Gaming > Gaming

Video Game Trivia


NO SPOILERS!!!! This is not a story-related thread, only trivia not dealing with spoilers or story

It can be Multiple Choice, True/False or open ended.

Include the game and, if it's a remake or has a remake, state so.

The main atagonist in the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth, wields a long blade unusable by anybody else named Masamune. Approximately how long is Masamune?

Sir Shota:
I believe that Masamune is over 4 feet in length if I remember correctly.

In the game, Silent Hill 3, when the character Heather dies, a being known as Valtiel drags her away. What were his intentions for dragging her away?

Its speculated that Valtiel removes her body to a safer location to "resurrect the God inside her".


In the game, Star Ocean till the end of time, it is implied outside of the main story that Fayt (the main protagonist) had received an award for what competition?

1) Basketball
2) Tennis
3) Golf

If I remember correctly, it was

1) Basketball

In Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, the main protagonist, Nathan Drake, goes through the streets of Nepal. Upon traveling, a swimming pool will be seen. If Drake takes a swim in the pool, what does he say? How does his partner react?


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