Author Topic: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay  (Read 205987 times)

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2012, 09:36:18 PM »
*Askardi gets into the cart but does not sit down*
"My name is Askardi of the Aspargian people. You might have heard of us perhaps. My people were great and ruled the continent far north of here. But alas my people were slaughtered in one night by men I can only describe as demons. My people fought bravely and took many with them. Our enemy was unknown to me, nor was there any indecation of there arrival. I myself fought off many but was told to leave by my masters. My only purpose is to avenge my people and kill this unknown enemy of mine. I am nuetral in all conflict save my own personal matter. I offer my services to all as a hired man with all of the expertise of the Elite Aspargian Guard. Through these hires and money earned I will head to the southern most regions of this land to where I beleive my enemy lies. I am of valuble aid but I will not waiste my time on you or your people if I am not needed... My skills... I can shoot a pebble off a stone at 50 paces with my arrow and I can take care of many by myself. My horse Burdengsh is the fastest known to man and Im excellent in white magic but not so much in fire. We of the Aspargi cannot use magic for reasons that root back to time long past. This is what I can offer you if not companionship as well."
*Askardi then gets off the cart and mounts his horse*
"May you think of my proposition of hired help good general....."
*Askardi then starts to ride away*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2012, 09:43:51 PM »
Nemmy: I'm looking for an honest man who understands me. No rude man like you.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #27 on: April 27, 2012, 09:48:44 PM »
As Askardi rides slowly away, the General quickly gets up from his seat and shouts

TMU General: Hey wait! If you are seasoned in combat, we could use your help.....we are on a trek to the Muram Grasslands for reasons I'm not at liberty to explain. However if you were to safely aid us in getting there, there would be a handsome reward by the Queen of Tamathy. All of the TMU is getting paid well for this mission, and all accomplices are no different.

The General then sits back down as a few soldiers run towards the cart and raise the ramp back into the carts interior and close it off.

TMU General: If you accept then keep following
Darka had a cold look on his face, as if to say that the General was foolish. But not a word passed his lips.


The recruit simply smirks and lays his head back, kicking his feet onto the other bench.

Strange Recruit: Well, I'm sure that will change with time. May I at least have your name? My little sugar dumpling.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #28 on: April 27, 2012, 09:53:22 PM »
Nemmy: Like I'd tell YOU. And you won't get my name with that tone. *she wiggles her finger at him teasingly*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2012, 09:57:55 PM »
The cart suddenly ran over a huge bump, which threw the recruit to the side and landed his face in Nemmy's chest. He quickly retracted and looked devastated at her, knowing that this wouldn't end well.

Strange Recruit: Oh...ummm...gotta diffuse the situation, uhhh....HI, the name is Walter, Walter Watts!

He looked to laughed nervously

Walter: Heh heh...
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 10:03:32 PM by Mr.PowPow » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #30 on: April 27, 2012, 10:09:14 PM »
*Askardi hears the generals call and smiles quietly to himself*

theres more going on here then i thought... I might have the funds to pursue my ghost after this adventure..."

*he stops in front of the troop. the small army mills around him until all have passed. The Aspargian then follows the rear queitly, curiouse of this mismatched militia* 

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2012, 10:18:46 PM »
Koel carries on running as fast as he can in the background, wading through the countryside, his shoes covered in mud and grass. He stops for a moment and looks at the convoy, not too far away from him.
Koel: Jeez....keeping up on foot while maintaining a distance...harder than I thought....
He looks closer and notices that the horsebacked man was following them, closely enough for them to notice, however the soldier do not react to him.
Koel: What? He is with them too? What are those guys upto?
Koel then proceeds running after his short break, keeping a tight grip of his huge clunky sword as he did.

When Askardi had fallen back to the bottom of the convoy, Darka and the General return to their secluded conversation.
Darka:....whats with all of this outside help? Am I not enough?
The General starts to become nervous
TMU General: thats not it, its just that even the best of plans go wrong sometimes, a little backup won't hurt.
Darka:.....whatever, not like I particularly care.....

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2012, 10:48:08 PM »
*Askardi felt no loyalty to these men and found it funny to watch them. He soon became bored and looked about the area. He instinctively drew out his ranged weapon looking to game hunt for dinner. He spoted a bird and let loose an arrow peircing the neck. Like a stone it falls out of the sky a little up the path. Once close enogh to collect his prize he thought he saw movement on his left he stared long and hard at the spot. He drew an arrow and let it loose next to a tree, piercing it deep into the trunk

. Nothing stired. satisfied he collected his prize rejoined the group after stringing the morsle and placing it in a pouch on his steed*
« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 10:51:23 PM by NekoBot » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #33 on: April 27, 2012, 11:10:45 PM »
As the convoy slowly proceeds to the end of the long road into the Muram Grasslands, all seems going according to plan.
Suddenly the front cart is thrown into the air at a great height, shards of wood that came off the cart quickly impaled several soldiers, killing them instantly or simply stapling them to the ground. The wreckage of the cart crashing down to the right side of the road, out of the way with the soldiers limping out of it, covered in blood, some carrying their comrades in their arms.
The remaining carts come to a halt with the soldiers rushing out of them, drawing their swords and approaching the massive figure in the middle of the road.
Then a word that sent shivers down the spine of all those who heard it.....
Unnamed voice: OGRE!
(click to show/hide)
The giant beast swings its club and launches a soldier all the way to Askardi's feet like a ragdoll, his blood soon making its way to splatter onto his corpse. As this happens the war cries of the remaining soldiers attempting to combat the Ogre are heard from all over the area.

The cart screeches to a halt as great struggle could be heard from outside. The sound of crashing of wood and the crunching of bones blurring out any inner thoughts.
Walter: What the heck?!
Walter attempts to step outside, but the other two recruits push past him to make their way
Recruits 1&2: Leave this to us!
As they make their way outside, they look from left to right. Only for a massive wooden club to come crashing from above, their blood and guts littering the floor around their mangled bodies.
Walter covering his mouth to stop himself from vomiting
Walter: urug...Oh my god....

As Koel watches from the distance he outstretches his sword and looks towards the Ogre, slowly picking away at the soldiers in the now halted convoy.
Koel: Damn! I gotta help them!
Koel begins to run in the direction of the chaos, his sword cutting the heads off the flowers as it glides through the tall grass in his progression. Hastily approaching the road.
Koel: Don't worry Nemmy, I'm coming!

Darka sits back calmly as he sees through the opening in the back of the cart, watching the soldiers being mangled and beating to death with the massive club, the Ogre occasionally using its hands to rip the soldiers in half, their blood staining the road as their screaming ceases.

TMU General: What are you doing?! We are losing our forces, help us?!

Darka: Let your little lapdogs do the work, we are not in the grasslands yet.....I have no business to help you....

TMU General: Tchh!......Damn....

« Last Edit: April 27, 2012, 11:12:00 PM by Mr.PowPow » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2012, 12:16:27 AM »
*Askardi dismounts and checks the man for lifesigns. There were none. Out of respect he closes the mans eyelids and whispers a prayer. He then looks up at the violent ogre and mounts his partner, rushing in to help the frontline.*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2012, 12:45:34 AM »
Nemmy: Grr......*she punches Walter clean in his nose*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2012, 01:00:46 PM »
Koel then finally makes it to the road, leaping over the fence that separates the countryside and the road and landing with a great thump. His sword clanking to the ground.
Koel: Tchhh, almost there!
Koel then picks up his sword and runs towards the ensuing battle, dashing past the countless corpses and pools of blood that litter the battlefield.
Eventually he comes to the main area and hides behind a destroyed cart. The Ogre not too far in front, still fighting off soldiers.
Koel: I can't rush in, not yet......I have to plan this out.

Walter grabs his nose with pain and leans against the carts wall

Walter: Guh, what the hell are you doing?!
People are dying out there!

Walter looks under the bench that he was previously sitting on and pulls out a small metal box, he opened it and pulled out a wooden crossbow, with the words "No love lost" etched into the hilt.
Walter then arms his crossbow and runs out of the carriage leaving Nemmy, running into the open, quickly taking cover behind a large piece of debris.


TMU General: Thats it, I can't take it anymore!
We will not lose our soldiers to this one complication!

The general peeped his head out of the cart and starting shouting

TMU General: All soldiers, do not engage the Ogre! Retreat to this cart and stand your ground here!

Darka glared at the General

Darka: Is this for their safety.....or your own?

TMU General: Well I.....

Darka: expected.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 01:02:17 PM by Mr.PowPow » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2012, 01:33:51 PM »
Nemmy: Hmph.....that's for violating me earlier!! *she pulls out her dual crossbows from inside her sleeves, then pulls her hood up as she takes cover behind another piece of debris*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2012, 12:04:35 AM »
Askardi slows as the desperate men and women rush to the generals cart*

"It would be suicide to confront the ogre now alone..."

Askardi dismounts his horse and sends it away. He then calmly  hid behind a significant pile of bodies and debre.*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2012, 04:08:29 AM »
Almost as if appearing from nowhere, she was suddenly crouching next to Askardi. She was grinning and peeking out at the ogre, a wild look on her face. "Oh WOW," she muttered. Her head turned toward the man next to her, the grin on her face unfading. "Is that a real ogre? I've never seen one up close!" The girl turned back to the battle, looking ready to spring from the hiding spot at any moment.

'I really want to get up there and see for myself,' she thought, her look turning inquisitive as she studied the ogre's slow movement.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2012, 04:15:27 AM »
*Askardi was shocked by the girls sudden appearence...*

"What?! Where'd you come from? Actually... perhaps after the battle.."

*Askardi looks to the Ogre preparing his bow and cutlass

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2012, 04:26:56 AM »
Before the man finished speaking, she gently pushed some sort of docile fairy-like dragon creature toward him. "Watch Nom for me, please," she said, running off. Out of its sheath came a partially broken knife as she stopped right in front of the ogre. The grin on her face slowly faded as the two 'opponents' eyed each other. They stared at each other for what felt like hours, until the girl broke out into a run around the creature. From the way she was running, it appeared that she was attempting to confuse or dizzy the ogre in a stereotypical fashion to give others the time to prepare and attack. However, it didn't appear to be working at all.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #42 on: April 29, 2012, 04:30:57 AM »
Koel looking back to Askardi and the girl, reading his sword by holding it with both hands and looking directly at the Ogre.

Koel: If you're gonna help, better get to it!

The Ogre drops a half mangled soldier from its mouth as the corpse drops to its dirty grotesque feet. Using its club to sweep away the corpses in front of it, it slowly makes its way towards the trio, breathing heavily while looking at them all with cold dead eyes.

A battle stirs


                                                                                Koel                              VS                         Ogre                                                                                       


Battle Objective: Defeat the Ogre!
Battle Music:

Begin Conflict!
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 04:32:03 AM by Mr.PowPow » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2012, 04:50:20 AM »
The girl stopped next to Koel, catching her breath as she tied her hair into one tight ponytail. She didn't need her hair getting in the way, that was for sure. She ran at the ogre, making as wide a slash as she could with the partially broken knife she held. Once her arm came back down, she did a dodge-like hop backwards back toward her previous spot. She glanced at her knife. "Man, I really need to find some money and get this fixed," the girl muttered to herself.

She looked back up and decided to spend more time as the distraction than an attacker this time. Her knife wasn't in the best of shape, sure, but it wasn't even that sharp at the moment! The girl ran back up to the ogre and made flamboyant movements as she attempted to both distract the big lug and dodge its attempts to kill her at the same time. The way she was doing things was very unconventional, but that didn't seem to bother her one bit.

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #44 on: April 29, 2012, 04:51:41 AM »
Nemmy: Double Shot!!! *she holds her bows up, moves forward, then shoots 4 light powered arrows towards the ogre* Take this! *she then moves back, taking careful stance*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #45 on: April 29, 2012, 05:01:42 AM »
Koel runs hastily towards the Ogre, with his sword being held in the backhand fashion. As he reaches the proximity of the Ogre he makes a wide vertical slash, the weight of the sword not hindering him at all.
Koel: Tcchh, the skin is tough....
Koel then keeps moving, dodge rolling around the Ogre to avoid its slow hitting attacks. As he comes out of the roll he kicks himself into the air with one great push with his right foot, while in mid-air he slashes once across the Ogres back, then a final slash going downwards as he descends, his sword crashing to the hard soil ground behind the beast.
He then looks to the clumsy looking girl who is fighting alongside him, seemingly dashing around the Ogre and using speed instead of strength.
Koel: I don't know who you are, but you are handling yourself well....keep it that way!
he then rolls underneath the Ogres legs and comes out the opposite side as the Ogre tries to compensate by turning around, ending uping facing the complete opposite direction as Koel looks to him from behind yet again.
Koel: Stupid beast....

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #46 on: April 29, 2012, 07:21:23 PM »
*Askardi puts the dragon in his pocket or tried to as it sat on his head.

His special bow ready he stands up, turns and rapidly fires 6 arrows. All but 3 peirce the dark skin.*

"This wont do... ßÆÇØÆÑÂ!

*Askardi calls out in his tounge. In long practiced movement Askardi puts the dragon in his pocket and jumps on his horse as it gallops passed. He takes out the cutlass and slashes violently at theOgre as they pass it. They cometo a stop 7 yards behindthe ogre.*

"By the Deamons Cleave! Strong..."     

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #47 on: April 29, 2012, 07:46:51 PM »
As the warriors strike the Ogre one after the other, slicing and shooting its tough skin, the Ogre throws its massive club to the ground in rage and lets out a great roar that bellows throughout the area, causing the soldiers in the background to cower and shudder.
The beast then retrieves its club and slowly stomps towards Melodia due to its aggravation towards her for Melodia's recent attempt at confusing it with quick movements, knocking her to the ground with a great horizontal swing, then it pulls back its club and preforms and overhead vertical swing that crashes down on Melodia.
After it draws back its club, it slowly turns away and faces Koel and preforms a jump, it then quickly falls down next to Koel. The impact of its heavy body into the dry soil ground made the ground shake and caused Koel to fall and injure himself.
The beast then turns around to the rest of the group, with club in hand it gives them all a cold stare. Showing them that it isn't over yet.

Round 1 Results

Team 1

Askardi 200/200 92%

Koel 181/200 90%

Melodia 178/200 92%

Nemmy 200/200 92%

Enemy Team

Ogre 444/500 79%

Round Opinion: Some good damage has been done, but more attacks need to be executed to take it down faster, the Ogre has a higher attack gap than you do. The standard is 1-20, but the Ogre's is 1-30. So it leaves him with more damage points to deal.
Remember, multiple attacks only count if its stated that it is a separate attack, saying that you have "shot or stabbed the creature more than once" will only count as one single attack. It must be a separate sentence for the next attack.

Resume Conflict~

« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 07:54:19 PM by Mr.PowPow » »

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #48 on: April 29, 2012, 08:02:56 PM »
*Askardi dismounts his horse and whiPers in its ear. The beatiful strong beast runs at Koel and doesnt stop. Instead, it brings down its head and scoops/ flips him on its back.*

"Use my horse!"

*Askardi then turns around and gives covering fire to the Ogres back with aconstant stream of arrows. Its shoulders are steadedly becoming like a porcupines as the sleak arrow shafts barely penetrate the skin*

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Re: Crimson Moon: Angelus roleplay
« Reply #49 on: April 29, 2012, 08:23:11 PM »
As the Ogres attention is drawed towards Askardi after the arrow barrage, Koel manages to pick himself up from the floor, grabbing his sword and stabbing it into the ankle of the Ogre. Twisting the blade deep into its flesh and then ripping the sword out. The Koel raises his sword and slashes towards, the cold steel slicing against the green, moldy skin of the Ogre and watching as small amounts of black blood oozes out of the small wound.
Koel:Man you are disgusting....
He then raises his foot to the wound and kicks himself backwards, preforming a backflip and landing several meters away from the previous position. Koel then raises his blade and dashes towards the Ogre for a final time, dragging his blade across the ground, readying his upcoming attack as the steel buries into the brown soil, only to come bursting out and slashing towards the sky, cleaving a wound into the Ogres chest.


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