Author Topic: LIAR! The Game.  (Read 14299 times)

Offline TyranBrûlée

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LIAR! The Game.
« on: May 21, 2012, 08:58:22 AM »
This is a game I played on the first day of school in class, the teacher used it as an icebreaker. I'm using it as...  a game.
Say 3 to 5 things about yourself, it can be anything, but please PLEASE try to be creative.
Two of them have to be lies.
Quote from: poster 1
1. I'm Asian.
2. I watch Gossip Girl.
3. I have an irrational fear of slightly strong winds.
4. I believe in ghosts.
5. I can easily fall in love.

Then the next poster will guess which of those are lies then post their own 3-5 things.
Quote from: Poster 1
1. I'm Asian.
2. I watch Gossip Girl.
3. I have an irrational fear of slightly strong winds.
4. I believe in ghosts.
5. I can easily fall in love.
1. I'm a dood
2. I like men
3. I have cancer
4. I have prostate cancer
And if you would like to confirm if the person guessed correctly, you may do so in your next post in this thread, but follow the format as well.

Easy? Easy.

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2012, 05:32:48 PM »
You made me lose the game. D:

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2012, 09:10:58 AM »
1. I can snowboard a 900bs spin
2. I am right handed
3. I love to wear glasses
4. I love to talk to others
5. I need a confidance booster every now and again.

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2012, 11:47:36 AM »
1. I can snowboard a 900bs spin
2. I am right handed
3. I love to wear glasses
4. I love to talk to others
5. I need a confidance booster every now and again.

1. I'm fat
2. I love Hello Kitty
3. I'm allergic to dairy products
4. I have a Nintendo Wii
5. I'm left handed

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2012, 03:27:38 PM »
number 1 & 4 are false

mizari. you were half right. i cant do a 900bs i can only do up to a 720 bs. i can do a 900 fs though easily. i hate wearing glassez

1. Ffor awhile Arpegi was my #2 site
2. I have 2bothers i dont talk about much
3. I have issues with rape jokes
4. I love the taste of blueberries
5. I love the taste of dragon fruit

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2012, 08:06:33 PM »
1 & 3 were false. I'm leaving this one to the next poster. I don't want just us to post here.
(on my 5 statements)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 08:14:39 PM by Mizari- » »

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2012, 08:13:16 PM »
(I -think- I understand how this works....)
I go for 1 and 3 as the false ones too~

1) I once participated in a regional swimming competition
2) I once fapped so much I had to have a doctors visit for inflammation
3) I have a dark sense of humor
4)I prefer milfs over asians
5) I once listened to a Justin Bieber track and actually liked it

Offline TyranBrûlée

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2012, 12:07:06 AM »
(I -think- I understand how this works....)
I go for 1 and 3 as the false ones too~

1) I once participated in a regional swimming competition
2) I once fapped so much I had to have a doctors visit for inflammation
3) I have a dark sense of humor
4)I prefer milfs over asians
5) I once listened to a Justin Bieber track and actually liked it
You'd spell his name correctly then, wouldn't you? o-o

1. I sleep with a night light.
2. Hannah Montana was once my idol.
3. I'm easily swooned.
4. I actually really hate my voice.
5. I prefer to act feminine and be seen as such.

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2012, 12:17:28 AM »
Almost, but 1) was actually false.

1. I sleep with a night light.
2. Hannah Montana was once my idol.
3. I'm easily swooned.
4. I actually really hate my voice.
5. I prefer to act feminine and be seen as such.

Thats a tricky one o.o

1) I once used to prefer to play with barbies over action man
2) Over the past year I've cried over 6 times
3) I'm openly loving and affectionate
4) When I was young I almost drowned
5) I enjoy the cold way more than I enjoy the heat
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 12:25:56 AM by Mr.PewPew » »

Offline TyranBrûlée

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2012, 12:51:53 AM »
Actually, it was 3 and 4. You were close! x)
1) I once used to prefer to play with barbies over action man
2) Over the past year I've cried over 6 times
3) I'm openly loving and affectionate
4) When I was young I almost drowned
5) I enjoy the cold way more than I enjoy the heat
1. I enjoy outing events
2. I love fruit salads
3. People give me a hard time about my height
4. I am bullied for hanging out with nerds and such
5. I played the flute when I was younger

Offline Kiss x Miz

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2012, 01:10:10 AM »
5) I once listened to a Justin Bieber track and actually liked it
You'd spell his name correctly then, wouldn't you? o-o
I don't get it o.O It is spelled Bieber(Bee-ber) and not Beiber(Baj-ber)

1. I enjoy outing events
2. I love fruit salads
3. People give me a hard time about my height
4. I am bullied for hanging out with nerds and such
5. I played the flute when I was younger
I'm not sure at all about the the second lie, so I just went fruit salad.

1. My phone number ends with a 2
2. I had a fun childhood
3. I like techno music
4. I like making friends
5. I've had surgery for more than 5 times

Offline Mr.PowPow

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2012, 02:36:48 AM »
1. My phone number ends with a 2
2. I had a fun childhood
3. I like techno music
4. I like making friends
5. I've had surgery for more than 5 times
1) Before doing my business on the toilet, I first look into the toilet, then lift the seat, sit on it, get up, then sit back down.
2) I actually just pretend to like Zelda
3) I actually just pretend to like Lemons
4) I have watched Neon Genesis Evangelion over 17 times all the way through
5) I have yellow fever

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2012, 10:13:46 PM »

1) Before doing my business on the toilet, I first look into the toilet, then lift the seat, sit on it, get up, then sit back down.
2) I actually just pretend to like Zelda
3) I actually just pretend to like Lemons
4) I have watched Neon Genesis Evangelion over 17 times all the way through
5) I have yellow fever

1) I have punched somebody
2)I like to go to school
3) my phone number ends with 5
4) I have my driver license
5) I dislike grammer nazi's

Offline Apokura

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2012, 12:41:28 AM »
1) I have punched somebody
2)I like to go to school
3) my phone number ends with 5
4) I have my driver license
5) I dislike grammer nazi's
1)I like trains
2)I love RPG's
3)I go to a lot of parties
4)I think I'm beautiful.
5)I hate my life...

Offline Toffee

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2012, 02:39:18 AM »
1)I like trains
2)I love RPG's
3)I go to a lot of parties
4)I think I'm beautiful.
5)I hate my life...

1.) I used to be the lead singer in a moderately successful, citywide known rock band.
2.) I collect sexy action figures.
3.) I go to the barbers only once every three months
4.) I once participated in an extemporaneous speech contest.
5.) I once had a girlfriend who was four years younger than me.

Offline Apokura

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2012, 02:54:47 AM »
Close. Number 4 was fake, not Number 3.
1.) I used to be the lead singer in a moderately successful, citywide known rock band.
2.) I collect sexy action figures.
3.) I go to the barbers only once every three months
4.) I once participated in an extemporaneous speech contest.
5.) I once had a girlfriend who was four years younger than me.
1)I usually go to the barber's every 8 months, only;
2)I have no real fears..
3)I have less than 5 "true" friends.
4)I didn't move town until I was 15.
5)I didn't have a girlfriend 'till I was 15.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 02:56:13 AM by FireKuraWolf » »

Offline Toffee

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2012, 03:08:14 AM »
1)I usually go to the barber's every 8 months, only;
2)I have no real fears..
3)I have less than 5 "true" friends.
4)I didn't move town until I was 15.
5)I didn't have a girlfriend 'till I was 15.

Hahaha! I really WAS in a rock band, believe me! I DON'T collect sexy action figures. (But I WANT to though...)

1.) I've known my best friend since Kindergarten.
2.) I have a male best friend and a female best friend.
3.) I also used to sing in a competitive choir singing group.
4.) I listen to rap music.
5.) I've been in a fistfight before.

Offline Apokura

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2012, 03:16:40 AM »
Hahaha! I really WAS in a rock band, believe me! I DON'T collect sexy action figures. (But I WANT to though...)

1.) I've known my best friend since Kindergarten.
2.) I have a male best friend and a female best friend.
3.) I also used to sing in a competitive choir singing group.
4.) I listen to rap music.
5.) I've been in a fistfight before.
Awesome! I actually have no real fears, and I didn't get a girlfriend until I was 15...I'm shy. '-'
1)I've had a rabbit as a pet
2)I tend to be very careful about my stuff.
3)I daydream about beating people up.
4)I carry a gun around
5)I used to get in fistfights back in kindergarten.

Offline Toffee

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Re: LIAR! The Game.
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2012, 04:13:58 AM »
Awesome! I actually have no real fears, and I didn't get a girlfriend until I was 15...I'm shy. '-'
1)I've had a rabbit as a pet
2)I tend to be very careful about my stuff.
3)I daydream about beating people up.
4)I carry a gun around
5)I used to get in fistfights back in kindergarten.

I was in a choir group back in High School, and we won third place in a citywide competition.

1.) I used to have a pet turtle.
2.) I was a bully back in Grade School.
3.) I like to experiment and cook different types of food.
4.) I'm currently reading over 60+ series of ongoing manga.
5.) I was labeled as a "nerd" all throughout High School.


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