Latest Updates: Arpegi v5.0.1 - Updated: 02/06/2024 (More patching is more patching.)
1. I'm Asian.2. I watch Gossip Girl.3. I have an irrational fear of slightly strong winds.4. I believe in ghosts.5. I can easily fall in love.
Quote from: Poster 11. I'm Asian.2. I watch Gossip Girl.3. I have an irrational fear of slightly strong winds.4. I believe in ghosts.5. I can easily fall in love.1. I'm a dood2. I like men3. I have cancer4. I have prostate cancer
1. I can snowboard a 900bs spin2. I am right handed3. I love to wear glasses4. I love to talk to others5. I need a confidance booster every now and again.
(I -think- I understand how this works....)I go for 1 and 3 as the false ones too~1) I once participated in a regional swimming competition2) I once fapped so much I had to have a doctors visit for inflammation3) I have a dark sense of humor4)I prefer milfs over asians5) I once listened to a Justin Bieber track and actually liked it
1. I sleep with a night light.2. Hannah Montana was once my idol.3. I'm easily swooned.4. I actually really hate my voice.5. I prefer to act feminine and be seen as such.
1) I once used to prefer to play with barbies over action man2) Over the past year I've cried over 6 times3) I'm openly loving and affectionate4) When I was young I almost drowned5) I enjoy the cold way more than I enjoy the heat
Quote from: Mr.PewPew on June 26, 2012, 08:13:16 PM5) I once listened to a Justin Bieber track and actually liked itYou'd spell his name correctly then, wouldn't you? o-o
5) I once listened to a Justin Bieber track and actually liked it
1. I enjoy outing events2. I love fruit salads3. People give me a hard time about my height4. I am bullied for hanging out with nerds and such5. I played the flute when I was younger
1. My phone number ends with a 22. I had a fun childhood3. I like techno music4. I like making friends5. I've had surgery for more than 5 times
1) Before doing my business on the toilet, I first look into the toilet, then lift the seat, sit on it, get up, then sit back down.2) I actually just pretend to like Zelda 3) I actually just pretend to like Lemons 4) I have watched Neon Genesis Evangelion over 17 times all the way through5) I have yellow fever
1) I have punched somebody2)I like to go to school3) my phone number ends with 54) I have my driver license5) I dislike grammer nazi's
1)I like trains2)I love RPG's3)I go to a lot of parties4)I think I'm beautiful.5)I hate my life...
1.) I used to be the lead singer in a moderately successful, citywide known rock band.2.) I collect sexy action figures.3.) I go to the barbers only once every three months4.) I once participated in an extemporaneous speech contest.5.) I once had a girlfriend who was four years younger than me.
1)I usually go to the barber's every 8 months, only;2)I have no real fears..3)I have less than 5 "true" friends.4)I didn't move town until I was 15.5)I didn't have a girlfriend 'till I was 15.
Hahaha! I really WAS in a rock band, believe me! I DON'T collect sexy action figures. (But I WANT to though...)1.) I've known my best friend since Kindergarten.2.) I have a male best friend and a female best friend.3.) I also used to sing in a competitive choir singing group.4.) I listen to rap music.5.) I've been in a fistfight before.
Awesome! I actually have no real fears, and I didn't get a girlfriend until I was 15...I'm shy. '-'1)I've had a rabbit as a pet2)I tend to be very careful about my stuff.3)I daydream about beating people up.4)I carry a gun around5)I used to get in fistfights back in kindergarten.