Gaming > Gaming

Greatest Games You've Never Played

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I thought this would be a fun little thread for us to discuss great games we've never played, for whatever reason that may be. It could even be a game you've played, but never finished, or a game you might have just tried for a little but never got to actually playing.

I never played the Bioshock franchise, or any Elder Scroll not named Skyrim.
I've also never beaten a Fire Emblem game (I've played a lot of them)
Nor have I beaten any Mass Effect, though I almost completed the first

I never finished Skyrim because of the horribly clunky and slow combat system. I haven't even touched the other Elder Scrolls games, although if their combat system is anything like Skyrim's I probably never will.

I've left a few games unfinished because of lost and/or corrupted saves. Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy VI, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, and 3rd Birthday to name a few. =/

I've never played a single Castlevania game aside from a level or two of an N64 title when I was a kid

Kiss x Miz:
Never played any CS game even though I was quite into shooters.

omg, legend of zelda.
Just legend of zelda in general.

It's like I'm destined to never be able to complete a single legend of zelda game


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