Author Topic: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)  (Read 74581 times)

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2014, 02:27:42 PM »
Loran shakes his head. "I didn't even know there was a guy here. I followed wolf sounds and I ended up here. I'm lost."

Loran then saw Tatsuya and his eyes got wider. That's the guy that ... Well he pointed too. He is going to be attacked? Loran thought to himself.

"So, do you know where you are?" Loran asked. Again an impulse question.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2014, 02:31:31 PM »
Tatsuya: Well, we're in a basement in my dream

*I point to Loran
Tatsuya: You're not real!
*I point to Thomas
Tatsuya: You're not real!
*I put my hands in the sky
Tatsuya: Nothing here is real!!

Tatsuya: I should wake-up anytime now and then I'll just be in my soft cozy bed

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2014, 02:36:36 PM »
"Your dream?" Logan asked. "Honestly, I thought we were in my coma. At least, that's what I believe. That I'm in a coma. Trust me. This isn't simply a dream. From what I have seen... It's more."

Logan looked over at Thomas. "Is he still alive?"

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2014, 03:38:51 PM »
Thomas looks at Logan and Tatsuya and nods:"Y-yeah, I'm still here". Thomas attempts to stand up but fails, then decides to lean against the wall and starts looking at Logan.
"Who might you be, 'Logan', and what do you lot mean with this is your dream or your coma?" Thomas stares in confusion.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2014, 03:49:50 PM »
"Well, it appears that I'm as confused as you are." Logan said. "I honestly thought that I was in a coma, but by the events of today, I'm not even sure anymore if this is a coma I'm in."

Logan reached his hand out to Thomas, but quickly took it back. "Hold your horses. How. HOW? Just how do you know my name? I haven't mentioned it."

Was Logan's mind playing tricks on him again? He couldn't be sure of it anymore. His face started to show fear. Then he heard the wolves hauling again. The sound was close. Almost like the wolves were near the cabin.

"Wait... what?" Logan said confused. Then Loran noticed something. There was something odd in the hauling of the wolves. Loran felt the world around him freeze.

I ask jokingly for powers of a dog... And if I'm not mistaken... That might be werewolves outside.......

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2014, 03:55:07 PM »
Thomas looks at Logan with a blank stare and says:"The moment I saw you, a voice in my head told me your name is Logan. I don't know why or how". Thomas slowly pulls himself up, being aided by the wall and keeps staring at Logan.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2014, 03:59:30 PM »
Logan looked at Thomas from top to bottom. "... Damn, you are hurt." said Logan shocked. As soon as Logan's mind started to focus more and more on Thomas and his wounds, the weaker the hauling of the wolves gets.

"... You need to go to a hospital. Shall I carry you?" Logan said.

Logan's mind was getting calm again. His kind spirit was finally taking the lead again. The confusion, while still in his system, wasn't overpowering anymore. His goal was to get Thomas out and get him taken care of. Maybe he could help to put a stop to this confusion. Maybe answer or verify to Logan if he is truly in a coma.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2014, 04:03:04 PM »
Thomas looks at Logan in distress and mumbles:"T-th-the hospital? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't need a hospital". Thomas looks around in the small room and sighs. "We need a fire and some herbs".These wounds won't mean the death of me, not just yet.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2014, 04:08:33 PM »
"Herbs? So, you know what you are doing? Don't you want to get things looked at?" Loran asked worried. "Well, I can make a fire, but which herbs do you need? And are you bleeding somewhere?"

The wolves seems to be totally gone, instead the forest started to look more alive. Birds started ... doing their thing, let us say. The forest adapted to how Loran was imaging it. Rich of herbs and plants that might help Thomas get healed.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2014, 04:15:24 PM »
Thomas noticed small changes in the sound coming from outside and saw things change in the shadow. "Logan, what is happening outside? Things are.. different".

Thomas snapped out of his stage of noticing and looked at his wounds. "Hmm, first things first, I'll need some clean water".
Thomas starts inspecting his wounds. That hole in my leg doesn't look good, I hope I'll still be able to walk "Logan, can you find following herbs? Aloe, Echinacea, Ginseng and some Thyme?"

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2014, 04:19:26 PM »
"Different? Possible. Anyways, I'll help you outside first and we shall start looking to setup a spot near a river?" Logan said.

He was making a plan up on the go. Thomas needed to be healed. Urgently, since he seems to be a nice guy. And the fact that he doesn't know about Logan's past made Logan be on his ease. He hated when people judged him for his past crimes.

"So, clean water first, then herbs? Or do we need to do something else first?"

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2014, 04:27:09 PM »
Thomas looked around with a thoughtful mind and said:"We'll need shelter, that's one thing. I don't know if I'll be able to make it to a river with this leg though".

Water, herbs, shelter, is there anything else I need to fix myself up? Hmm.. Thomas thought, as he kept his eye on Loran. Suspicious of his every move.
Why is this guy so keen on helping me, something smells funny.

Thomas' face lit up like a lightbulb! "Fuck, right, we'll need thread and a needle to stitch up the wounds. Herbs wouldn't do shit otherwise, right? And maybe some alcohol to clean the wounds too." Thomas said rapidly.

Fixed the name.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 07:03:31 PM by Jonez » »

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2014, 04:36:11 PM »
"Shelter, I have a house. Well, I reworked an old home I found into a live-able space." Loran said. "But shall I try to look for something to fix up your leg?"

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2014, 04:38:15 PM »
Offering me shelter in your house, when I'm just a stranger? "Is this house of yours close to the river?" Thomas asked. "Some branches or wooden planks so I can make some sort of a brace could help."

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2014, 04:44:36 PM »
"Not really, it's in the village a bit outside of the forest." Loran said. He isn't realizing that his impulse actions were without thought. "Shall I look for wooden branches and such?" Loran said.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2014, 04:46:43 PM »
Thomas thinks for a brief moment before replying to Loran:"Sure, I guess. But this doesn't mean that we're friends."

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2014, 04:49:49 PM »
"Figured as much." Loran said and he took off.

*- Sometime later. -*

Loran started dragging branches inside the cabin. "Here we go. ... " Loran shouted. And now I realize that I forgot to ask his name.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2014, 04:51:42 PM »
"Took you long enough" Thomas replied, also shouting. "Do you think you'll be able to make something out of this that is able to support my leg and my weight?"
Let's hope this dude is handy, I don't have the energy to make something myself.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2014, 04:55:00 PM »
"Yes, I do." Loran said. He took a knife from the drawer and started chopping at the branches. "What's your name? You know that mine is Loran." Loran said without watching to Thomas. He didn't want to cut his fingers.

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2014, 05:01:18 PM »
Thomas looked at Loran while he was carefully making something for his leg and mumbled:"My parents called me Thomas, but I prefer to be called Cale".

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2014, 05:04:24 PM »
"Cale, that's an easy name to remember. Don't get me wrong.. I'm bad at remembering names!" Loran said with a soft laugh. "So, have you find some cloth? Or shall I look around in this cabin?"

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2014, 05:08:10 PM »
"Bad at names huh?" Thomas chuckled. "You're not the only one". Thomas looked around and said:"There's not much cloth to be found here, is there? The things I'm wearing now will do fine for a while" No sword nor bow in this darn room either, I'm completely defenseless

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2014, 05:30:08 PM »
"Well yes, I even forgot my mother's name once." Loran said. "So, this forest isn't as dangerous as I thought. I remember there were various angry animals. But they seem to be all gone." Loran said. "What shall we do after we fixed up your leg?"

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2014, 05:39:04 PM »
Thomas bursts out in laughter "Your mums name, really?! That's just great Loran". Thomas looks at Loran and says:"We should probably get to that shelter and after my leg is better I should arm myself just in case." I can't stay weak, can I? I don't want to be a burden either

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Re: [RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2014, 05:41:40 PM »
"I have a weapon or two at my place. What style of fighter are you?" Loran said. He doesn't realize what he is doing. Impulse actions as always. A habit he couldn't get rid of even if he tried.

"So, may I measure your leg, please?" Loran asked politely. 


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