Author Topic: Member Spotlight #4 - Mr.PowPow  (Read 276114 times)

Offline FuyuhotaruP

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2012, 10:09:54 PM »
1. do you like me?
2. why the obsession with bunnies?
3. ever been to Malaysia?
4. fave colour?
5. British or America English?
6. vowels or consonants?
7. what will you do if you have no internets?(phone counted as internet)
8. current obssesion?
9. sadist or masochist?
10 . are you a virgin?
11. are you sad because of your SAD?(no offense)
12. will you kill anyone given the chance?
13. fave sport?
14. ever played Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3?
15. thoughts on current smartphones?
16. do you own any tablet?(both drawing and android or ipad)
17. what do you think of spending 150 pounds on a card in a single game?
18. dream job?
19. what comes to your mind when people say bounce?
20. do you like pliers?

thats enough for today jk I have more
sorry if duplicate questions
I just skimmed other people's questions
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 10:14:42 PM by Cocona » »

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2012, 10:11:43 PM »
oh! I have a partner for q's!  ::)

Offline FuyuhotaruP

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2012, 10:19:12 PM »
I what do you think of my siggy?
II so you just moved eh? is your internet speed faster?
III is the neighbourhood better?
IV are your neighbours friendly?
V flame on?
VI ever played Mystic Quest?
VII thoughts on cough syrup?
VIII gunswords?
IX ever watched any Ghibli films?
X if yes state your fave one
XI do you like chips?
XII is too much japanese = headache, correct?
XIII fave KH?
XIV are you a cheerful guy?
XV do you like candies?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2012, 10:35:39 PM »
VII thoughts on cough syrup?

I know that Im not supposed to answer these question but I feel this needs to be said. Cough syrup is the worse bit of crap advertisement Ive ever heard of in my life. They should be shot/ sued for it. Cherry cough syrup dough NOT taste like cherry!!!  >:(  Sorry Nega  :-\

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2012, 10:36:33 PM »
1. do you like me?
2. why the obsession with bunnies?
3. ever been to Malaysia?
4. fave colour?
5. British or America English?
6. vowels or consonants?
7. what will you do if you have no internets?(phone counted as internet)
8. current obssesion?
9. sadist or masochist?
10 . are you a virgin?
11. are you sad because of your SAD?(no offense)
12. will you kill anyone given the chance?
13. fave sport?
14. ever played Summon Night Swordcraft Story 3?
15. thoughts on current smartphones?
16. do you own any tablet?(both drawing and android or ipad)
17. what do you think of spending 150 pounds on a card in a single game?
18. dream job?
19. what comes to your mind when people say bounce?
20. do you like pliers?

thats enough for today
sorry if duplicate questions
I just skimmed other people's questions
1) Of course, I would do some unforgivable things to you in a dark room.....yeah....mmmmm
2) Because I once loved a girl who liked bunnies, now I wish to boil them in a vat of honey cream mustard and devour their souls.
3) Nope, but I plan to~
4) Light green, kinda like "Lime"
5) this video expresses my views
6) Kweh? I would like fries with that please
7) I would pretty much just lay around all day with bottles of lube littering my bed, no need to explain why and I'm pretty sure if I did bad things would happen~
8) Vimto, as always =3
9) masochist, whip me baby~
10) Unfortunately yes...wait does my left hand count? o.o
11) Yeah, it does put a crimp on my day sometimes, but the world keeps turning and doesnt stop for anyone, I just gotta keep moving forward~
12) I have a hit list, does it really only have to be one? :/
13) Golf! Its not boring at all >_>
14) No but it sounds wild!
15) Annoying and tedious, they are becoming like mini laptops, which would be great but I kind of already have a laptop so yanno.....
I mean my friend was all like, "oh you seen this, my Ipad can do all the stuff your laptop can do" and I was like "Well yeah but mine has more memory and can do everything twice as fast....."
Epic own~
16) I own an Etouch which I rarely use, it just doesnt suit my needs, like I said its like a mini-laptop....but I have a laptop O.o
17) I heard this before and I still think your insane~
18) Pornstar, I can dream can't I?
19)--jiggle bounce, bounce bounce jiggle jiggle bounce~
20) I like the word, no idea what it is though

I what do you think of my siggy?
II so you just moved eh? is your internet speed faster?
III is the neighbourhood better?
IV are your neighbours friendly?
V flame on?
VI ever played Mystic Quest?
VII thoughts on cough syrup?
VIII gunswords?
IX ever watched any Ghibli films?
X if yes state your fave one
XI do you like chips?
XII is too much japanese = headache, correct?
XIII fave KH?
XIV are you a cheerful guy?
XV do you like candies?

1) Its got cute girls on it, I need a lot of restraint when I'm looking at it
2) It's twice as fast! However its still half the speed of the national average, so yeah still pretty slow :p
3) Its more quiet, though better is a stretch....I still live in the area of scum xD
(click to show/hide)
5) I played Adventure that kinda the same? :/
6) Never used it, cuz I be tough as nails!
8) No but going by the name I think I may have to~
10) I actually have a love hate relationship with chips, sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't. Depends how you cook'em
11) Too much yeah, concentrated doses of Japanese stuff into the blood stream should be enough to keep me going for 4-5 hours.
12) KH BBS, because it is hardcore, and the secret boss with the two lightsabers was hard....blarg-hard.
13) I honestly am when I become comfortable with the person I'm talking to, exactly like I am on the internet. So yeah, lots of sexual references and silly humor. I like to think positive because if I didn't I don't think I would have lasted this long :p
14) Man I love dem candies, kids love em, how else would I get them in my van?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2012, 10:50:37 PM »
This is a game where we choose a member to spotlight which could then be asked any question by any member!

Here are the rules:
2. If you want to put all the questions you have in one post don't write walls of text
oh look, well you don't mind do you?
thats a plier

salt lamps?
lava lamps?
ever played in rain?
laptop model?
non dairy creamer or diary ones?
do you watch TV?
is that girl a boy too?
do you like biscuits?If the answer is yes, which kind?
do you need batteries?
can your bed fit 2?
any pets?
how many times do you fap a day?
fave season?
do you like pillows?
fave letter from the alphabet?
do you speak greek?
can you read russian?
what about tractors?

Offline Mr.PowPow

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2012, 11:06:18 PM »
This is a game where we choose a member to spotlight which could then be asked any question by any member!

Here are the rules:
2. If you want to put all the questions you have in one post don't write walls of text
oh look, well you don't mind do you?
thats a plier

salt lamps?
lava lamps?
ever played in rain?
laptop model?
non dairy creamer or diary ones?
do you watch TV?
is that girl a boy too?
do you like biscuits?If the answer is yes, which kind?
do you need batteries?
can your bed fit 2?
any pets?
how many times do you fap a day?
fave season?
do you like pillows?
fave letter from the alphabet?
do you speak greek?
can you read russian?
what about tractors?
I'm powsome so I can handle it :p
1) Oh I see, well those seem....nice o.o
2) Witchcraft, such things should not glow.....
3) an insult for morbidly obese people, other than that the -actual- lava lamps are not of any particular interest to me o.o
4) Yeah but I was bed-ridden the next day (and no that doesn't mean I got violently raped in my bed)
5) Mine is a Compaq but has a small hard-drive, I prefer the HP models~
6) Dairy, its less healthy but screw everyone I can have what I want~
7) *smiles for camera*
8) Yogurt is amazing, its the only thing that is white and a liquid/solid that I will allow to go anywhere near my mouth
9) Yeah, but only for comedy shows. You can imagine
10) *pulls the finger*
11) Ever heard of Maryland? I love them, they are so orgasmic~
12) Pot noodles, man dem be yummeh!
13) No...not anymore, I got in trouble for trying to insert batteries inside of myself. I mean there was only one obvious hole to put them in, that makes sense right?
14) I dunno, wanna try? ;)
15) Not at the moment, but I am getting a kitten next week =3
16) Thats for me to know and for you to never find out~
17) Winter, because it hardly snows and nobody is on the streets, its nice and quiet so I take long walks.....and sometimes fall over due to iced paths but thats beyond the point.
18) I honestly don't use pillows, my arms always end up ontop of my pillow and I sleep on my arm. I have no idea why O.o
19) X, its the only letter you can say really fast to make it sound like a word
20)Nope, that was kinda random.....
21) again....
22) Tractors are awesome, if you don't like tractors I shall fight you....

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2012, 11:20:05 PM »
Why you hate Neko's?
What is most fun on Arpegi?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2012, 11:21:45 PM »
Who's your fave character from Scott Pilgrim?
What would be a preferred weapon for the zombie apocalypse?
If there were a zombie apocalypse, who would you take with you?
Referring back, who do you think would die first?

Offline Mr.PowPow

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2012, 11:28:45 PM »
Why you hate Neko's?
What is most fun on Arpegi?
1) Because they are filthy and must be eliminated due to their filthy-ness
2) The people, they are fun to talk and converse with~

Who's your fave character from Scott Pilgrim?
What would be a preferred weapon for the zombie apocalypse?
If there were a zombie apocalypse, who would you take with you?
Referring back, who do you think would die first?
1) If Nega-Scott is counted as a character then him, if he doesnt count then I choose Knives, cuz she be smexy =3
2) EM-Rail Gun, vaporize the zombies =3
3) All the Neko's, they would be good bait, keep all the zombies in one place while they get eaten so I can land a nice clean shot~
4) Oh I dunno, which out of you is the slowest? I'll allow that debate to go on internally =3

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2012, 11:34:47 PM »
Which skin of Arpegi are you using?
If you could donate money to Arpegi... How much would you give?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2012, 11:37:08 PM »
Which skin of Arpegi are you using?
If you could donate money to Arpegi... How much would you give?
1) I think its called Actualism, if you can get me a Kirby theme it would be much appreciated~
2) If I had a steady job, £5 a week, thats reasonable right?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2012, 11:38:59 PM »
ham or hammer
sea breams?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2012, 11:40:33 PM »
ham or hammer
sea breams?
1) You got the ham, I got the mer, lets put'em together and makes sweet sweet love......errm...dunno where that came from o.o
Yeah, hammer~
2) Is that a Pony name or?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2012, 06:58:34 AM »
Views on me?
Views on yourself?
Views on Arpegi?
Favourite fruit?
Favourite vegetable?
Favourite sport?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2012, 10:13:08 AM »
Msn or Skype?
Which language do you want to study?
Who would you like to meet up with?
Why is RPing so awesome?
Anime or manga?
Sub or dub?
Views on dubs?
Views on subs?
Would you delete the timezones too?
What music style do you hate?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2012, 12:23:24 PM »
Views on me?
Views on yourself?
Views on Arpegi?
Favourite fruit?
Favourite vegetable?
Favourite sport?
1) At first I thought you were just an annoying spammer with an equally annoying catchphrase, but upon meeting you in Arpegi I can see that you were actually a really nice guy, and I was even nice enough to make a thread dedicated to you (you know the one :P). I can safely call you my friend =3
2) Owww....uhhhh... well I think I may avoid this question, I'll end up making the thread awkward :p
3) Arpegi is da bomb, true its a bit of a sausagefest at the moment, but its got the cool peeps and its got character, its the home for the cool people~
4) Oranges
5) Peas, yummeh yummeh peas!
6) Golf!

Msn or Skype?
Which language do you want to study?
Who would you like to meet up with?
Why is RPing so awesome?
Anime or manga?
Sub or dub?
Views on dubs?
Views on subs?
Would you delete the timezones too?
What music style do you hate?
1) Msn is faster, Skype is more fun. So Skype I guess :p
2) either Japanese or German
3) from this forum? Everyone, no single person should be left out :p
4) It just is, its magical, its like another world to explore. Its like taking your imagination and laying it flat on a page~
5) Anime, I just think that with the music in the background and the voices portraying the characters it makes the "feeling" better and more vivid. But thats just my opinion. However I still read manga, I just tend to watch anime a little more~
6) Sub, unfortunately some english voice acting is really poor. I would prefer to just watch it the way it was meant to be watched, with japanese voices and subs at the bottom. Thats how I have watched code geass, death note and neon genesis evangelion, the three titans of anime =3
7) Dubs are okay -sometimes-, at times they can be goofy sounding and don't fit the character, and at other times they can be amazing and fit the character like a puzzle piece. But its very rarely amazing.....
8) Subs are a safer way for me to enjoy anime, since its all in japanese I won't be able to criticize the voices since I don't even know what would be classed as "abnormal" or "goofy sounding" in Japanese. So it allows me to focus more on the anime itself.
9) Delete timezones? I dare say "wtf" sir~
10) I honestly don't hate any music style, I'll listen to pretty much anything. Its all good =3

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #42 on: April 05, 2012, 01:45:29 PM »
1. Who do you want to see most as a Nega?
2. Does Nega-pow have la famlia?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #43 on: April 05, 2012, 01:48:43 PM »
1. Who do you want to see most as a Nega?
2. Does Nega-pow have la famlia?
1) Jonez, because it would bring me great pleasure to see the leader fall to the might of the Nega-clan =3
but of course I would love to see everyone fall to the Nega side >3<
2) Nope, Nega's are all bound by the nega-virus, we are all brethren but not family. Families are discarded when the nega takes over, such things are useless =3

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2012, 01:51:36 PM »
Views on me?
Views on American Football?
Favorite athlete?
Favorite sport?
Favorite Team?
Favorite Big Bang Theory character?
Views on Disney Channel (now)?
Views on Disney Channel (past)?
Would you sacrifice both your arms up till your elbows, or both your legs up till your knees, or one arm up to your shoulder, or one leg up to your ass? Which arm or leg?
Watch a cat with cancer die, or stab a newborn puppy?
Negas suck! jk

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #45 on: April 05, 2012, 01:59:46 PM »
Views on me?
Views on American Football?
Favorite athlete?
Favorite sport?
Favorite Team?
Favorite Big Bang Theory character?
Views on Disney Channel (now)?
Views on Disney Channel (past)?
Would you sacrifice both your arms up till your elbows, or both your legs up till your knees, or one arm up to your shoulder, or one leg up to your ass? Which arm or leg?
Watch a cat with cancer die, or stab a newborn puppy?
Negas suck! jk
1) You are quite a funny guy, especialy with the "You don't say" meme. Plus you like Kingdom Hearts which is epic =3
a fine addition to my friend roaster, its just a shame your not a Nega~
2) It should be called Handball, you rarely use a foot in it. We British have the REAL football >_>
3) Tiger Woods, even though he has had some problems in the past~
4) Golf obviously =3
5) Errrrr, I don't there are teams in Golf xD
6) Sheldon!! Bazinga!
7) Terrible~
8) Terrible~
9) I'd just remove my left arm upto my shoulder, I want to keep both of my legs and my right arm. Since I use my right arm for......quite few things o.o
and my legs, well I dunno legs just seem needed~
10) Watch a cat die with Cancer, I can't help that it has cancer but at least I can be there for it as it passes on~
Like hell am I gonna stab a dog, even though I'm allergic to them >_>
11) You'll be converted soon enough~

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2012, 02:42:37 PM »
1. Any hard feelings?
2. Anything to say to the people of this world?
3. Who made you? Scince you have no mothers?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #47 on: April 05, 2012, 02:46:22 PM »
1. Any hard feelings?
2. Anything to say to the people of this world?
3. Who made you? Scince you have no mothers?
1) Hard feelings? I get that a lot when I watch porn~
2) Perish!
3)I -did- have mothers but when I was infected I had to discard them, so I was made the natural way just like every other artificial Nega, Pureblood Nega's are not to be spoken of~

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #48 on: April 05, 2012, 02:51:39 PM »
1. Why have the Neko not told me everything?

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Re: Member Spotlight #4 - Nega-Pow
« Reply #49 on: April 05, 2012, 02:56:54 PM »
1. Why have the Neko not told me everything?
1) Because in the ranks of Nekos you are insignificant to them, thats why I offer my hand to you to join the Negas, there are no ranks, only unity within discord!


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