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Member Spotlight #9 - LaTyrannia

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1-20 views

1. Views on me?
2. Views on my avi?
3. Views on my siggy?
4. Views on arpegi?
5. Views on holidays?
6. Weather?
7. School?
8. Cars?
9. People?
10. The economy?
11. Snowboarding?
12. Yourself?
13. Kids?
14. Adults?
15. Teenagers?
16. Dogs?
17. Cats?
18. Chocolate?
19. Tuna?
20. You're family?

Views on me? o.o
Fave food?
Fave color?


--- Quote from: Mud Flavored Ice Cream on May 07, 2012, 02:33:25 AM ---Views on me? o.o
Fave food?
Fave color?

--- End quote ---
YOU'RE MUDLING! :D Wheeeeee~ You're a cute kid, yo. Even though you're older..
My favorite food is watermelon
I don't have a favorite colour o-o

--- Quote from: Mud Flavored Ice Cream on May 07, 2012, 02:15:40 AM ---What is 2+2?!

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: NekoBot on May 07, 2012, 02:20:04 AM ---1-20 views

1. Views on me?
2. Views on my avi?
3. Views on my siggy?
4. Views on arpegi?
5. Views on holidays?
6. Weather?
7. School?
8. Cars?
9. People?
10. The economy?
11. Snowboarding?
12. Yourself?
13. Kids?
14. Adults?
15. Teenagers?
16. Dogs?
17. Cats?
18. Chocolate?
19. Tuna?
20. You're family?

--- End quote ---
1. You're quite the person, Mr. Bot. I'm quite thankful of you for this.
2. It's been there for a while! It's nice to stay original.
3. Same as 2.
4. It's a wonderful community.
5. Some holidays are useless, others are awesome. They're all excuses to go out an party, though. Which.. I love. : D
6. The weather here fluctuates a lot, but not by much. Enough to make a change, though. Haaate it!
7. School is a vast system made for brainwashing young people.
8. I love cars! I don't think I'd ever become obsessed, but the feel of it when sitting in the drivers seat, shit man. xD
9. People are dumb.
10. People = economy = dumb
11. I have never seen snow irl, so.. idk..~
12. I tend to be harsh on myself, though I'm fully aware of it, I can't help but uh... dislike my conduct.
13. Children are vessels to be formed into the most pure state, but society is corrupting them.
14. Most adults have yet to be wise, and the problem is that..
15. Teenagers tend to assume adults are all-knowing thus following their codes and rules blindly. (And so do children)
16. Allergic.
17. I want a cat but I'm not allowed to have one. They're cool =w=
18. Not too much, or else it's bad. Too sweet sometimes.
19. Uhm... It depends on the brand. Tuna in general is okay though
20. I'd rather not say; not here at least. I will say that I complain about them far more than I should, though.

--- Quote from: Mr.PowPow on May 07, 2012, 02:16:20 AM ---before anyone else gets a chance to say the most common question of all time.......views on me?~
Do you like dancing in the rain?
How does it feel to be in the Spotlight this week?
Funniest person you know?
Most awesome person you know?
Are the above mentioned Daz?
If not, then why the hell not?
Do you like nachos?

--- End quote ---
1. You're one of my closest friends, despite whatever you may think about me. I view you as someone who... deserves so much better than you think.
2. The rain hurts after a while. o-o
3. It feels cool, I love answering questions ^o^
4. Urrmm.. MYSELF. >:D Hurrdeehurr. In all honesty, I don't pay much attention to levels of comedy. I think everyone is funny, and that's how I'll leave it.  Funny faces.
5. I don't have a most awesome. :3
6. Sure.
7. Not applicable.

21-25 opinion based


21. Will there be a WW3? Why?
22. If under circumstances you permit, would you meet me? How about other members?
23. IYO are waffles better then pancakes? Why or why not?
24. What makes people dumb?
25. Opinion of politics?

Views on the current government governing you?
Views on the way the world is being run as a whole?
Favorite site? (no I'm not expecting you to say this one lol)
Favorite methods of online communication?
Why you no voice chat with meh?
I don't believe that you don't have a favorite color, tell me which one brah?
Family Guy or South Park
Simpsons or American Dad?
Hentai or Pr0n?
Favorite food?
Favorite song? (maybe even a link to said song)
Favorite genre of music?
Sunsets or sunrises?
Favorite movie?
What comes to mind when you hear the word "Slapdash"?
Least favorite school subject?
Favorite school subject?
Do you believe in any myths such as UFO's, Big foot or the Lock ness monster?


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