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First video game ever played?Latest video game to have completed?Views on Lil Wayne?
most annoying ff character? The worst Turk? Opinion on Vincent?
Opinion on the final boss of FFIX? (click to show/hide)Necron- the apparent "death in physical form" please put your answer in spoilers~what do you think is the perfect recipe for making a successful RPG?
Views on Negas?
Now where is San Diego?
Why did you miss the reference ? (
Do you still play FFVII?What makes Jonez so great?What are the seven rules a boob lover must follow?How does one walk into Mordor?Views on cottage cheese?Views on me?FFVII or boobs?If your name was Thomas Isaac Tennyson would you use 'tit' as your username?
Name your top 5 south asian dishes(?)The world is going to end, would you rather play video games or comfort your family/gf?
Karahi's are actually the cooking pot. And did you know Dopiaza literally means 'two onions'?Anyway here's another question.Cats or dogs?Would you go to the park with your kids?Anything you regret in your time as a soldier? (You were in the military, right?)
Give 5 games you don't want to play ever again.
Quote from: NekoJonez on June 08, 2012, 10:39:21 AMGive 5 games you don't want to play ever again.Ocarina of timeKingdom under fire circle of doomFFXIIIFFX-2Kingdom Hearts
Why Ocarina of Time?
Quote from: NekoJonez on June 08, 2012, 10:49:23 AMWhy Ocarina of Time?Because it's the most overrated game of all time. Just because it was good back in 1998 doesn't mean it still stands up today and people still have to go mad over it and declare it the best ever, still! There's not one single part of that game that hasn't been bettered, it's not even the best Zelda, nevermind best game ever.Fanboys will probably say the same now for FFVII, but they're wrong. Sure the graphics have been bettered but that's not important. There hasn't been a game that so perfectly combines every aspect of RPG gaming, gameplay, atmosphere and storytelling since. Gameplay mechanics and technical stuff can always be improved, it's when that magic happens and everything works together so perfectly that a true classic happens.
As hardcore Zelda fan I actually say:Skyward Sword > OoTPlayed Skyward Sword?
Played Skyward Sword?
Quote from: NekoJonez on June 08, 2012, 11:05:47 AMAs hardcore Zelda fan I actually say:Skyward Sword > OoTPlayed Skyward Sword?Yeah exactly, OoT has been bettered. I just wish others could open their eyes and see the truth.I try to be as fair and honest as I can, with everything. If my favourite series goes shit, I say it's shit, and then argue for the next 5 years with the diehard fanboys.
Well, I look at each game separate before comparing it to the other games in the series. Fanboys blow up so much stuff... But don't you think that being a fanboy is sometimes good for a series?
Whats your rank and prestige on CoD4?Whats your rank and prestige on MW2What's your rank and prestige on MW3
What's your rank and prestige on IRL?
What candy is in your country thats not in the United States?
Quote from: BloodcatNS on June 08, 2012, 05:57:55 PM United States? Do crisps count? I sometimes buy pickled onion monster munch?
United States?