Since Miz is on holiday, I'll answer the questions.
I got questions
Red - What are those numbers representing?
Blue - What is the difference between Premium and Standard?
Purple - I'm not in battle, so what does Pegiar represent?
Yellow- What is the battle mode representing here?
Red => Oh, but I see what's going on there. The numbers have meaning but it's just a color issue. You see, the titles of the columns are there but in bright white. =P

It's an issue I'll try to fix in one of the next updates. ^w^
Blue => Ehrm, I can't explain that very well myself. It has something to do with full stats and the start of a quest or the rewards. I haven't tested it yet since I debugged some code of the original dev. So, don't worry about it, I fixed it in the 4.0.1 update.
Purple => Why the dislike of the fancy naming? =P Ask Miz
Yellow => That means that the game continues for ever. We also have an option to make it a race. As in, who ever reaches lvl X first wins. But that wouldn't make the game relaxing ~
Ps: Please, for questions like this, feel free to make a separate topic. Don't just dumb it in the bugs/support thread. Since I only check those when I'm on the phone or when I'm prepping for an update.