Gaming > PC

Games for a 3-4 year old?

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Games that can be played on a PC that's suitable for 4 year old kid? Not just content-wise, they must be able to understand what's going on.

Freddi Fish and such. They might not get it all, but there are many things for them to enjoy.

GTA:San Andreas


Going along with what Jonez said, I'd recommend any humongous entertainment game for the younger audience. Sure it's almost two decades old but it made up a lot of my childhood.
I believe Fatty Bear in particular was designed for toddlers around that age, but most of the games are great for a small kid.

For something a little more educational, The Learning Company's Reader Rabbit series also has games for 3-4 year olds iirc.

If you're looking for regular games with simplified plot/gameplay, why not hand the kid some nintendo thangs? : D /shot



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