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Author Topic: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread  (Read 16209 times)

Offline NekoJonez

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The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« on: January 06, 2014, 05:45:20 PM »
Alright, let's freaking do this! I want to give Arpegi a present for 2014. While I'm working at improving the site, writing more articles on my blog, doing stuff with friends, studying to become a teach and being awesome (I suppose), I'm organizing this freaking give-away! Depending how this goes, I might do

Arpegi Steam Game Give-away 2014

Before you start, check if you have a Steam account and check which games you already own. If all the games on this list don't interest you or you already own them, I allow a different game around the max price of 15 - 20€.


Garry's Mod
Audiosurf 2 (Has optional AudioSurf 1 included when not owned)
Blood Of The Werewolf
Final Fantasy VIII
Electronic Super Joy + Bonus content
Real World Racing
The Cave + Soundtrack
Stanley Parable
Dust: An Elysian Tail

Suggestions by the Arpegians.

Castle Crashers
Game Dev Tycoon
Papers, please
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
Paranautical Activity
eXceed Pack
Rouge Legacy
Battlefield 2


1) One game PER Arpegi member. And there can only be ONE winner!
2) Trying for multiple games is allowed, yet if you win... You win only one game. (That, and it's bonus content / DLC.)
3) Not everybody can win, so be fair to everybody. Don't be a bad loser. Everybody has a fair chance to win.
4) If there is another game you want to win that isn't in the list and is around the max. of 15 - 20€, hit me a PM and I'll add it to the list.
5) Some of the games are picked from the Arpegians their wishlist  O:-)
6) You have to be a member of the Arpegi Steam Group. If you aren't already. Send me a pm, and I'll add you.
7) Multiple attempts are allowed in this content, but beware. Your last post only counts, all other posts will not count then.
8 ) Spam comments are not allowed here. This will lower your chance of winning.
9) I only give away games on Steam. Reason? It's easier for me to keep track of my payment and money. So, please, requests only for Steam games.
10) You have to play for a game you don't own. I don't want my give-away to become a gift that collects dust or something you enter in a give-away.
11) The more active you are on the forum / community, the higher your chances become to win.
12) If your entry breaks the Arpegi rules, the post will not count. You are allowed to try again though. Forgiving Jonezy is forgiving.

These are the rules for now. I might update them. So, bookmark this topic!

How to enter?

First, add me as a friend on Steam. That'll make it easier to send your price if you win.

Post in this topic something that convinces the Arpegi community why you deserve the game you want. And be creative.

You read about it on my blog or you saw your favorite YouTuber play it on his or her channel. Or you fell in love with the store page. (In that case, get a room :P )

Inb4 big walls of text, please make them readable. Paragraphs make stuff easy to read.

Self-drawn comics, articles, video's, music, podcast... It's all allowed. As long as you can convince us that you deserve the game.

Anyways, how this will go down?

At the end of my exams, which is the 30 of January, I'll lock this topic. The entries will be accepted until 4PM my time. And yes, timezones are sadly enough a thing. So, here is a handy countdown timer for ya:

Then I'll choose my favorite posts in this very thread. And that's were you guys come in again. You are then allowed to pick your favorite from them. The one who gets the most votes wins his or her game!

So, good luck to you all and enjoy the competition. That the best may win~
« Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 09:31:42 PM by The Gaming Neko » »

Offline PriomBlazer

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2014, 05:54:35 PM »
Guys guys vote for me to get Final fantasy 8 and I'll send true and I mean ABSOLUTELY TRUE pictures of ABSOLUTELY REAL!!!!!!


Offline Sir Shota

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2014, 08:26:11 PM »
I believe I deserve Garry's Mod for the taking. I'd love to have an absolute playhouse I can mess around with, creating ridiculous screenshots and such, as well as something to show off on Tumblr and the like. It's also something that can keep me occupied whenever I have nothing to do, as well as something to keep me happy when I'm down~ :3

Offline Cupcake Fury

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2014, 09:02:28 PM »
Game's I'm applying for:
The Cave
Electronic Super Joy
Audisurf 2
The Stanley Parable
Dust: An Elysian Tale

Well I don't really have too many reasons on why I want or why I deserve them (I don't even think I have any on why I deserve them ;u;) but well here goes.
I've been wanting to do a playthrough of these games and for the ones I can get 60+ fps on I want to record (I need more content on my channel :l) so this giveaway if I'm lucky is great for me and my channel.

Other then that well.. There is one reason why I think I deserve any of those >-> So recently I've been thinking of stuff, something clicked and I can't get the damned thought outta my head, the only thing that seems to work is distracting myself even more so then usual to momentarily stop thinking about it.. With more game's I can distract myself more from this nightmare of a mental torment from this thought.

Well, that's about it I suppose :L

Bump: And now applying for Castle Crashers as well :3
Double Bump: Now applying for the games that I suggested as well which are:
Castle Crashers
Game Dev Tycoon
Papers, please
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
Paranautical Activity
eXceed Pack
Rouge Legacy
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 05:00:38 PM by Cupcake Fury » »

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2014, 12:44:07 AM »
Final Fantasy VIII is the only one on my wishlist. I'll take that.

Offline Muffin

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2014, 03:31:29 AM »
I want the Stanley Parable because...Wait just a moment...The Stanley Parable isn't a game it's an experience! Or is it a game? I don't know, I plyed the demo and the game was barely even a somethig, yes a something kind of like 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Eight 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8...Oh? That's annoying? Well, too bad, you can easily stop reading this post but...since you're already this far, why would you even stop? I mean, I bet it would cost even more effort not reading it and being curious as to what was writtn here than just finishing it. So you might as well read it to the end, right? Well, I'm not actually writing anything /that/ substantial here so I guess you could just say "Oh, these first few lines were a waste of time, I shouldn't finish it because the rest probably is too." and I guess you're right if you thought that...But since you're here, you musn't actually think that, right? Well, I bet you started thinking that now, though. "Will this thing ever end?", yeah I heard you, you must think this is boring or redundant or pointless. Well, it is! Everything is pointless! Life is pointless! It's like a Pixy Stick. Yum. Yes Piy Sticks. Pixy Sticks are delicious, esecially those blue ones, I love those. Haven't had a Pixy Stick in a long while, though, which is kind of sad really...And you know what's even saddr? How uncreative, winded and pointless (Like a Pixy Stick) this wall of text is. So I'm gonna cut this short, I oiginally planned this for to go on forever and the only way stop it was to skp to the end and see how I foold you into reading an infinite wall of text and then I'd even hint towards a secret code in this! It is possible I might have left that last part in though, so good luck fiding it! If it exists that is. And it does. Or at least I hope so. Well, I might provide a hint to its existene. Or not. Or maybe I already have? I don't know, depends if you wanna waste your time looking for it. But it might be worth the effort. Oh, there's that word again. "Effort". Remember the last time you saw that? Seems like I probably lost the bet, so here you can have the neurons and time you wastd on this paragraph. *Poof* Just kidding, I'm no time mage. But, I can end this now since I lost the bet. Alright, I'm gonna end this paragraph...Now...Wait...No...Wait for it...Now! It seems like I lost control of my hands, they can't stop typing help me please...Kidding again! Hah, I bet I fooled you, so I'm this now in a weird way. I'm gonna end it the same way I began. Here: So, that's why I want the game the Stanley Parable, it's because it's...Wait a moment...The Stanley Parable isn't a game it's

Ah, so it seems you've found this. Well, this place is where the answer to the hidden message is. Yes! It does exist! It was the missing letters in the obvious typos I left. If you get each letter and then rearrange them (There might be red herrings in the mix!) it's supposed to write out "an experience". Heh, clever, eh? Also, if you found out the code before reading this, wow, you must have a lot of time on your hands. And if you didn't believe me and read through the whole thing again just to check if the typos write out the message. Wow, you really must a lot of time on your hands. I should stop typing this or else it'll become even more inconspicuous than it already is!

Offline PriomBlazer

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2014, 09:30:09 AM »

Guys guys vote for me to get Final fantasy 8 and I'll send true and I mean ABSOLUTELY TRUE pictures of ABSOLUTELY REAL!!!!!!

Alllllllright mates I think I got a pretty good deal going here

I love classic rpgs and trying this game out just proves my love eternal L-O-V-E

and it's not just a deal for me if I get a game everyone who wants me to win gets pictures of kittens (with the words naked and french as a bonus!).

How just how can you refuse this offer?
Do you know how many people love kittens?
Go ask your mom she probably loves 'em (that'll explain all your extra fur...)

Now gimme da games and get da kittenz

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2014, 10:00:52 AM »
I'd like to suggest adding Castle Crashers to the list mostly because I don't think I'd be able to run most of the currently listed games on my laptop. ;_;

pls gibe castell crushurz i like it lots i pley coop wid u guyz if i haz it

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2014, 10:58:31 AM »

Suggestion: La-Mulana
Entry: The Cave

I strongly suggest La-Mulana to be put on this list as it is one of the best damn games I've ever played and has a perfect balance of difficulty, exploration, and fuck-yous that make it so god damn fun to play. If I had to choose something already on this list? I would say I would enter for The Cave.

Do I deserve to get a gift? I don't know. I used to be really really active on arpegi, this is my internet home. But it is very hard for me to get here these days either because of work, personal projects, or spending time with Inunah. I won't try to convince you if I should or shouldn't receive anything because most of you have a fairly set opinion of me. To those that get what they want, I be happy for you bro.

On an unrelated note, once I'm done with a project I'm doing with the Raocow Talkhaus, I will be continuing said project here. Also, I am in the process of setting up a competition with Kongregate and awaiting approval by higher ups to see if they'll host me. Also, since I haven't seen most of you since last month, I hope the New Years are treating you well

I miss the gang :c
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 11:02:12 AM by NekoBot » »

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2014, 12:45:16 PM »
ooh ooh, Uncle Fisty applying for Battlefield 2

Reason: BF2 is a multiplayer game, which means owning a legit copy is the way to go. BF2 would run without any hitches on my lowly laptop and offer tons of fun. Do I deserve it? That's up to you to decide :P

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2014, 05:09:10 PM »
I'd like to sign up for AudioSurf II and Final Fantasy VIII.

I think I deserve them because I promise to be more active on a more than once in a week base.
I also think I deserve them because I've actually been looking for a reason to start gaming again,
 and I think FFVIII is a good game to get me into the whole RPG thing again. I also enjoyed playing other FF games (I recently finished FF I and II on emulator in November) and I used to play FF7 over and over again on my playstation 1 with the 4 disc thingie (such a pain in the ass).
I never got to buying FF8 for my playstation (which I totally regret, seeing how awesome FF7 was) because I wanted to save some money for new games from Crash Bandicoot (those were awesome, goddamnit) and for a playstation 2.
On the topic of Audiosurf II, not really a specific reason other than the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed Audiosurf 1.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 03:20:10 PM by Loch Shreddy » »

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2014, 07:22:15 AM »
You guys know what I'm signing up for: FINAL FANTASY VIII

As you all (hopefully) know, I am a HUGE Final Fantasy fan, and I deserve this game because I love Final Fantasy with a deep passion. VIII is among my favorite of them all and Squall is one of my favorite FF characters. As a way to prove I deserve this, I threw together this drawing:

(click to show/hide)

I'm sorry it is not as best as it could be, as I have too much homework and schoolwork etc and I am not feeling so well. Also, Please excuse that awful handwriting. I'm entering the drawing, not the handwriting XD Lastly, I do not have a scanner, so this is a picture I took on my phone

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Re: The Arpegi Giveaway of January 2014 thread
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2014, 10:19:45 AM »
Closing the topic! Time is up, when I return home from my last exam, the voting topic will be up.


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