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Warning: This is a debate, not a rant

I personally think that people in the mainstream are silly and can't decide for themselves. They let "professionals" and television create their lives... what they need to like and don't like.

What are your thoughts about the mainstream... Do you support it or it is just junk?

As earlier stated... I don't like it. To me... the mainstream is just a crappy way for selling stuff on mass scale that looses it's popularity way to quick....


Some mainstream stuff are just deserving to have attention. While some are just ways to get money. Just look at Bieber. Compared to other songs, "BAAAABY BAAABY BAAABY OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!~" seriously doesn't sound like good lyrics to me. It sounds like a role reversal. XD

Shit... Now I get to have nightmares.... :|

Unfortunately a lot of people are sheep, conformity is one of the first lessons in psychology. I've never followed the crowd or trends, and nobody can make me do something I don't want to. I think it comes from being super confident in myself. I have that type of brain that business men and serial killers have, I have no guilt or empathy and people say im cold hearted.

It's sad when all people want to do nowadays is get famous, they all want to be footballers wives or be on big brother or pop idol. Whatever happened to wanting to work hard and earning your fame/fortune?

Well, I hate it when they force you into mainstream...

Things get in the mainstream to easy...


--- Quote from: msg on April 16, 2012, 09:20:16 AM ---It's sad when all people want to do nowadays is get famous, they all want to be footballers wives or be on big brother or pop idol. Whatever happened to wanting to work hard and earning your fame/fortune?

--- End quote ---
They got the shortcut. Unfortunately, they get as many "haters" as there are fans, since they didn't get there with talent and all.


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