Contests & Events > Fun Friday Five

Fun Friday Five: Things and stuff

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Hi. I don't know what to put here, so...

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet flank turkey anim reprehenderit, laborum proident prosciutto non ullamco pancetta tail adipisicing. Qui magna kielbasa laboris ribeye. Jowl pig chicken boudin commodo qui magna eu pork chop tri-tip ground round chuck pork belly short ribs venison. In exercitation frankfurter tri-tip deserunt, labore non incididunt aliqua pork loin drumstick. Pork loin cow id fugiat, tempor tongue ham proident. Dolore incididunt ea meatball sunt spare ribs leberkas bacon commodo voluptate.

Bacon Ipsum filler text lol

--- Quote ---Rules:
1.Before the week ends the selected host must select a host for the next FFF. In the event the proposal is refused and a new host cannot be found then guess what? You go again :3
2.The participants may only answer the five questions presented to thee by th host. Participants may not answer questions not asked by the host. Still pretty easy right?
3. I, NekoBot, creator of the event request that all participants have fun. So please refrain from putting others down, using discriminatory language to offend others, and intentional racism is prohibited.
--- End quote ---

1. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
2. If a train leaves Alabama at 55mph at 10am, going toward LA, and another train leaves Kentucky at 100mph at 7am, going toward Alabama, calculate the amount of stitches Sally would need after being violently attacked by a Sheep who left her with three eyes.
3. If you had to choose between the soundtracks of NieR (PS3, 360) and Journey (PS3), which would you choose? (Here are links to the Journey Soundtrack and NieR Soundtrack if you need them. :3)
4. Boxers, briefs, orTHIS IS FUCKING INAPPROPRIATE (agree or disagree)
6. Guise where did I put my keys

1. You took the words right out of my mouth, the answer is applesauce.
2. 45, that sheep is craaaaaz-ay.
3. Journey I guess, though I've never heard either.
4. ....agree?
5. *sobs on the ground* Caroline dear, you don't even drive! T__T

1. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.” hehehe }:3
2.approximately 27
3. JOURNEY >:3
4. Disagree
6. In yuur hand

Kiss x Miz:
1. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure someone has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. For example, Sarah Jessica Parker.
2. If a train leaves Alabama at 55mph at 10am, going toward LA, and another train leaves Kentucky at 100mph at 7am, going toward Alabama, calculate the amount of stitches Sally would need after being violently attacked by a Sheep who left her with three eyes.
23, prove me wrong.
3. If you had to choose between the soundtracks of NieR (PS3, 360) and Journey (PS3), which would you choose? (Here are links to the Journey Soundtrack and NieR Soundtrack if you need them. :3)
Pretty tough.. I'll take Journey
4. Boxers, briefs, orTHIS IS FUCKING INAPPROPRIATE (agree or disagree)
I agree with boxers
5. Guise where did I put my keys
Come and get 'em.

1. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
2. If a train leaves Alabama at 55mph at 10am, going toward LA, and another train leaves Kentucky at 100mph at 7am, going toward Alabama, calculate the amount of stitches Sally would need after being violently attacked by a Sheep who left her with three eyes.
Error 404: Answer not found, please refresh this page to find the answer
3. If you had to choose between the soundtracks of NieR (PS3, 360) and Journey (PS3), which would you choose? (Here are links to the Journey Soundtrack and NieR Soundtrack if you need them. :3)
Journey, without a doubt.
4. Boxers, briefs, orTHIS IS FUCKING INAPPROPRIATE (agree or disagree)
6. Guise where did I put my keys
You don't want to know.


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