Thanks for the .exe, I appreciate it. But, don't go thinking that I'm a horrible person for being frustrated about a simple request. In the title, I asked for a .exe, I would have assumed you'd have understood that I tried both the regular and mirror links, otherwise, I wouldn't have made this post. As far as a negative response, that you call insulting, I assume you'd only be referencing my last post, which, was exaggerated, I will admit.

I don't know how that was misinterpreted.
As far as I'm concerned, I got my link, issues resolved, crisis averted. However, if you want to start a fight, take it up with Jonez, who will likely take your side anyways, all things considered. What do you want me to do? Dissapear for another year? That wouldn't solve anything. What would you have Jonez and Miz do? Ban me? That'd be easy, considering your relationship with the pair. What matters, and what SHOULD matter in the end, are my contributions to the site, most of which, noone ever sees.
Now, I would love to settle whatever grievances you or anyone has with me via a private conversation, but, as it stands, the only person to complain about anything is you.
But you know what? I'm not going to win a petty argument when it is against someone with power, so why should I bother, what a circle jerk is this! I'm going to talk to Jonez when I can and settle our tab. If what is said in our exchange is of a particular degree, I will make the appropriate action, whether that be to leave or otherwise.