Creative > Roleplay

[RP Section Reboot] Escape from Planet Fantasy (! Story-ish)

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"I don't know myself where we are." the kid said.

"Great, so what materials should I get you to fix this home?" the warrior said.

Yusef points at himself in confusion. Dude, like seriously? I know next to nothing about house building. I'm only 17 for God's sake! "Uhmmm.. I guess some building thingies will be nice. Uhmmm. Like some bricks and walls and stuff. OH PAINT. I may need some paint..."

"You know, how silly of me. Your expression explained my stupid mistake." he said with apologizing. "I should call some people to help you right?"q

"Yeah. haha Thanks. Look man, you didn't have to do this. Thanks, though. So like are there other people here? In this world, I mean, like what do they do? Where do they come from?"

"I can't tell that. Since honestly, I don't really know the answer to it myself." the warrior said with waiting for the other person to reply at his phone.


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