Creative > Roleplay

Cerberus character applications/chat

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The year is 2227 after a nuclear warfare, in a land where a corrupted government rules the country, where the government controls the ports and pillages the towns they ‘protect’, the country is riddled with poverty and ruin. This is a land called Cerberus, where many wish for a better life outside of their country. In the most recent  of raids, government men, called SCI (Soldier Control Intillegence), in a small town of Sabruda, many women and men were robbed of their goods and money. Men killed, women raped, the situation was dire and serious. A man has now come to Sabruda looking for special people. He puts up a post at the local bar.

(This is the discussion thread)

(click to show/hide)

I am here to guide and help you, If you want to overthrow this government come see me in the back of the bar. I will accept or decline your application based on this criteria. You must hurry, I cannot stay here forever.

Reason for Fighting:
Weapon of Choice:
Magic: (Fire~Water~Electric~Shadow~White) (PICK ONE)
Character Bio:

--- Code: ---Name:
Reason for Fighting:
Weapon of Choice:
Magic: (Fire~Water~Electric~White only)
Physical description:
Character Biography:
--- End code ---

I will wait for one week, I shall leave with or without you.
*A man sits in the shadows of the bar, waiting for his ‘special’ recruits*

(click to show/hide)
Name: Jimmy
Reason for Fighting: The Government killed his family, looted his house essentially taking away everything he owned.
Personality: Cold hearted after these events, has a desire to kill everyone involved with the government.
Weapon of Choice: A pocket knife
Magic: Fire
Description: Male, tall, about average weight, Athletic- therefore having good stamina and strength, black shaggy hair 19 years old.
Character Bio: Jimmy grew up with the corrupted government. He is used to the attacks and screams of people being tortured. Ever since he watched his mother and father get tortured then killed in front of him when he was 12 years old,  he has been cold hearted. He has a sister named Sarah who was kidnapped 9 years ago. Jimmy has sworn his life to finding her. His journey begins in a week.

*A  hooded man walks into the bar, face covered, hands in his hood pockets. He takes a seat next to Jimmy*

Austin: I hear you want special people.

*Ausin refuses to look into Jimmy's eyes he hands him his application and walks away*

(click to show/hide)Name: Austin (you don't need to know the rest)
Reason for fighting: What's it matter? I'm here to fight aren't I?
Personality: Shady
Weapon of Choice: Chains
Magic: Shadow
Description: Tall, Muscular, Strong, Red Eyes, Heavily scarred on the arms
Character Bio: ???

*Jimmy looks at Austin's application.

"Hmm, this man could prove useful. I shall accept him into my fight."

*Austin leans against the bar window, lighting a cigarette, waiting for something to happen. He smokes and instantly spits it out and coughs*

Austin: Ughhh... I don't know how he does it

*Smokes again*

*Jimmy goes up to Austin

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but tell me a but about yourself please?"
(Note, we wont leave for a real week)


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