Latest Updates: Arpegi v5.0.1 - Updated: 02/06/2024 (More patching is more patching.)
If there was a million gummy bear invasion what would hapen? Kill it with fire.
Would you cut off a finger for 100k? Maybe, if 100k was 100,000,000k.
Views on my cat? (my avatar?) KITTEH!
1. This may be the last set of questions I can ask in your ms, opinion? Oh noes!2. What do you do if an elephant wears lipstick to a jamacan party? Ask him why he's dressed like a tranny.3. What happens when a walrus and a tiger mate? It makes Tigrus, which is apparently a Thundercat.4. Who went to timbuktwo? Owtkubmit.5. Whats the meaning of pi? Dessert.6. Does the spacetime continum exist? Does space and time continue?7. If it were disruppted what would you do? Buy some popcorn. Watch.8. I have $120, I should buy a....? Buy yourself an android tablet. There's at least one you can get for under $100.
Do you like seafood? Yes.How has this year treated you, compared to the past ones? Poorly.Would you call yourself an idealist or realist? A Pokemonist.Why? I don't know.Do you have any irrational fears? No.Do you like art? Depends on the art. A green box on a red background isn't art unless the artist is like 5. And if the artist is not five then I hate that art because it's not art even if they try to convince me it is.Walmart or Target? Walmart.
dafuq is creepypasta? Creepy stories. It's like copypasta except creepy.Are you a Redditor? Yes.MMORPG'S? I don't know.VIEWS ON ALL CAPS RAGE? CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL, MAN!
Le final question(s) I am not perfect, yet my goal is to make people smile through my inperfections and unique personality. Although I do not always see I try my hardest for certaint people. Its not often I do but Im sure everyone does this to an extent. I hold this very important and the funnest of challenges. What do you have to say? And what is most important/ is important to you?
OPinyon on grammer naziz? Meh.
What do you think your life would be like right now if that Journey game you really like never existed? It would be horribad.
So, today your MS ends. Who would you like to nominate for the next MS? Not that you have that much choice :p I would like to nominate someone who least wants to participate in an MS.
Will You join my final Fantasy arpegi RP? Maybe.
Who is next, if anyone? Next for what? Death? LOL