sword.
Mika (Daughter), Zana (Daughter), James (son)
Marian (former wife), Morgan (sister)
Random information:
- Was killed in the war.
- He can’t life without a companion. A friend who guides him through life.
- Blaire wished he had a son.
Blaire's Trope - Papa Wolf
Blaire's Theme
Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 10:50:10 PM by NekoJonez
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Sir Shota
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I Love My Darling~~<3
Re: Character Bios
Reply #15 on:
January 29, 2013, 08:08:27 AM »
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Toro Stetumya
"Not bad for a first date, no?"
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Demon/Thunder-Based Nekomata
Past Life: Ever since he was young, more around the age of 7, Toro has become somewhat of the most attractive of his family, yet he wasn't aware of it, becoming oblivious to the attention of many individuals. When he had become an adolescent, he disappeared for some time during a major family gathering, taken by a mysterious figure to a steep cliff in a distant realm, known as the Spark Realm. There, he had received his powers towards thunder and electric based attacks, yet he couldn't control them on his own, so he had forced himself to create special gloves in order to keep control of his Sparks ability. As he had gotten older, he learned to control his power and eventually detached his gloves when not in battle and amplified his Sparks whenever he had gotten the major chance.
Current Goal: To find the true secrets of the origins of Sparks.
Lives in: Otherverse.
Alan: Favorite Brother
Karen: Major Love Interest
Angel: Former Major Love Interest
Random Info: Toro enjoys partaking in Sparks Festivals to study new fighting arts, knowing he is a fighting junkie like his sister, Shinzu. He studies all forms of martial arts and hand to hand combat and is occasionally studies stat markers to tell how an opponent works inside and out.
Author: NekoSmash
Toro's Theme
Trope - Mr. Fanservice
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Toro Stetumya
"A pleasure to spar with you."
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Demonic Nekomata
Past Life: Is the appearance fooling you yet? Good, because he is, in actuality, 19 years old. Has he finished college? Yes. Why does he have such a gaping hole between years of himself and his lover? We'll never know. For all we know, Alan is one of the more finer mysteries of his family, with his high intellect and his interest in mechanical pursuits, he has lived an advanced life much faster than his siblings. Due to his low age, he makes up for it by training his body and facial features in order to look much more older to everyone else around him. Another interesting fact to point out is his strong British influence. Being trained in a secret group in London, Alan has learned to utilize firearms to a high advantage, making him a very dangerous individual, even around friends and family. He also works with a man named Vincent, in order to build new things in the universe and attempt to make life better for others even.
Current Goal: Reach a climax in technological discovery.
Lives in: Otherverse
Nanthy: Current Wife
Toro: Favorite Brother
Random Info: Other than the fact that he is Demonic and might be insane, Alan is a very lighthearted and polite demon, not caring the slightest for what he does, yet pays attention to his morality more than others.
Author: NekoSmash
Alan's Theme
Trope - Megane
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Koko Koane
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Hybrid
Past Life: Madame Smiles-A-Lot is Koko Koane, of the badass Koane family in the Neon Verse. Koko had some disputes with her family when she became an official adult, so she decided to move to the Middleverse where she could be accepted. The reason she smiles so hard and so often is a mystery, yet it is due to a complicated bipolar disposition, which has her switching personalities at the flip of negative and positive reaction. In short: You will NEVER see Koko frown, unless it is a heart wrenching event that may occur at the moment.
Current Goal: Have happiness in all who believe in it.
Katherine: Negative Persona
Insane Koko: Unstable Persona
Nanthy: Best Friend
Random Information: Koko adores the sea life. Hence, she lives in a lighthouse near the Middleverse Ocean and enjoys playing Pirate from time to time.
Author: NekoSmash
Koko's Theme
Trope - Perpetual Smiler
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Katherine Koane
"You'll never understand Koko."
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Hybrid Persona
Past Life: Katherine is the result of a negative emoted Koko. She only ever appears when anything bad happens and must fill in for the absence of Koko. Where Koko goes is unknown to everyone except Katherine of course. Unlike the always smiling Koko, Katherine presents friends and family with a small frown on her face, never moving a muscle, never any time for crap, no matter who she is talking to. Though she might have a cold heart, she only ever shows true sympathy to best friends and Koko, going out of her way to protect her even.
Current Goal: Protect Koko emotionally and keep living as a symbol of negativity.
Koko: Main Persona
Insane Koko: Unstable Persona
Nanthy: Best Friend
Random Information: She has a habit of darkening anyone's day, yet it is not her fault, only in her nature. She does sometimes show signs of apologetic feeling if it gets too far.
Author: NekoSmash
Katherine's Theme
Trope - Perpetual Frowner
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Insane Koko Koane
"Stay away from my Koko."
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Hidden Hybrid Persona
Past Life: The voices in Koko's head are terrifying, telling her such things as to decline, hurt, or even kill. The scariest, and last persona in Koko's brain is known simply as Insane Koko. I. Koko is the small part of Koko that defines courage, insanity, horror, and death. Though, times when I. Koko appears are simply occasional. Most times, it is when there are dire situations when Katherine is unable to take over. It goes far as to even controlling Koko on her own, regarding to a certain murder in the Tulip Verse. Though I. Koko might be a very hazardous threat to the verses, she still shows her own proper traits when conversing with significant others. If not, then she will turn into a ruthless murdering weapon, designed only for one purpose.
Current Goal: [
This Goal is currently unavailable, as it is too disturbing to describe for this story.
Koko: Main Persona
Katherine: Negative Persona
Nanthy: Best Friend
Random Information: Insane Koko might even be a serial killer, much to Koko and Katherine's obliviousness. Though, it may or may not be to obvious even if I. Koko
studies the patterns of common murderers and pillagers.
Author: Nekosmash
Insane Koko's Theme
Trope - Slasher Smile
Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 01:49:35 PM by Neko
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #16 on:
January 29, 2013, 04:05:12 PM »
error in Alan's bios
Also, I like how insanity makes boobs bigger :3
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Supersonic Hyper Omega Gigadeath
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That lovable ass with well pronounced buttocks
Re: Character Bios
Reply #17 on:
January 29, 2013, 10:44:49 PM »
Holy crap. He's old enough to be Hei's older brother. :|
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Re: Character Bios
Reply #18 on:
February 25, 2013, 02:53:55 PM »
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Lore Kayome
Lore started as hunter because her parents wanted her to follow their path. She is very passionate about Team Verepes and also about her hunter job.
For that she watches to Team Verepes’ every step. Her favourite member is Veoh. She actually fell in love with him and her hart was broken as he was taken in a dating show.
She was born as a Neko and never really understood why her parents where no Neko’s. She decided to let it go and wait for the answer.
Lore’s way to get anger and hate out her system is mostly verbally or by her music.
Lore is kind. Maybe way too kind, but if you cross her line… You enter deadly area.
Lore can focus on something and then you may paint her black, she won’t lose her focus.
This girl is pretty playful and can be very naughty. When a prank can be pulled, she will BUT she is also ready to put someone to justice.
Current goal:
To get into Team Verepes.
Lives in:
A town outside of the verses.
Ninja blade, Hunters blade (Lotus Blade)
Nicor (Father), Naomi (Mother)
Random information:
Lore can’t cook that well.
Author of this character is: -Jonez-
Lore's Theme
Lady Of Adventure
Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 06:42:15 PM by NekoJonez
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You are more then words...
Re: Character Bios
Reply #19 on:
May 25, 2013, 06:56:39 PM »
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Theme song:
Arlene Zina
Arlene has grew up on her own. She doesn't exactly know how to communicate with others, and she is hard to talk with. Arlene decided to move to a city near where the Demons do live.
She is mean, sneaky, and is prepared to do everything to murder the angels. Her mother was a angel, and her father was demon, but she didn't became a hybrit. She became a demon.
In fact, she doesn't know what love is. Someone has to teach her that again... But if she wants to learn, that's the question.
Arlene is mean, sneaky, focussed, and has one goal for her eyes. She never let anyone bother her plans.
Current goal:
Killing the angels.
Lives in:
A city near the demons
She has one mental weapon. She can read people's minds.
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