Creative > Graphics

It's THAT Time of Year~~~

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Sir Shota:
I was feeling a little festive, so I made this for my avatar:

If anyone wants to do their own on Photoshop, here's the tutorial link:

But if you're feeling lazy, just post up a picture here and someone else can do it for you~~ Well, if anyone takes the request that is.


--- Quote from: Dākusutā Forever on November 24, 2012, 10:53:50 PM ---But if you're feeling lazy, just post up a picture here and someone else can do it for you~~ Well, if anyone takes the request that is.

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What can you do with a picture of a penis? I kid, I kid. Looks great

Sir Shota:

--- Quote from: msg on November 24, 2012, 10:56:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: Dākusutā Forever on November 24, 2012, 10:53:50 PM ---But if you're feeling lazy, just post up a picture here and someone else can do it for you~~ Well, if anyone takes the request that is.

--- End quote ---
What can you do with a picture of a penis? I kid, I kid. Looks great

--- End quote ---

He he~~ If you were serious, I could have put a little vest on it as a bonus~~~ *shot*


Someone put a festive hat on my dear sweet Kaworu-kun =3

Sir Shota:

My My~~~ If you would like the snow effect, say the word~~


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