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New Summer Anime


(click to show/hide)What do you think of this season's new anime so far? And which ones are you watching?
Or.. plan to watch? 0:

I'm watching Glasslip, Tokyo Ghoul, Barakamon, Akame ga Kill!, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Hanayamata, Ao Haru Ride, Zankyou no Terror, and Nobunaga Concerto.
This may seem like a lot, but since they're released weekly, I have enough time to get through all of them : P

I'm watching Glasslip and Ao Haru Ride for my dosage of romance- Glasslip is a lot more innocent-like and cute, whereas Ao Haru Ride interests me because it deals with a girl coping with how she and her friend have changed, and I guess I just like that concept.
This is also true with Tokyo Ghoul, where the MC has changed into something he doesn't like and he has to deal with and come to accept his fate. Also many bloods and deth yay.
Barakamon, Nozaki-kun, and Hanayamata is more about friendship, although there are a bunch of other, more prominent themes. All three of them are really cute to me in their own way.
I'm not quite sure why I like watching Akame ga Kill- I just like the comedic/Srsbsns balance I guess. Akame is also qt.
Zankyou no Terror interests me because it's like one of those detective things- It shows me how they think outside the box and solve puzzles and stuff. Although, it's getting pretty repetitive imo and I'm thinking about dropping it too.
And finally, Nobunaga Concerto gives me a look at Japanese history, which I find interesting. It's set during the warring states period and although I feel like I'd enjoy the anime more if I actually knew about japanese history, I don't mind researching it a bit after I watch the episode.

Your turn : D

You should be on the BSB podcast about it :P

Cupcake Fury:
Oh sweet! I see a anime coming out that I was reading as a manga then forgot what it was, awesome!

I probably won't be watching any of them as they air, but I'm interested in a few, mainly Bakumatsu Rock, Aldnoah.Zero, Locodol, Argevollen, and DRAMAtical Murder. I'll check out their first episodes and see if I'm still interested.

I'll definitely watch P4GA and Sengoku Basara, though. Oh, and possibly Illya 2wei and Space Dandy 2.


--- Quote from: Jonez on August 18, 2014, 07:51:15 AM ---You should be on the BSB podcast about it :P

--- End quote ---
I wouldn't mind but I don't say half as much as I can type! idk if I'd be a good enough person for that type of thing.
--- Quote from: Light on August 18, 2014, 10:11:47 AM ---I probably won't be watching any of them as they air, but I'm interested in a few, mainly Bakumatsu Rock, Aldnoah.Zero, Locodol, Argevollen, and DRAMAtical Murder. I'll check out their first episodes and see if I'm still interested.

I'll definitely watch P4GA and Sengoku Basara, though. Oh, and possibly Illya 2wei and Space Dandy 2.

--- End quote ---
I only got to about episode 3 of Aldnoah.Zero. It's really interesting so far, but I think I just had too many anime to watch so that's what I dropped. I'd definitely recommend it for you tho.


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