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The "You" Tag

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Sir Shota:

--- Quote from: Kura on May 17, 2014, 03:14:19 PM ---Really now? :/ I'm against removing it because honestly, it's just a harmless tag that was meant for fun. I think this was an isolated, one-of-a-time incident caused by a member (...I guess ex-member now?) who couldn't take the joke. The great majority of the members don't seem to mind it, and as Miz said, I don't think it'd be prudent to remove a feature from the site just because of one member who didn't like it. Just imagine what would happen if our small community ends up growing to be, say, as big as RomU was. Would we have to change the site to every little request by every little dissatisfied member? Would the other members like that, or would it be harmful to the others?

I say we should poll it up and let the majority decide.

EDIT: Aaaaaand it's already gone. Oh, well. Goodbye, [you] jokes I guess.

--- End quote ---
I apologize if it had to be this way. You never know when something like this might happen again. It's just that even small things like this might spark something bad, and even IF it was a one time thing, you never know when it might happen again with someone new or whatever.

The thing is, people take it the wrong way if they don't know it. So, yeah.

Kiss x Miz:

--- Quote from: NekoJonez on May 17, 2014, 03:24:31 PM ---The thing is, people take it the wrong way if they don't know it. So, yeah.

--- End quote ---
Yeah, that's the point of the joke >.>

Lol. Jonez, you said this discussion would be good but you removed it without even hearing the other side. Honestly, how can you call yourself a fair admin?
Yes, people have gotten misunderstandings from this.
Yes, it can be considered "misuse."
But fuck me if the original intention for the addition of the [you] tag was for the entertainment of it.
Hell, people are going to get offended. I can go ahead and argue that half of these tags are offensive because I can make it so.
I can argue that most are unnecessary as well. But why keep them? Why keep all these tags, and why keep all your plug-ins? Because you have a shitton of those too.
It's because this forum would be plain, and boring, and bland without it.
Just because some people misunderstood it.
Just because people say it could potentially upset members.
You know what? I think the Battle plug-in is bad because you've exploited half the members and made them objects to kill.
You know why?
Because half of us like it.
Because it's fun.
It didn't even become a problem.
I'm sorry to single a member out like this, but he leaves me no choice.
If blindshot had become an antipegian, no doubt this would be an entirely different story.

And smash, if this were to EVER happen again, this new person will have to either get the joke or leave the community.
I'm being honest, because as it stands, we have a community of loose morals and I love that. There's no need to hold back. I love our community BECAUSE everyone can be more or less honest, have fun, make fun of each other, and do stupid shit.
Yes we are a community that loves its family.
But if we are truly a family, we also help each other build tolerance. We can't be a family if all we ever do is settle problems by getting rid of them. That's not a solution, it's an escape.
And if someone gets offended by "____'s a fag"?
They wouldn't be able to handle our community anyway.
HE LEFT BEFORE. He couldn't handle being in this community and he's only come back to stir up things!
If other people came by like that, we wouldn't need their negativity in our community and as far as I am concerned, they can leave.

Sir Shota:
Well, he's not the only one who took a negative offense to the tag. I can honestly say I took offense to it as well, but not to an extreme. But I can also say there are two others who share my opinions. But still, as you tried to explain to him, you could have at least tried to use non-sarcastic remarks and stuff, but no, I guess not, since the insults just kept hurling away at Blindshot.


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