Chat > Member Spotlight

Member Spotlight #19 - Kura

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Well its PEW! here to host yet another spectacular Member Spotlight, this time under the spotlight we have Jonez's Apprentice.

This is a game where we choose a member to spotlight which could then be asked any question by any member!

Here are the rules:

1. If the member chosen doesn't want to answer a question he/she can freely ignore it

2. If you want to put all the questions you have in one post don't write walls of text (but lets face it, you're gonna do that anyway)

3. Members may not request for more time on the MS, you are allotted a single week (7 days exactly, hours may not be exact in certain situations) and no more, no less. If you feel as though you may not be able to fulfill this commitment then please refuse the MS (if it is offered to you) so that another member with sufficient time can fulfill the obligation. (This is non-applicable to MSR)

4. In a dire event such as the death of a relative or a sudden holiday (announced by your parents or something) comes around, then you may postpone the MS to a later date. However the next MS will continue upon your departure, upon your return the current MS will close. You will use up your remaining allotted time, then close and the other MS will then continue for its allotted time. This is only in serious cases, excuses such as exams are not valid. This is to keep consistency within the MS system. (This is non-applicable to MSR)

5. Follow the Arpegi rules please.

6. When the MS holder answers a question put forth by a member, the member, nor anyone else should reply to that answer with a casual remark (non-question), replying to an answer may only be allowed if the reply contains another question for the MS holder to answer. However quote nesting is also prohibited.

7. Pointless questions such as "see you tomorrow?" or "how are you?" are prohibited. Such casual questions can be posed in the Spam thread thread.

8. Violations of rules 6 and 7 will result in a deletion of said posts. If the behavior persists from said individual, then a warning may be issued.

9. Do not ask the same question that a previous member has asked, if it asked in a different way then it may be acceptable so long as it doesn't provoke the same answer as the previous version.

Jonez's Apprentice -  The one who started the chain of Apprenticeship

My pupil.. How is your life?
Do you remember our time RP'ing?
Views on me?

Views on me?


--- Quote from: NekoJonez on July 27, 2012, 06:53:44 PM ---My pupil.. How is your life?
Do you remember our time RP'ing?
Views on me?

--- End quote ---
My life is good. It's not as good as the best life ever, but it's not near as bad as the worst life, it's quite good. :3
Of course I remember. Those were great times! Except I'm uncreative as hell and I suck at RP'ing.
You're good guy Jonez, the creator of this community and the master chief of our RP. The one to begin the revolution against Romulation, and to lead us to victory(or almost)! Also my sensei...What's not to love?

--- Quote from: de almiti dolan on July 27, 2012, 06:53:55 PM ---Views on me?

--- End quote ---
gooby pls

views on me?


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